Chapter 2098
Just as the god Zangde turned into a stone and filled up the ravine of the river of origin, a green-robed god in the other world opened his eyes, and then disappeared into the cave where he was meditating.

"Sage Primordial, the person we arranged to enter the other world has already died."

The green-robed god respectfully reported to the black-robed man standing in the starry sky.

"Did he send a message back before he died?"

"He said that in the world he lives in, there is also a problem with the river of origin. In order to disturb the world he lives in, he privately releases evil beasts and insects, steals the soul tree, and guides evil spirits into the underworld."

"The results of it?"

The man asked in a deep voice.

"It was temporarily resolved, so he was also exposed."

The Qingpao God Venerable said in a low voice.

"The last time we played against each other, we were so close that we had to retreat. We were able to maintain it until now because of the sacrifice of four gods. Now their River of Origin is also in trouble. It's hard to guarantee that they won't take the initiative to challenge. Everyone get ready!"

The man waved his hand.

"Yes! I'll arrange it now!"

As soon as the Qingpao God Venerable cupped his hands, he left the highest point in the starry sky.

"Old friend, let me see how you resolve the crisis this time, whether to provoke a new round of battle, or to watch the three thousand worlds under your control slowly disappear."

The black-robed man murmured.

God Realm No.20 Five Heavens Evil God Mansion

Wang Ning, the evil god who has returned to his position, is still perverse and sharp, but he has restrained his sharpness and is willing to make friends. Coupled with his return to the throne, the "Evil Cave" has been suppressed and is no longer on the brink of riots. And he did his best to dispel the evil spirit, which can be regarded as earning some reputation for himself.

In fact, from a simple point of view, what gave him the most points was his indistinguishable face, especially his pair of peach blossom eyes, which looked like people were wearing hooks, which made many goddesses blush, including Caixia. goddess.

"Caixia, didn't you say that you only have God of War in your heart? Now there's another evil god added?"

Simply touched Caixia who was in a nympho, and asked in a low voice.

"The God of War belongs to the entire God Realm. Besides, he has not yet returned to his position. This does not affect my admiration for Wang Ning. He is also very powerful. His combat power back then was not inferior to the God of War. It was only because of his character that he was not considered a commander. , and in addition, he was insane at the time, that's why he fell into a low position."

Caixia took a sip of the fine nectar in the cup, and then explained in a low voice.

"I see!"

Simply nod to show that you understand, anyway, as long as you have a good-looking face, this one will admire you.

At this moment, Wang Ning walked straight towards the two of them, causing Caixia who was at the side to be a little more excited:

"Siming! Siming! He is coming towards us!"

The excited appearance made Jian Jian ignore it.

"It is my honor for the two goddesses to come to the Evil God Mansion!"

Wang Ning was talking about the scene, raised the white jade wine glass in her hand, and signaled to the two of them.

"Where, we have to thank Mr. Wang Ning for the invitation!"

Goddess Caixia narrowed her eyes with a smile, raised her glass in response, and took a sip of the fine nectar very reservedly.

"Priest Commander, you were shocked just now. I didn't expect that God Lord Zangde would be so courageous that he would dare to do something in front of so many people."

Wang Ning turned her gaze to a simple, very official greeting.

"Speaking of which, I've only learned it on behalf of others. After all, the former Priest Si Ming and Zang De Shenjun's family seem to be at odds."

Simple and polite response.

Then Wang Ning consciously led Jian Jian to a separate table. It seemed that she had other questions to ask. The gods have been repaired.

"I originally thought that I would invite you to visit the 25th Heaven in a fair and honest manner, but I didn't expect to give God Zangde a chance to block you."

Seeing that there was no one else around, Wang Ning tugged at his collar and said lazily.

"Yingwu has demolished the Siming Mansion once and was sent to the Department of Punishment. Zangde couldn't find the reason for Yingwu's madness, so he could only find a breakthrough from me, but the god king in charge of the twelve heavens would not let him Set foot in Siming Mansion.

It just so happened that you had some kind of celebration banquet and sent me a post at this time, so he wanted to block me from you. "

Said simply and indifferently.

"Yingwu went crazy, it was you who did something wrong."

Jian Jian squinted his phoenix eyes, and said in affirmative sentences.

"it's me!"

Wang Ning generously admitted.

"Don't let me know in advance, what if I don't realize it?"

I just want to roll my eyes.

"I believe in the tacit understanding between you and me! How can this matter stump you."

Wang Ding's peach blossom eyes are full of smiles.

"My teeth are sore! Don't talk about these nonsense, give me something practical. The last time you went to the Siming Mansion, the words you handed to me made me very uneasy. Today is just a chance. Can you tell me more about it?"

Keep it simple so you won't be fooled by two nice words.

"I've said everything I should say last time, what else do you want to know?"

Wang Ning asked helplessly.

"I want to know the attitude of the bigwigs in the God Realm, try to maintain it, or try to reverse the status quo? If you want to reverse the status quo, do you want to develop outward? If you want to be external, do you want to provoke a new round of war? "

Simply throw a series of questions directly to Wang Ding.

"I don't know the attitude of the bosses. The order given to me is to purify the evil energy as much as possible, and empty all the evil energy accumulated in the 'Evil Cave'. The evil spirit was found.

As for whether to solve the problem internally, or to develop outward and directly provoke a new round of war, there is still no conclusion yet, but I still say that, the tree wants to be quiet but the wind does not stop, don't forget, you belong to the demon clan Zhan Shura, do you think if there is a real war, can you escape? "

Wang Ning said playfully.

"I don't need you to remind me, I know I won't be able to escape, but it depends on whether it's worth it or not!"

Said simply and helplessly.

"Why is it worth it? Why is it not worth it?"

Wang Ning asked with great interest.

"If a war can completely solve the predicament of the River of Origin, we will fight! If the battle is only a temporary solution to the problem instead of solving the problem from the root, it is not worth it!"

The simple answer is categorical.

"That's the problem. I can't find the reason why the river of origin is exhausted. How can I solve it?"

Wang Ning spread her hands.

"This is indeed a bit tricky. It would be great if I could see the River of Origin."

Simply rubbing the wine glass in his hand, he said to himself.

"Others can't, maybe you can."

Wang Ning said with a smile.

"Because I am the Commander?"

"Yes and no!"

Wang Ning played tricks.

Jian Jian was about to continue to ask, when he suddenly heard the announcement from the servant:

"No.30 Zhongtian Zhiyan God has arrived!"

Wang Ning directly left the simplicity and went to meet Zhiyan Shangshen.

Jian Jian was still thinking about what Wang Ding said just now, when he felt a line of sight fall on him, and the surroundings gradually became quiet.

As soon as she raised her head, she met an old man with white beard and hair, who was looking at her with a smile:
"Little friend, long time no see!"

(End of this chapter)

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