Chapter 466 Zongmen Support
Jianhou was woken up in vain. After waking up, his head was still dizzy for a long time. He felt that the sea of ​​consciousness had been hit this time. Fortunately, the equipment of the Law Enforcement Hall was powerful and blocked the heaviest blow without letting his sea of ​​consciousness Crash.

Jianhou closed his eyes and waited for a while, then opened them again, facing Baibai's teary little black bean eyes, he exhaled softly, and said to Baibai:
"Don't worry in vain. I have nothing to do. I just need to rest for a while."

Bai Bai nodded obediently, and lay quietly on Jianhou's chest.

Jianhou looked around this time, and found that he was just buried at the entrance of the collapsed corridor. There was still enough room for his upper body to move, but his lower body was completely buried.

Jian Hou tried to use his spiritual power and found that he was seriously injured internally. Fortunately, the storage ring was on his finger intact. He took out the top-quality healing medicine "Da Huan Dan" inside and swallowed it without hesitation. Whatever the case, he must recover as soon as possible.

After the Da Huan Dan was taken in, it immediately turned into a warm current, nourishing the internal organs of Jianhou, and at the same time repairing the damaged organs and meridians with tiny cracks.

Mozu on the other side is in good condition. He himself was not seriously injured. Apart from the reason of his cultivation, he also had the credit of defending the spirit treasure. It was just to resist the attack of the divine consciousness, and the magic energy in his body was instantly evacuated.

At this moment, Mo Su is recovering while holding the top-quality spirit stone, but what is so surviving is that his "Pure Yin Body" suddenly broke out, and the cold air all over his body overflowed, freezing all the meridians in his body, and the evil energy stopped. Without flow, his face became paler and paler.

The house leak happened to be raining all night, and the pangolin beast that had escaped from the previous battle was moving towards the direction of Jianhou.

The underground was dead silent, but the ground was much more lively. Because of such a big commotion, many monks were heading to the two mountain ranges. There were also clever monks who suspected that the "Blood Pond Crypt" of evil cultivators had appeared, and cautiously did not approach it. But the news spread quickly.

Tianjianzong Law Enforcement Hall
After simply returning to the sect, he didn't return to his cave, so he was invited by Jian Sheng to the Hall of Law Enforcement. The reason was that His Majesty had postponed his return to the sect, and the Hall of Law Enforcement had accumulated a lot of work.

Jian Jian rolled her eyes in her heart, she just came back five days later than the original time, the main reason was that the plan couldn't keep up with the changes, who would have thought that she would encounter a "blood sac" in Mount Putuo.

But if it's too late, it's too late, and I still have to admit it, so I simply accepted my fate and started to check the jade slips.

Although it is simple, there are two people, Jian Wu and Qi Wei, who keep in touch with the Law Enforcement Hall at all times. For urgent matters, Simple responds in time, and the Law Enforcement Hall operates normally.

While looking at the jade slips, Jian Jian told Qi Hua who was beside him:
"After rubbing the "Meditation Mantra" I brought back from the Buddhist sect, I will put a copy in every library in the inner and outer gates. I will also collect all the homework of the little ones, and I will start class in a few days. review."

"Yes, Your Honor."

Qi Hua received the task, just walked out of the palace gate, and walked face to face with Jian Sheng who was on the way. Jian Sheng just nodded slightly, then walked past Qi Hua and entered the hall.

"Your Majesty, there is important news from the Chonglin Mountains. The team from the 'Zong' Character Hall to investigate the spiritual veins encountered danger in the Chonglin Mountains and sent a distress signal from the 'An' Department."

Hearing this simply, he frowned and looked up at Jian Sheng:

"When did this happen? Did someone arrange for rescue?"

"What happened this morning, this time there was too much movement, they seemed to be doing something underground, and the monks of the Tianmo Palace, one of their teams was also affected. When they sent out a distress signal, they rushed to Tianyue in Kaiyang City The team rushed to the scene of the incident immediately."

Jian Jian was a little more at ease this time, and then said to Jian Sheng:
"Issuing the 'dark' line mission, and sending a fit monk to hold the line. If it really involves the Lingshi Mine, I'm afraid the matter will not be so easily resolved."

Jian Sheng was about to open his mouth to remind His Majesty, His Majesty had been keenly aware of it, and immediately added:
"Your Majesty, according to the last message sent back by the 'Zong'tang team, what they discovered was indeed a top-grade spirit stone vein. As for the direction and size of the vein, the direction and scale of the vein have not yet been investigated."

Simply let out a mouthful of dirty air, hoping that things will not develop into the worst.

"Your Majesty, are they fighting each other underground because of the top-grade spirit stone mine?"

Jian Sheng deliberated and expressed his guess.

"I hope not. At this time, both cases can't be messed up. Let's find out what happened first, and continue to contact the team members of the 'Comprehensive' Hall. Even if one person replies, I can make a judgment based on the specific situation."

"Yes, this subordinate understands, let's go."

Looking at the back of Jian Sheng leaving in a hurry, he simply rubbed the center of his eyebrows, feeling that his white hair had grown again, took out a messenger talisman, and continued the daily routine:

"Senior brother Jianli, when did you leave the customs? There is another new situation today. The situation of the top-grade spirit stone vein discovered by the Fu family is a bit complicated."

"Junior Sister, if you send a communication talisman to Senior Brother, his cave will be buried."

Followed by the words came the Sword Market Venerable.

"Brother Jianxu, have you left the customs?"

Said simply and happily.

"Hmm! I met Jiancheng just now, and I have already received the mission of the 'dark' line. I came to inform you, but what else can I explain?"

"Senior Brother, it's really timely to leave the customs. Here is the jade slip of what happened. You can take a look on the road. Now it is mainly to grab time and determine what happened."

"okay, I get it."

Jianxu took the jade slips, turned around and left the law enforcement hall, and immediately rushed to the Chonglin Mountains.

Omen Palace

Palace Master Mo Lie also received the same news, but he didn't know about the top-grade mineral veins. The last message he received was: Mo Su and his party found the blood bag in the Red Eyebrow Mountains and chased it away.

Palace Master Mo Lie ordered the guards on the side:
"Chuan Moyi, immediately take a team of black-robed guards to the Chimei Mountains to investigate the situation."

"Yes, Palace Master."

The Tianyue team had already arrived in Kaiyang City and was about to go to the Tianjianzong's residence. As a result, the ink pendant on the captain's waist trembled slightly, and then he saw the unique distress signal from the "dark" department in the sky.

Captain Tianyue frowned, said "Let's go!" to the people behind him, and led everyone out of Kaiyang City.

On the way to the Chonglin Mountains, less than a moment later, the ground trembled and the mountains shook, and the spiritual power in the air was disordered, which could be felt even outside Kaiyang City.

Captain Tianyue directly tore through the void and led the crowd directly to the sky above the Chonglin Mountains.

The black-robed guards led by Mo Yi also arrived at the "Battle" hall of Tianjianzong at the same time.

After the two teams clasped their hands to signal each other, they directed their subordinates to start looking for traces of the same sect.

Jiangui was ordered to stop some monks with malicious intentions outside, and the moon returned to Jiangui after patrolling around, and told the other party through voice transmission:
"I found fragments of the evil cultivator's consciousness near here. The battle just now should be related to the evil cultivator."

Jiangui immediately understood and reported the matter to Captain Tianyue.

"Captain, find a monk in the comprehensive hall."

When the voice of a monk in the battle hall came, Jiangui and Captain Tianyue immediately rushed over to check the situation.

The one who was found was Xiao Jiu. He was the lowest in the Zongtang team, but he was protected by his teammates and pushed out of the attack center. He was not buried deep, so he was the first to be discovered.

Xiao Jiu was stuffed with pills, and after waking up, she immediately informed the captain of Tianyue team what had happened.

(End of this chapter)

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