Space Cultivation: Rebirth Against the Little Orphan Girl

Chapter 552 Bestowing Cultivation Techniques

Chapter 552 Bestowing Cultivation Techniques
The female silver beetle dormant in her chest received the message from the little silver armor and sent the message to Jian Jian through the contract.

Jian Jian rolled his eyes and spoke with a smile, but what he said was not the answer that Zhenzun of the Jian family wanted.

"Zhenzun, this trip is for the sake of us coming from the same source. I am here to tell you that the space nodes of the Lingyun Continent will be attacked and will be broken in two hundred years. Zerg will invade the continent and a great war will break out." .”

After hearing the simple words, Jian Mingdi slowly sat up straight from his reclining posture.

Recently, except for Jian Shangxi and his group, the clan has not arranged for the clan to go out. The latest news received recently is the succession ceremony of Tianjianzong, and their Jian family was not invited.

Simply looking at the action of the other party, you can tell that Jane's information network has not received this important news, so he shook his head and said to Jian Zhenzun:

"Zhenzun, in my opinion, the Jian family's seclusion is a kind of avoidance!"

Jian Mingdi seemed a little unhappy when he heard Jian Jian's words, and he was already a little displeased when he looked at Jian Jian, but his self-cultivation skills were good, and he didn't explode on the spot.

"Zhenzun, how long has it been since you left the clan land? Do you know that in the continents outside the clan land, the concentration of aura is slowly increasing, and the treasures of heaven and earth have been born one after another in the secret realm and some places where you usually practice?"

Only then did Jian Mingdi face up to what Jian Jian said. The other party cannot lie about such things, and Jian Shangxi and the three looked at each other with some doubts.

After briefly looking at the three of them, he kindly explained:

"Your cultivation base is not enough, and you still can't feel it. After another hundred years, you will also feel it."

The three of them felt heartbroken after hearing this, so they could only stand quietly behind their true venerable.

But with a simple smile, he glanced at the word "Tao" behind Jian Zhenzun, and before he said another word, the hall fell into silence again.

Half a quarter of an hour later, a figure directly appeared in the main hall, followed by a burst of mahayana coercion, Jian Jian raised his eyes, and waved away the coercion towards himself and the "Heaven's Punishment" team.

And Jian Jian had already taken advantage of the effort to dissipate the coercion, and used the power fluctuations to take back the little silver armor that had swayed into the hall like dust into his sleeve, and let him return to the silver beetle in the pendant.

The silver beetle mother looked at this little thing that had been wandering outside for more than ten years, and she couldn't get angry. With a move of its tentacles, it overturned the other party. After a good lesson, it began to exchange details.

Little Yinjia was also very aggrieved. He had gone through untold hardships in secretly investigating the Jian clan.

After being taught a lesson, little Yinjia honestly confessed his dormant experience, and after getting permission, he was taken away by his brothers and sisters, and began to share the news after he left.

"Big brother!"

Jian Mingdi stood up from the upper chair, and the three people behind him couldn't hide their surprise, and immediately followed Jian Zhenzun, bowing and saluting:

Jian Mingyong is currently the longest seniority of the Jian family, and also the highest cultivation level (later stage of Mahayana). This time he came out to find out because he was disturbed by the simple spiritual sense.

After looking at it, he realized that it was actually someone from the direct branch of the Jian family who came to the door. Although the other party didn't do anything out of the ordinary, he was still worried and observed the other party secretly.

What he said briefly about the improvement of aura made him realize something, and he immediately left the clan to go out to investigate. The result was exactly as the other party said. Anyone knows.

Therefore, Jian Mingyongcai appeared in the patriarch's hall, and he wanted to meet this junior in person.

After the two parties greeted each other again, they took their seats again, and the one sitting first was replaced by Zhenzun Jian Mingyong.

Jian Mingyong is dressed in a white robe and is meticulously groomed. He has a white jade hair crown, and the Jian family's family crest "Wheel of Fortune" is engraved in the middle of the hair crown. The white hair band hangs on his chest, and his face is more elegant. The first-generation Patriarch has three points of similarity.

And simply confirmed that this person can make the decision, so he didn't take the initiative to speak, but just waited for the other party to speak.

Jian Mingyong took a sip of spiritual tea before slowly opening his mouth and saying:

"You can call this old man Mingyong Patriarch."

Simply listened, just smiled, did not reject or accept, and waited quietly for the other party's next words:

"The matter of spiritual energy that little friend Jianlu said is indeed true, that's why you reminded us to let the Jian clan make early plans."


"Okay, after all, I'm still a descendant of my Jane family, and I'm still willing to consider for the family."

"Mingyong Zhenzun, Jian Slaughter is here to remind, and also to form an alliance. I hope that when resisting the invasion of Zerg, the Jian family can fight."

"that's it?"

"that's it!"

"As an ally of the Heavenly Sword Sect, Jane resists the Zerg invasion, what benefits can you get?"

"Only by eradicating the invading Zerg and restoring Lingyun Continent to cleanliness can the passage of ascension be unblocked. What I want is the final ascension."

Jian Mingyong glanced at Jian Jian's cultivation, didn't say anything, but nodded in his heart to agree with her statement.

After all, the other party is now in the peak state of the early stage of integration, and can advance to the middle stage at any time. According to her cultivation speed, in another eight hundred or one thousand years, she will definitely break through the shackles and ascend smoothly.

Moreover, he never brought up the matter of returning to Jian's family from the beginning to the end, and the other party's eyes have long been on Feisheng's previous term.

Jian Mingyong coughed, and was about to ask about the exercises, but Jian Jian took out a jade slip first. This is a top-quality jade slip, which carries a lot of information and is safe.

And Jian Jian narrowed his eyes slightly at this time, let the jade slip rise from the palm of his hand, then used his spiritual consciousness to outline the "Wheel of Destiny", then formed a seal with chaotic spiritual power, and landed directly in the middle of the jade slip.

The jade slip changed from the warm jade white to a bit dim, but it was still spinning slowly in the simple palm.

This simple operation made everyone present very curious. With the completion of the seal, the jade slip was also simply pushed to the two True Venerable Ming Yong and Ming Di with spiritual power.

"This is the "Heaven and Earth Chaos Cultivation Technique" I practiced. You said it belonged to the Jian family. I gave it to you. Only those who have the root of chaos, practice the same technique, and have the same origin as my blood can unlock the seal." .”

The two True Venerables frowned a little after hearing the simple words, but the faces of the three standing behind showed joy, which meant that they would have complete exercises and a chance to ascend.

After finishing this, he briefly stroked the sleeves of the robe, and bowed to the two people facing him again:
"Jian Lu took the liberty to interrupt, I wonder if we can use the noble teleportation formation, we hurried back to the Heavenly Sword Sect."

Ming Di and Ming Yong looked at each other, and finally Ming Yong said to Jian Shangxi behind him:
"Shangxi, take the distinguished guests of the Heavenly Sword Sect and leave in the clan's teleportation array."

"Yes, Patriarch! Please follow me!"

Jian Jian and the fellow disciples of the Heavenly Sword Sect got up one after another, bid farewell to the two True Masters, and left the hall.

The two looked at the backs of Jian Jianyi and his party before they opened their mouths and said:

"Brother, don't you want to keep her?"

Zhenzun Mingyong just inhaled the sealed jade slip into his hand, checked the seal on it himself, and finally sighed softly:
"She is indeed the descendant of the direct branch, and her inheritance is very complete. Don't you feel the fluctuation of her spiritual power? You will have to rely on her in the future, so it's best not to force her to stay."

Ming Di put away his smiling face and asked:
"Why, with the strength of the two of us, why can't we keep her?"

Ming Yong glanced at his younger brother helplessly, he really didn't know where all his shrewd energy went:
"Did you see the pendant on her forehead? I feel that the power that can destroy the entire clan is sealed inside!"

(End of this chapter)

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