Chapter 2096 Stabilize the character
God Zangde is also a little anxious, what kind of evidence is this, that Yingwu is making trouble for no reason?He always thought that there was something wrong with this commander. From the first time he met, he found that this commander was impeccable in his speech, and he didn't suffer at all.

He learned that the Evil God's Mansion held a banquet, and based on his understanding of Wang Ning, he would definitely not invite him, but the other party would definitely invite the new Commander-in-Chief, that's why he blocked people here. He was always terrified these two days, This is not a good sign.

As a result, the person was blocked, but he was even more convinced that Yingwu went crazy and attacked the priest Si Ming's guilt, so he subconsciously grabbed Si Ming, wanted to force him to stay, and asked a few more questions, but with The three people who were acquainted with each other seemed to have misunderstood him, and the expression seemed to be that he was playing tricks behind his back.

It was too late for Zangde to explain, because Si Ming had already opened her natal artifact "Wheel of Fortune" and flicked his hand away.

Jian Jian didn't think that Zangde's grab was a friendly gesture towards her, coupled with the expressions of Caixia, Liufeng, and Xiuqi, she turned around while opening the body protection artifact, and said indifferently:

"Shenjun Zangde, I've said everything I need to say, and I've given you the picture jade, what else do you want to do? Force me to say that your lover Yingwu didn't attack me, that it was all a misunderstanding? You know This is simply impossible!"

"But I don't believe Yingwu will attack you for no reason!"

Zangde Shenjun's face also sank, as if tearing his face apart.

Simple will not be used to the other party, raised his hand to let the wheel of fate return to its place, and then said directly:

"It's your fault if you don't believe it, and the fact is what it is! I will never change my mouth! I have already given you face, if you pester me again, don't blame me for being rude!"

"Hmph! You must have lied. Come with me to the Corrections Department and confront Ying Wu face to face!"

Zangde Shenjun simply smashed the jar, directly exposing his purpose, raised his hand to catch Jian Jian, and he was confident that he could take down the opponent within three moves.

The simple phoenix eyes narrowed, she really thought she was easy to bully, it seemed that she was going to show her sword.

"Zangde, you are really shameless!"

The simple voice echoed in front of the Evil God's Mansion, attracting a new wave of onlookers. The guards of the Evil God's Mansion had already rushed in to report.

"Master Cthulhu, there is a fight at the door!"

"What's going on? That short-sighted person actually did something at the door of my mansion?"

Wang Ning raised her eyebrows and asked.

"It was the priest Si Ming who came to the banquet, but was stopped by the god Zangde. After the two of them said a few words, Si Ming was ready to enter the mansion. Unexpectedly, Zang De was not happy, and insisted on arresting Si Ming to punish Si and Ying. Goddess Dance confronted each other, the two parties have already fought, you should go and have a look."

The guard explained what happened in a few words.

"This Zangde is really brave. He actually attacked my guests in front of my mansion. I was worried that I would not have the opportunity to settle accounts with him! But he jumped out by himself, let's go! Go and see!"

Wang Ning walked out of the mansion, the red clothes standing beside her immediately turned into a stream of light and returned to the master's dantian, she felt that the master would definitely draw the sword this time.

When Wang Ning arrived at the gate of the mansion, Jian Jian was holding his own Moxi sword, and started the first round of attacks.

Zangde was also holding his own natal sword, but the more he fought, the more frightened he became, because none of his attacks could actually land on Si Ming, and he felt that the natal sword in his hand was a bit disobedient, and the attacks always It was a beat slower.

But the other half is simple. After holding the Moxi sword, the whole person's aura changes. It is not the gentle and beautiful Si Ming, but more like a killing god.

Moxijian and Jianjian have been together so far, it can be said that she grew up with her, and they have been connected with each other for a long time. At this time, facing the god Zangde, Moxijian didn't even use the master's divine power. While affecting the opponent's natal sword, The attacks became more and more tricky.

In the realm opened by Shenjun Zangde, simple attacks became more and more unscrupulous. Anyway, she was passively fighting back. Even if she went to the punishment department, she would not be punished too severely.

The entire realm is filled with simple gray sword shadows. Every time it collides with Zangde's golden sword shadow, strong sparks will burst out, and the gray sword shadow hitting the realm wall will make the realm fade a bit. It seems that it is consuming the power of the realm.

The simple eyes have turned purple-gold, and all the attacks of God Zangde have turned into slow motion in her eyes. Under the coercion of cotton candy, she can dodge or knock down the opponent's attacks with the power of law with ease, At the same time, he kept changing positions and swung the Moxi sword to fight back.

"Master, why are you so dawdling? With your current strength, you can kill him with just one sword strike!"

Mo Xi said in a depressed tone.

"You think I don't want to, so many people are watching! If Zangde really dies by my sword, then I will be the one who will be punished!
This is just right now, he attacked me first, I counterattacked passively, and there are so many witnesses, I beat him openly, and he will be punished later, my Goddess can't be defeated! "

"Tsk tsk, pull it down! You still have a godly woman design, I think you can maintain the character design of the commanding priest!"

Mo Xi couldn't hold back, and directly complained about her master.

There was a loud "bang", and the two sword shadows collided together. The gray sword shadow was really aggressive. It directly shattered the golden sword shadow and landed heavily on Zangde Shenjun's natal sword.

"Crack" A small crack appeared on Zangde's natal sword, and then the crack spread rapidly. When Zangde Shenjun spat out a mouthful of blood, his natal sword was completely broken in two, and the boundary he opened The domain also disappears.

The big and small gods watching the excitement all opened their mouths wide in shock. This is considered a counterattack, and they actually overthrew Zang De, who was in the gods' realm, with the cultivation base of the goddess realm. Moreover, this is not an embroidered pillow, but he has actually surpassed the gods battlefield.

Jian Jian had already received the Mo Xi sword, frowned and said:

"Moxi, why are you so brave today, I don't see you breaking the sword of life as soon as you come up!"

"Cough, because you hate him, I already have a connection with you, so I'm sure I won't take it lightly!"

Moxi quickly made amends, so he wouldn't say clearly that he had already recovered to his peak state in the God Realm, and dealing with God Lord Zangde was just a matter of one sword, so it was difficult for him to cooperate with his master's personality and work hard to control his strength.

Master Zangde held the remaining half of his natal sword, knelt down on one knee, and was wiping the blood from the corner of his lips. His gaze towards Jianjian had completely changed.

After simply confirming that he is still Meimei's Commander-in-Chief, he opened his mouth and said:

"I said long ago that you and Yingwu's son Chen Hai are self-inflicted, but the main culprit for his end is the two of you!

Do you know how many beasts and insects he secretly descended into the world, how many of them were swallowed up in the cultivation world and the fairy world?How many monks and immortals fell to wipe out those evil beasts and insects?
It is not wrong for you to lose to me, because I have been fighting against evil beasts and insects since I cultivated the Continent until I ascended to the Immortal Realm. It was not until I ascended to the God Realm today that I realized that the source of the disaster is your good son Chen Hai!Damn him! "

(End of this chapter)

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