Chapter 465 Meeting of Two Teams
Bai Bai who jumped out fell directly into the pile of top-quality spirit stones, but Bai Bai was very happy.

The small body leaned on a top-quality spirit stone that was bigger than himself, and rubbed against it for a long time, then circled around the pile of top-quality spirit stones.

Next to the pile of top-grade spirit stones is a pile of top-grade spirit stones, and next to it is a pile of middle-grade spirit stones. After Xiaobai turned to the back of the pile of spirit stones, he was startled, and his white hair stood on end.

It turns out that behind the pile of spirit stones, there is a curled up pangolin. In Bai Bai's eyes, this is a huge monster that can crush him in an instant. Bai Bai feels that the momentum of the other party is rising, obviously he is advancing.

Bai Bai then patted his own small chest, and put his frightened soul back into place, but he didn't dare to be presumptuous here, it would be terrible if the pangolin woke up.

But at the moment where the pangolin was blocking, there seemed to be top-quality spirit stones embedded in the mountain wall, exuding a luster that lures mice, and they circled back to the side of the top-quality spirit stone pile in vain.

Turning around a few times, Bai Bai decisively stuck out his little paw, touched a piece of undivided top-quality spirit stone, and the spirit stone disappeared instantly.

Then Bai Bai took out a storage ring from the white hair under his neck, which was secretly prepared for him by his master, and it contained all Bai Bai's private property.

In vain poured out all the spiritual fruits and snacks given to him by the sword for the past few days, and then began to collect the best spiritual stones with the storage ring.

One piece, two pieces, three pieces, Bai Bai was getting more and more happy, and suddenly there was a "crash", and the pile of top-grade spirit stones collapsed.

Afraid of alarming the pangolin, Bai Bai immediately rushed into the corridor with his storage ring in his arms, and did not leave immediately, but secretly listened to the movement inside.

However, the advanced pangolin in the pile of top-quality spirit stones suddenly stretched its body, and woke up for a moment, looking at one place, full of hostility.

With a loud "bang", the corridor was broken from the other side, and for a while, stones flew randomly, and blood sacs appeared in the cave dug by the pangolin.

In vain, he ran back. At the same time, Jian Hou and others at the entrance of the tunnel also heard the huge movement, and rushed into the tunnel quickly, spreading their consciousness, just in time to see the huge blood sac colliding with a sixth-level pangolin beast. fight.

The blood sac wanted to suck the pangolin into the sac, but the pangolin obviously sensed the blood sac's malicious intentions, so the steel claws greeted the blood sac, and when the opponent approached, it immediately flicked its tail, knocking the blood sac into the air, and the pangolin The hard scales on his body protected him well.

Finally, Baibai met the teleporting Jianhou in the middle of the corridor, plunged into Jianhou's arms, pointed his little paws at the cave where the fighting sound of "ping ping pong pong" came out, and screamed "squeak" non-stop.

"We've all seen it, you hide it!"

Putting Bai Bai into his arms again, Jian Hou and the "Zong" Tang team, holding the spirit sword, rushed into the crypt where gravel fell from time to time during the fight.

"This is the blood sac mentioned in the Jade Slip of the Law Enforcement Hall, don't let it get away!"

The leader of the Zongtang squad was the first to speak out, and had already attacked with his sword.

Jian Hou followed closely behind, and the "Nine Swords of Heaven" was drawn quickly and silently, and landed firmly on the blood sac. The scorching fire aura instantly burned the surface of the blood sac, and a burst of unpleasant black smoke rose.

Mo Su led the black-robed guards into the crypt, and they obviously felt that the blood sac had not moved, as if it was blocked by someone.

After rushing through the hole made by the blood sac, the scene inside immediately appeared in front of Mo Su.

The three parties were all stunned for a moment, Jian Hou's eyes drifted past the ten demon cultivators dressed in black and surrounded by veiled hats. The cultivation level of the other party was obviously higher than that of their own team, and looking at the direction, they should be chasing this blood bag over here.

Mo Su recognized Jian Hou at a glance, this sword cultivator of the Heavenly Sword Sect was Mo Yue's favorite, and the rest of the people knew that they were all disciples of the Heavenly Sword Sect when they saw the moves of the sword.

There are ten people in Tianjianzong's party, the one with the highest cultivation level is distracted, and the rest are in the stage of transforming gods. At this moment, two people are restraining a sixth-level pangolin beast, and the rest are besieging the blood bag. Two people broke away from the battle group, looking at the ten of them vigilantly.

The pangolin beast is the most depressing. I just want to practice and advance in this blessed land. How come unexpected guests come to my door one after another in my good life, and there are monks who are more powerful than me.

The pangolin saw that the later monks were obviously not with the previous ones, and wondered if he still had a chance, so he flicked his tail and hit Xiao Jiu in front of him.

Xiao Jiu knew that the opponent's scale armor was very powerful, and at the same time as he swung his sword, he immediately teleported out of the opponent's attack range to avoid the opponent's tail.

Mo Su waved his hand directly, and the cold moon blade of the poisonous dagger drew a bright light, slashing towards the pangolin's tail.

The tail of the pangolin beast immediately rolled back, escaping the blow, and then plunged into the cave wall without looking back. Using its own advantages, it dug an escape channel for itself, and disappeared in front of everyone in an instant.

The moment Mosu shot, Jianhou also recognized the opponent, teleported out of the battle circle, and cupped his hands at Mosu:

"Heavenly Sword Sect Jianhou has seen Lord Mosu!"

Mo Su raised his eyebrows. It seemed that the other party had seen through his identity and was not pretentious. He took off the veil to block the fog, revealing a pale face.

Jianhou frowned slightly, he always felt that there was something wrong with the aura of Lord Mosu, but he couldn't tell what was wrong for a while.

Mo Su on the side waved his hand early in the morning to let his men attack the blood sac together, while he came to Mo Su and said softly:

"My lord, this is a top-grade spirit stone vein."

His words made Jianhou also vigilant, holding the natal sword in his hand, his three-dimensional facial features became extremely serious.

"This is the Chonglin Mountains under the jurisdiction of the Heavenly Sword Sect."

In a nutshell: This top-grade mineral vein has nothing to do with your Heavenly Demon Palace.

Mo Su waved his hand at Mo Yi;

"Destroy the blood sac first."

"Yes, my lord."

Mo Su didn't make a move, and stood on the sidelines. The sword of Tianjianzong also stood outside the battle circle.

The team leader of the "Comprehensive" Hall activated the distress signal from the "Dark" department the moment Mo Su appeared, hoping that there were monks from the sect nearby, otherwise this top-quality spirit stone mine would be in danger of being included in the Heavenly Sword Sect. It's in the bag.

At this time, a sudden change occurred. It turned out that Haiyan, who was in a panic, felt that another blood sac was about to leave him, so he immediately relied on the connection with the blood sac to launch a spiritual attack, preparing to recall the blood sac.

Because of the "Storm Thunder" last time, he not only lost a clone, but also wasted a drop of blood, so he acted more cautiously now.

The moment the spiritual attack of the Mahayana period came, the "defense" on the disciples of the Heavenly Sword Sect activated by itself, resisting them for a breath, so as not to damage the sea of ​​consciousness, and then the "defense" was destroyed, and all nine of them flew upside down Going out and bumping into the mountain wall, the rocks fell even more quickly.

Mo Su reacted very quickly, and directly threw out a Mahayana attack jade talisman, which was given by Master Moyan. The black-robed guards also flew backwards because of the Mahayana attack, and their defensive shields were also broken. opened.

The attack jade talisman in the Mahayana period also accurately landed on the blood sac, and True Demon Flame's "Hua Guang Yi Yi" wrapped the blood sac in an instant, and counterattacked back along with Haiyan's consciousness.

Haiyan could only grit his teeth and cut off the divine consciousness he released, and at the same time lost a blood bag that continued his life.

Although the Jade Talisman attack in the Mahayana period was precise, it was extremely destructive. The hole collapsed in an instant, and then centered on it, it spread to the Chonglin Mountains and the Chimei Mountains. Large-scale earthquakes occurred in both mountains.

(End of this chapter)

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