Chapter 2100 The Aftermath
"Lord Yan Luo, don't be angry. Zangde and Yingwu have been thrown into the river of origin by the punishment department to fill the hole! The God King Hongjie knew that I knew him well, so he specially arranged for me to assist the underworld to clean up those polluted souls. .”

Sitting down with a simple smile.

Simple this time, the non-spiritual soul entered the underworld, and the body possesses the divine light. He has obviously become a god. The first hall Yan Luo also slowed down his expression, and said with a smile:

"Congratulations to Fairy Jane for ascending to God!"

"Master Yan Luo laughed at me. Jian is now in charge of the Commander's Mansion. You can call me Commander."

With a simple smile, he reported his family name.

"Then it will be Lao Si's life. I will ask the ninth brother to take you to the dungeon. The rest of the souls with problems are still being arrested."

Yan Luo, the first hall, was also not polite, and went straight to the point.

"I will go to the dungeon with Yama of the Nine Palaces, and this team of divine guards will go with the ghost guards to catch those fish that slip through the net."

Simple and very calm, he waved his hands to the golden armored and red robed divine guard behind him.

The captain of the divine guard immediately accepted the order. He didn't expect this delicate commander to do anything. His own god king sent him here just to ease Lord Yan Luo's anger.

Yan Luo, the first hall, nodded, accepting the simple proposal.

Immediately, he split into two groups with the divine guards, and each went busy.

Jian Jian walked with Yama of the Nine Palaces, while talking about the current situation of the underworld.

"After discovering the evil spirit in the underworld, have you let the evil god purify it?"

"It's because a reincarnated soul was polluted and didn't follow the rules of the underworld, and overturned the soup made by Po Meng. Po Meng found that something was wrong, closed Naihe Bridge immediately, and reported it to elder brother.

The eldest brother immediately ordered to find the root cause. We found the spreading evil spirit in the place where Zangde hid Chen Hai's spirit before!

The eldest brother immediately blocked the nearby space and sent a message to the God Realm. The God Realm cut off the channel for transmitting the evil energy immediately, and then sent Wang Wangning to the underworld to purify the evil energy.

Only after that did we free up our hands and start arresting the polluted spirits. For this reason, even the channel of reincarnation was closed. This time, Zang De really made a move. Before you came, the eldest brother was losing his temper! "

In a few words, Nine Halls of Yama roughly explained the current situation of the underworld.

Simple and natural, he knew the reason for Yan Luo's temper. These were all bestowed by God Zangde. Although the other party has passed away, he left a mess for them to deal with.

When I came to the dungeon of the underworld, I simply heard the sound of ghosts crying and howling wolves. Those polluted souls all have a pair of red and black eyes, and when they stare at you, they are very scary.

With a simple glance of the phoenix eyes, it is clear that these spirits no longer need to be purified. They have basically been controlled by evil spirits, and even if they are reincarnated, they will be evil-doers.

"Open the cage."

Although Jiudian Yan Luo felt sorry, he still ordered the ghost guards to open the cage.


The ghost guard dared not refuse to listen to the words of his immediate superior, but he still secretly glanced at the goddess in Tsing Yi, feeling that she looked familiar.

The moment the cage was opened, the simple whip for beating souls was already in her hand, and it looked like she was swinging a whip, but in fact, she took care of every spirit that rushed out of the cage.


Accompanied by the screams, the divine soul instantly dissipated into mist, and in just three breaths, a cage was simply cleared.

"Next room!"

Simply said to the stunned dungeon ghost guard at the side.


The ghost messenger still looked at Yama of the Nine Palaces, and after getting approval, he opened the second dungeon full of spirits with his hands and feet.

There are more souls in this room than in the last one, and Jian Jian just waved a whip to completely eliminate these polluted souls.

The screams in the entire dungeon stopped abruptly, followed by ghost cries.

The simple and beautiful brows frowned slightly, and said impatiently:
"Shut up! I'll let you go faster, and if you cry like ghosts and howl like wolves, I'll give you a few more whips!"

As soon as the simple words fell, the dungeon was instantly quiet.

In this way, after simply walking through the entire dungeon, the dungeon was basically emptied, but encountered a little trouble in the last cell.

A girl with almost black eyes was holding a swaddle in her arms. She didn't rush to Jianjian the moment the dungeon opened, but walked out after the dungeon was emptied. She raised her hands high and handed the swaddle to In front of Nine Halls Yama and Jian Jian.

"He, live! I, die!"

The four words popped out, Jian Jian and Jiudian Yan Luo understood each other's meaning.

Jiudian Yan Luo glanced at the baby, shook his head, expressing his helplessness.

It is simple to understand that this infant baby has no chance of being reincarnated, so she can only helplessly shake her head at the girl.

The girl understood what they meant, a tear fell from her black eyes, and she hugged the baby tightly in her arms again, as if unwilling to accept this reality.

The whole cell was instantly filled with the girl's resentment, and the other party was advancing, which surprised Yama of the Nine Palaces.

Simple and a little surprised, then he raised his hand and called out the "Wheel of Fortune", and said in a deep voice:

"If you insist on reincarnating your younger brother, then see the result and make a decision!"

At the same time as the words fell, Jian simply recruited a trace of the soul of the infant baby into the wheel of fortune. After the nine golden wheels of the wheel of fortune turned around, the scene of the birth of the baby appeared.

At the same time as the baby was born, the entire Qing Kingdom was hit by a severe drought for three years. The land was full of starvation, even to the point of having to give birth to another child. The baby was regarded as a disaster by the royal family.

When he was three years old, his biological mother died of illness, and he was fostered by his aunt, but three years later, his aunt also died suddenly, which further confirmed his reputation as a disaster star, and no one wanted to get close to this prince.

The little prince, who was not taught by anyone, was completely crooked, full of hostility, shouting and killing if he didn't like it at all, with no close people around him, only himself struggling to survive in the harem tenaciously.

The emperor gradually aged, and his heirs began to fight for the throne. In the end, the battle was bloody and both sides were injured. The little prince who had been forgotten in the harem was finally remembered.

As the only living prince, he successfully succeeded to the throne. After mastering the supreme power, he revealed his true colors and began his life of infamy, which almost killed the entire royal family and continued to provoke wars. The country is in dire straits.

The entire dynasty lasted only 30 years in his hands before being completely overthrown. Before he died, he also poisoned the wells in the entire capital, and the people of the entire capital were buried for him.

"Are you sure you want him to be reincarnated?"

asked simply and indifferently.

The girl hesitated, he didn't want his brother to become like this.

Taking advantage of the weakening of the opponent's momentum, he simply continued:
"This is the reason why you cannot continue to reincarnate. If you return to the beginning, you may still have a chance to be reincarnated. If you insist on going your own way, you will bear all the sins yourself!"

At the same time as the words fell, the simple soul-beating whip also fell instantly. This time the girl did not resist, and disappeared together with the swaddling baby in her arms.

 Babies, pass three chapters first, and try to code two more chapters before ten o'clock!

(End of this chapter)

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