Chapter 2099 Delegating Tasks
Jian Jian looked at the strange old man in front of her, but she was not unfamiliar with his voice at all.

"I have already fallen, so what if I know the truth? Can I change my life against the sky?"

"No, it's error correction, do you accept it?"

"Of course!"

"Then you go! Good luck!"

The words are still in my ears, simple and very sure, the other party is the boss who sent her back to the critical point in time, maybe he cast the time retrogression spell, so that she can have a chance to save everything.

Jian Jian calmed down, stepped forward, and saluted respectfully:
"Junior Commander, I have met senior!"

"This is God of Knowledge!"

Wang Ning didn't miss the flash of surprise on Jian Jian's face, and immediately stepped forward to introduce them.

"I have met the God of Knowledge!"

"I am very pleased to see you successfully ascending to the God Realm!"

Zhiyan Shangshen lightly stroked the long silver beard on his chin, and said with a smile.


She hesitated to speak simply, she had many questions, perhaps only this person could answer them, but she knew the occasion was not right, so she didn't continue to ask.

"Xiao Zhi!"

Zhiyan Shangshen seemed to be very aware of Jian Jian's doubts, so he called the servants around him and handed Jian Jian a name card, inviting her to be a guest at Thirty Heavens when she had time.

He simply and respectfully accepted the invitation card, and stepped aside. There were many gods around waiting to meet Zhiyan Shangshen, so it was not good for her to occupy the front row all the time.

Liufeng Shenjun walked over with small square steps, glanced at the post in Jian Jian's hand, and said with a smile:

"Si Ming, you are very lucky today! You actually got a post from Zhiyan Shangshen. You know, there are quite a few people who want to visit Zhiyan Shangshen!"

After simply listening to Liufeng Shenjun's words, the phoenix eyes turned, and immediately put away the post, and asked along the line:

"Is Zhiyan Shangshen very powerful?"

"Of course, in the entire 33rd Heaven, there is no matter or person that he doesn't know. He can deduce the future, and he has never missed it!"

Liufeng Shenjun immediately explained the confusion for the simple.

"Deduce the future!"

Jian Jian immediately began to think about it. It seems that there may be other reasons for his rebirth.

Because of the arrival of Zhiyan Shangshen, the celebration banquet held by the Evil God Mansion was very successful. When the meeting ended, everyone was still talking about today's banquet in twos and threes.

Jian Jian returned to his Siming Mansion full of doubts, and then began to discuss with Liu Chuan.

"Wang Ning speaks now, and really grasps the essence of being a god. Say half and leave half, and let me guess!"

Simply complain.

"At any rate, he is an evil god, so it seems that he is more unpredictable."

Liu Chuan also complained very cooperatively.

"So he talked for a long time, it was all nonsense, and what he said meant he didn't say anything."

"He said that you might go and take a look at the River of Origin, the God of Zhiyan should be able to help you with this matter!"

Liu Chuan was online the whole time, listened to the whole process, and picked out the key points.

"You're right, there are posts now, and we'll visit Zhiyan Shangshen in two days."

Jian Jian directly decided that she actually wanted to go tomorrow, but she was more reserved and decided to go in two days.

"You decide!"

Yanagawa never interfered with simple decisions.

It's a pity that sometimes the plan can't keep up with the changes, and when they are simply killing time and preparing to go to the Thirty Heavens to visit Zhiyan Shangshen in another day, people from the Department of Punishment came to Si Ming's Mansion.

Looking briefly at the divine guard in golden armor and a bright red cloak, he asked kindly:

"I don't know why the Department of Corrections is looking for me?"

"God King Hongjie ordered me to invite the Commander Priest. I need your assistance."

Shenwei bowed his hands.


Simply don't want to go.

"Yes, God King Hongjie is waiting for you!"

Shenwei glanced at the outstanding priestess above him, and didn't understand why his boss insisted on inviting this one over, and he was obviously not very willing.

"Since that's the case, then I will go with you, so as not to keep the God King waiting for a long time."

With a slight smile on his face, Jian Jian reluctantly complied, and then followed the divine guard to the ninth heaven where the Department of Corrections was located.

"Si Ming has seen God King Hong Jie!"

Jianjian saw the tender-faced Hongjie God King, and immediately bowed his hands in salute.

"Please sit down, Commander Priest. I invite you here today. There is indeed something that needs your help."

The voice of God King Hongjie was between a teenager and a young man, a little immature, but no one dared to laugh at it.

"I don't know what the god king needs to order?"

Jian Jian did not agree, but asked first.

"I'm afraid I will trouble you to order you to go to the underworld."


Jian Jian was a little surprised, and didn't understand why she was asked to go to the underworld?
"It's because I didn't make it clear to you that Goddess Zangde and Goddess Yingwu have been thrown into the river of origin to fill the hole by me. I punished them not only because they ignored the rules of the gods, but also because of the evil they did. thing."

Hongjie God King said lightly.

Simplicity did not interrupt, but just listened to the following.

"Before the evil god returned, Zang De was ordered to suppress the evil spirit cave. In order to complete the task, he built a tunnel privately and led the evil spirit to the underworld.

Let some souls waiting to be reincarnated be polluted, the underworld is purifying these souls, and there are still some souls that cannot be purified and need to be eliminated. You have a soul whip, and it is best for you to do this. "

God King Hongjie finished speaking in one breath. This was a decision he had considered for a long time. After all, Si Ming helped find the first-generation soul tree in the underworld. If she went, at least Yan Luo would give him some face.

It's simple and understandable, it's for her to deal with the aftermath.

"Si Ming understands, and will cooperate with the Disciplinary Department to complete the aftermath of the underworld."

Simply hand over, it can be regarded as taking over the task.

"Well, hard work!"

The Hongjie God King showed satisfaction, and directly assigned a team of gold-armored and red-robed guards to go to the underworld with Jian Jian to complete the task.

Simple can only take people, step into the passage built by the God King Hong Jie, and go to the underworld.

Hall of Hell
Yan Luo, the first hall, is furious:

"What are you guys eating? That guy Zangde made another dish!"

All the ghost messengers below lowered their heads, wishing they could be buried in the ground.

"What are you still doing here? Don't catch all the problematic souls, and don't let the polluted souls reincarnate!"


All the ghost messengers immediately wiped the soles of their feet clean.

"Brother, don't be angry. I just received a message from the God Realm. They have sent someone to deal with the aftermath. It should be here by now!"

Yan Luo of the Nine Halls hurried into the Great Hall of Yama and said to Yan Luo of the First Hall.

"They still have a conscience!"

Yan Luo of the first hall said in a deep voice.

"Lord Yan Luo, long time no see! Don't come here without any problems!"

Jian Jian had already led a team of divine guards into the Hall of Yama under the guidance of the black-robed ghost guards.

"It turns out that the God Realm sent you to deal with the aftermath."

The face of Yan Luo in the first hall eased a lot. He didn't look at the face of the monk and looked at the face of the Buddha. It was simple but found the first generation soul tree for them, and saw through all the backhands of the god Zangde, and refined Chen Hai's soul, so that the other party had no trace of it. The chance of resurrection made the underworld breathe a sigh of relief.

(End of this chapter)

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