Chapter 553 Leaving the Clan Land
Master Mingdi listened to what the eldest brother said, and then lowered his eyes and began to recall the meeting just now.

"Since Jian Lu dared to come to the door, he was sure to get out of his body. Just now, I went out of the clan to check the concentration of spiritual energy, and found that a monk at the Mahayana stage was trapped forty miles away."

Master Ming Di raised his eyes and asked:
"Brother, what do you mean, this is what Jianlu and his team did?"


"Brother, is this Jade Slip of Cultivation Technique real?"

Ming Yong said with a smile:
"Whether it is true or not, we will only know if we can unlock the seal."

"Both of us are not Chaotic Spiritual Roots, let Shangxi and the others try it later!"

Ming Yong nodded after listening, still carefully looking at the seal on the jade slip.

At this time, Qingrui True Venerable had already broken through the trap. Just now he felt that the spiritual consciousness of a Mahayana True Venerable who was stronger than him disappeared in a flash, so after breaking through the trap, he immediately tore Crack the space and leave the sea above the battle.

Jian Shangxi was a little excited, he didn't expect Master Jian Slaughter to give them the exercises directly, and there was a little smile on his face.

"Your Majesty, this way!"

Jian Shangxi led a few people around almost half of the clan land, and entered the teleportation hall under the watchful eyes of the Jian clan.

The members of the Jian clan who guarded the teleportation hall immediately stepped forward to salute:

"Greetings to all the seniors, and the young patriarch!"

"Uncle Jian, please, these seniors are going back to the Heavenly Sword Sect, can you teleport them to a nearby city?"

The clansman known as Uncle Jian saw the robes on everyone, and immediately confirmed that the other party was a visiting monk from the rumored Zhongtian Sword Sect, and immediately replied:
"Seniors, our teleportation array can only randomly teleport people to the mountains near Tianjianzong, and cannot teleport people into the city."

He simply listened and said with a smile:

"It's okay!"

Jian Jian sneered in his heart, if the opponent's teleportation formations were arranged in the Tianjianzong's territory, then the Law Enforcement Hall would have to be reorganized.

After the ten people successfully stood on the teleportation formation, they simply waved their hands and placed top-quality spirit stones on the grooves around the formation platform, which are used to activate the formation to inlay the spirit stones.

As the spirit stone fell, the formation was activated, and the halo of the formation under the feet of the ten people lit up, and a light curtain rose from the edge of the formation, enveloping them.

Jian Jian looked at Jian Shangxi and said slowly:

"As a reward for using the teleportation array, I will give Jane a gift, you have to catch it."

When Jian Jian and the others were completely covered by the light curtain, Jian Jian's thumb and middle finger touched, and a burst of chaotic spiritual power flicked out. After passing through the light curtain, it turned into a sharp blade and shot directly at Uncle Jian's dantian.

Because it happened so suddenly, no one expected that Jian Jian would do such a thing. Jian Shangxi was also taken aback, and then a little angry, ignoring the people on the teleportation line, he turned around and immediately went to check on Uncle Jian's situation.

But at the next moment, Uncle Jian's body was instantly reduced to ashes, and then a black beetle the size of an egg flew out of his head. With a flap of its membrane wings, it rushed towards Jian Shangxi's eyebrows.

Jian Shangxi swung a sword instinctively, cut off half of the opponent's membranous wings, made the opponent deviate from the direction, and doubled in the air. Jian Guang also cut a pillar in the Teleportation Hall into two. The door of the hall Also crashed down.

Jian Shangxi didn't care about these things, and immediately raised his hand to form a trap with spiritual power, trapping the black beetle that was still struggling to rush towards him after losing his balance.

When he turned his head and looked at the teleportation array again, there were no figures of Jian Jian and his group.

Jian Shangxi flicked his sleeves, put the black beetle into his sleeve robe, directly fell under the restriction of the teleportation hall, and immediately rushed back to meet the two ancestors.

Ming Di and Ming Yong were still in the main hall. When they saw Jian Shangxi who entered the main hall with a strange expression on his face, they both squinted their eyes, thinking that there was something wrong with Jian Jian and his group.

"Two True Venerables, look, this is flying from Uncle Jian who is guarding the teleportation hall."

Jane went up to the stream, waved her sleeve robe again, and the trapped black beetle appeared in front of the two of them.

Zhenzun Ming Di was really embarrassed this time. He actually let the black beetle lurk in when he was guarding the clan. This one was exposed. Are there other black beetles hiding in the clan?

"Brother, I'll go check it out."

Zhenzun Mingyong waved his hand, let the other party go by himself, and ordered:
"Be careful!"

Master Ming Di hurriedly nodded and disappeared into the hall.

Only then did Zhenzun Mingyong ask Jian Shangxi to explain what happened in detail.

Jian Shangxi didn't dare to hide anything, and told everything about what happened.

True Venerable Mingyong lowered his eyes and pondered. After Jian Lun entered the clan ground, he spread his divine consciousness, which alarmed him. It was then that the other party must have discovered that there was something wrong with the Jian family members in the teleportation hall.

So when he left, he didn't go through the original exit. He specifically asked to take the teleportation array to leave, and then took the initiative to kill the disaster. On the one hand, it was her so-called gratitude, and on the other hand, it was to remind him that Jane's was mixed with people controlled by black beetles. people.

"Old ancestor, is it because the other party knew that Uncle Jian had a problem, so he chose to take the teleportation array to leave? But the group of them have never met Uncle Jian, how did they know?"

Jian Shangxi was still confused, so he simply asked his ancestors directly.

"From the moment she stepped into the clan land, she has already used her divine sense to scan the entire clan land. The other party's divine sense is not weaker than mine, so that's why I was alarmed."

"I see!"

Now everything makes sense.

It can only be said that brain supplementation is terrible, and Mingyong Zhenzun rationalized all the actions of Jian Jian and his group.

It's not that complicated, it's just a coincidence.

When Jian Jian came to the teleportation hall, Liu Chuan directly sent a sound transmission to Jian Jian. There was a problem with the late Nascent Soul cultivator guarding the hall.

"what is the problem?"

"He has black beetles in his body!"

I can only "tsk tsk" after listening to it simply. The Jane family is really big-hearted. Even the black beetles have joined the family, and no one has discovered it. This also indirectly reflects the drawbacks of the Jane family's seclusion for too long.

In order to deal with the black beetle in the comprehension world, Qizong has long developed a spiritual weapon, the "golden beetle buzzing ball" that can tell whether a monk is possessed by a black beetle.This spiritual weapon had already been used by monks when they wiped out the "Three No Matters" zone, Huanle City.

Whenever a possessed monk passes by, the hollow ball the size of a quail egg will emit a buzzing sound to give a warning. When the black beetle leaves the body, the hollow ball will automatically prepare for the second attached The black beetle on its body is sucked into the ball.

When Jian Jianyi and his party reappeared, they had already appeared in a mountain range.The next moment, the formation under everyone's feet was activated again, instantly separating the ten people.

Apparently, during the teleportation, the other party manipulated the teleportation coordinates, making Jian Jian and his group of ten people directly enter the pre-ambushed trap.

A cold light flashed in Jian Jian's eyes, Moxie No. [-] had already appeared in his hand, and Ping Ping slashed a sword, all the fit lords of the "Heaven's Punishment" team, the reaction was not slower than Jian Jian, everyone shot almost at the same time, ten dazzling swords The interlaced light instantly disintegrated the formed formation.

The next moment, everyone had already appeared above the mountain range. Seeing that everyone was safe, they simply sent a voice transmission to Liu Chuan:

"Chuan, clean up this mountain range. Since we have been led here, there must be black beetles hiding here. I think everything will be fine by hiding here!"

"Okay, I'll give you a long face this time!"

Simply raise your hand and punch a willow leaf into the place where the formation was raised just now.

The next moment, the ground shook and the mountains shook, and the entire mountain range was coiled by willow branches. The willow branches rushed out of the ground from time to time, and brought out some spirit beasts, and finally threw three giant black beetles directly into the air.

"Brothers, don't shoot, let me meet these guys!"

Senior sister Jian Jing's excited voice came from Jian Jian's ear, and she had already rushed towards the black beetle with her sword in hand.

(End of this chapter)

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