Chapter 556 Accidental Discovery
Mo Su, who watched Jian Jian and his group leave, looked back at Hao Meng from the Hall of Nine Demons. When the other party was extremely uncomfortable, he asked:
"What did you do? Displease His Majesty?"

Hao Meng wiped away the sweat on his forehead, then whispered:
"I brought the disciples of the sect to this mountain range to practice, but was blocked by a barrier. I thought some secret treasure was born, so I tried to see if I could open the barrier."

Hao Meng's voice became lower and lower.

"Heh! You should be glad you weren't killed by Sword Killer! Now take your people and get out of here."


Hao Meng had nothing to say, and immediately left the scene of the incident with his fellow disciples.

He had the feeling that he was lingering at the gate of life and death for a while. If Lord Mosu hadn't come quickly, he might really have been wiped out, and his reasons were very legitimate. The sect didn't even stand for justice for himself No.

"My lord, come and take a look at the crypt here."

Mo Yi came over with an ugly face, and asked Mo Su to enter the crypt to check.

It turned out that when the people from the Hall of Nine Demons were sent away by Mozu, Mo Yi had already waved his hand to let the team members enter the mountain range where they fought to investigate, and at the same time arranged for people to sort and collect the Zerg corpses separately.

He brought Mo Jiu into the hole that was blown away, checked the situation inside, and beware of any fish that slipped through the net.

Along the winding corridor, the two found many insect eggs at the end, none of which had been hatched. Mo Jiu was about to burn it with a flame of magic, but was stopped by Mo Yi.

"Collect the insect eggs separately, and sell them to the Beastmaster Sect at that time. You can earn Lingshi and study the weaknesses of the Zerg. Kill two birds with one stone!"

Mo Jiu nodded quickly, still the boss had the brains, so he took out a storage bag alone, and put away all the eggs.

While cleaning up the corpses in the tunnel, the two turned the entire insect nest around, and did not damage the structure of the insect nest.

This is a relatively complete insect nest discovered so far, which is of great research value. It is estimated that all the lords of the Heavenly Sword Sect forced the insects out of the nest and eliminated them.

Suddenly, Mo Yi saw a section of brown-red vein in the crevice of the stone, and he immediately became alert, and gestured to Mo Jiu who was behind him. Mo Jiu understood, put away the storage bag, and held his scimitar.

Mo Yi swung a sword energy, cut off the brown-red veins, dark red blood flowed from the broken veins, and there was no movement after a while.

Both of them didn't dare to be careless, they opened up the cracks in the stone, and found that the cracks in the rocks extended down another [-] meters.

"Captain, this is the Absolute Spirit Stone!"

It turned out that the two of them had already dug a space [-] meters below the rock crevice. The moment they broke through, Mo Jiu directly threw his scimitar out. back into his hands.

There was silence inside, when Mo Yi penetrated with his divine sense, his scalp felt numb immediately, and when he heard Mo Jiu's prompt, he dropped a formation disk casually and told Mo Jiu:

"You stay here, I'll go find my lord!"

Mo Jiu's face was also not good, he nodded, clenched his scimitar tightly, and stood in the cave, waiting for the arrival of his master.

When Mo Su and Mo Yi entered the crypt surrounded by the Absolute Spirit Stone, Mo Jiu, who was guarding there, stepped forward to salute with an ugly expression.

Mo Yi opened the entrance of the formation, Mo Su headed in, and when he saw the situation inside, his face turned black instantly.

I saw an independent crypt of [-] square meters, the stone wall was covered with the kind of winding brown-red veins, which is unique to the "blood sac", and in the blood pool in the middle, there were black beetle eggs floating. And these eggs are completely different from those collected by Mo Yi and Mo Jiu.

This kind of egg seems to be fused with the blood sac, and the whole shell of the egg is covered with brown-red blood vessels, covering the whole egg.

When the three of them were checking, a fused egg shell was broken, and what protruded from it was not an insect foot, but a brown-red blood vessel, which actually stretched out to the blood pool under the egg, and then began to absorb blood. pool of blood.

Mo Su swung his poisonous dagger cold moon blade at the first time, and the cold ice aura instantly froze the entire cave, and the eggs that were broken just now were smashed to pieces.

Mo Su immediately ordered Mo Yi with a blank face:
"Take a picture of the situation here, and then all the crypts here are destroyed, not a single one is allowed to stay, and then lead people to check again to see if there are any crypts surrounded by the Absolute Spirit Stone!"

"Yes, your lord!"

The two of them knew the powerful relationship between them, and they didn't dare to neglect at all. Only one person was left to clean up the battlefield outside, and the rest all went into the cave. It can take a lot of effort to investigate one by one.

After Mo Su left the crypt, he directly dropped a protective array disk, enclosing the fighting mountains.Then report the discovery here to Palace Master Demon Lie immediately.

When Jianmao tore through the void again, he had already arrived at the gate of Tianjianzong. The appearance of everyone immediately attracted the attention of the monks who were on duty.

The guards of the Jindan stage swept across the robes and the purple jade swords around their waists, and the two immediately stepped forward to salute respectfully:
"Meet the seniors of the sect!"

Because the "Heaven's Punishment" team rarely shows up in the sect in such a complete manner, and the cultivation base of these two monks is too low compared to them, they can't even see the faces of the people clearly. Immediately stepped forward to salute.

Jian Jian immediately discovered the problem, but he didn't say anything, he just stepped forward and handed over his sword. The golden core monk was a little surprised, but he took it respectfully, and after checking it, he handed it back to Jian Jian even more respectfully.

"Greetings to Master Jian Slaughter!"

"You have worked hard!"

After finishing speaking with a simple smile, he made a gesture of invitation to the senior brothers and sisters.

Jianmao entered first, and after a while, several people disappeared at the entrance. At this time, the two guards at the door dared to say:

"We are so lucky today, we actually met so many senior sect masters!"

Another golden core guard also had a look of excitement on his face, and said in a low voice:

"The one who handed you the waist card just now is Master Jian Slaughter! She is famous far and wide!"

"I know this, Your Majesty, she has two ancient weapons! She also forced Xie Xiu's Xie Dao to sink into the sea, but it made our Heavenly Sword Sect famous!"

"When can we become as powerful as Your Majesty! That is an ancient weapon!"

"Hurry up and practice! Now the sect provides us with a lot of opportunities to advance. As for weapons, I know that your lord's divine weapon is taken from the sect's 'Sword Tomb'."

"That's why I accepted the guard mission, and accumulated more points, so that I can enter the 'Sword Tomb' to choose a sword."

"Brother, I also plan to do so. I heard a few days ago that the sect is planning to recruit new disciples from affiliated families and small sects. My younger brother should be old enough. I want him to try it this time!"

"That's good, you have a companion in your practice"

The two chatted for a few words, then stopped talking and continued their guarding tasks.

"Junior Sister, the mission this time has been completed, and I will leave the rest to you. Let's go back to the peak first!"

Jianmao directly acted as the hands-off shopkeeper.

"Okay, this time I'm going to trouble you seniors and senior sisters, go and do your own work, I invite you all to my cave for a gathering when you're free."

Simply cupped his hands and said.

If it wasn't for waiting for her this time, the "Heaven's Punishment" team would have returned to the sect long ago.

"it is good!"

Everyone left communication symbols with each other, and then they turned into light and disappeared in front of Jian Jian.

 Dear friends, thank you for your support. Fengling came up to ask for monthly tickets and recommendation tickets. She can stay on the homepage for a while longer, hoping to get more readers' love.

  Tomorrow we have to go to work and school again, let's work hard together!The Spring Festival is coming soon!

(End of this chapter)

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