Chapter 557 Meeting the True Venerable
Watching the "Heaven's Punishment" team leave, Jian Jian turned around and prepared to go to Law Enforcement Peak.

The moon that has been resting on Jian Jian's shoulders said at this time:

"My lord, I will also go back to Yaofeng to report my safety, and by the way, talk to my ancestors about returning to the Yaozu."

"Okay, come back to Tianyue Peak to find me if you need it."

After that, one person and one pet will act separately.

When the simple escape light fell, the guards in front of the Law Enforcement Hall immediately greeted them, bowing and saluting with a smile on their faces:

"Greetings to Master Jian Slaughter!"

With a simple nod, he stepped into the hall.

"Your Majesty, you are back!"

This time, Jin Liuli went forward to greet her, followed by Qi Wei and Wei Zhengrong, both of whom were also beaming with joy.

"It's rare to see you guys being so enthusiastic!"

Jian Jian walked slowly towards the table in the hall, waved to the three people who followed him, and said after sitting down:

"Just talk about something important, if you're not in a hurry, take it easy, I'm going to see the real venerable."

The three of them looked at each other, they all knew that His Majesty had just come back and must have something important to report to His Majesty, so naturally they would not stop them, they all shook their heads.

"Okay, I'm just here to talk to you guys. After seeing the True Venerable, I'll go back to Tianyue Peak first. You guys organize all the things you have to report in the near future, and talk to me tomorrow."

"Yes, Your Honor!"

With a simple nod, the figure disappeared from the hall and appeared in the forbidden area of ​​the back mountain.

"Greetings to the True Lord of Heavenly Fate!"

Today's Tianyun Zhenzun didn't practice swords or play chess. He was sitting quietly and meditating. When he felt a simple escape, he opened the restriction.

"Hmm! The matter was settled smoothly?"

"Yes, I wasted three days of work. Tianzhu Zhenzun took good care of me and asked my senior brothers and sisters to support me. After dealing with the matter, we returned immediately."

Simply tell the story of Yin Zhengchuan's handling, including the meaning of Yunyun Zhenzun and his own handling.

Tianyun nodded, quite satisfied with the simple handling.

"It's just that on the way back, I met a Mahayana True Venerable who blocked the way and wanted my subordinate's natal sword!"

After hearing this, Tianyun smiled and said with a smile:
"Since you are back, the other party must have failed."

"Yes, after the subordinate trapped that True Venerable, he borrowed the teleportation array of the Jian family and came back."

A simple sentence expresses two meanings. True Venerable Tianyun was also a little curious, so he asked:
"With your temperament, and the nine Jianmao people backing you up, you didn't kill him but trapped him, why?"

After simply listening to the words of Zhenzun Tianyun, his head was full of black lines. In Zhenzun's heart, he had such a murderous temperament!

He rolled his eyes in his heart, coughed lightly and said:

"True Venerable, all Mahayana True Venerables in Lingyun Continent are very expensive now, and he killed me as soon as he appeared, probably just because of curiosity."

"Hehe! It seems that the pattern of sword killing is still very high."

Tianhong Zhenzun, who was dressed in dark blue robes, suddenly appeared in front of the two of them, smiling and boasting a simple sentence.

Jian Jian turned around and saluted again, and continued to report the next thing after the two True Venerables were seated.

I also briefly mentioned the matter of the Jian clan. It is not unusual for the two True Venerables to see black beetles appearing in the clan grounds, but they are more interested in the other kinds of Zerg that appeared in the place where Jian and his party settled down.

With a simple swipe on his ear, a photo earring was taken out, and then presented to the two true venerables.

Zhenzun Tianhong looked at the photo first, and Zhenzun Tianyun was not in a hurry, and continued to listen and briefly talk about the next thing.

"I notified Mosu of Tianmo Palace. After all, it is their territory. I will ask them later to see if there are other discoveries."

"Well, it's safer to deal with it this way."

The course of this trip has been described, and then the matter of Zixiaozong was briefly mentioned.

"Zhenzun, have you read the jade slips presented to you by the 'Xun' Hall about the closure of the space crack in the Zixiao Sect's forbidden area?"

"Zheng Rong has already presented it to me after you led the team away."

"Zhenzun, Senior Brother Jianli is quite clear about this matter. The sword saber I brought back from the Diling Kingdom last time belonged to Lord Jianjun, and there must be a sealed message inside, but Senior Brother Jianli didn't inform me in detail at that time. "

"I know about this. Jianli came here to tell me. Before that, they and his party were relatively safe, but this time the space crack is unstable. If Zixiaozong wants to forcibly close the space crack, that's a different matter." gone."

"Zhenzun, since I can get Zhenzun's sword from the space crack in the Diling Kingdom, it means that there is another exit from that space crack."

"You're right!"

Zhenzun Tianhong had already finished looking at the photos at this time, handed the photos to Zhenzun Tianyun, and continued with simple words.

"This matter, what is the constitution of your Law Enforcement Hall?"

True Venerable Tianhong continued to ask.

"Zhenzun, the Law Enforcing Hall's plan is that I will lead people into the crack to see if they can meet with Hall Master Jianjun, and then it would be better if they can come back along the original crack. If the original road is closed, we will have to go another Find his way."

"I know you are restless, how many times have you gone out?"

Zhenzun Tianhong's rare ridicule was simple, knowing that Zhenzun had no malicious intentions, so he bared his white teeth and explained with a smile:
"Zhenzun has wronged me, every time I go out, it's not for business, it's all for the sect!"

"Didn't you take care of your own business by the way?"

Tianhong said with a smile.

Simply knowing that there are some things that cannot be concealed from the True Honor, he just smiled without saying a word.

"Zhenzun, when will Brother Jianli leave the customs?"

"It should be soon, he was promoted by you and Jianxu this time, coupled with the golden light of merit, he has crossed two small realms, so I let him retreat for a while, and stabilize his cultivation base it is good."

Just listening to it, her nose was almost crooked, and it was this person who hindered her feelings, so she was nailed to the law enforcement hall, and she couldn't go out to wander in peace.

Zhenzun Tianhong just looked at Jianjian with a smile on his face, with an expression that I like to look at it, but you hate me to death but you can't kill me.

Simply grit your teeth and tell yourself "be patient", and we will find our way back when we reach the Mahayana period.

The Tianyun Zhenzun on the side had also finished watching the photos, and shook his head helplessly seeing Tianhong's evil taste.

After the picture earrings returned to Jian Jian's hand, Tian Yun said:

"During this time, you have been running around. This time, when you go back to the Law Enforcement Hall, you can deal with important matters first, and the rest can be taken care of slowly."

"Yes, thank you Zhenzun for your love."

"About going to Zixiaozong, you should prepare first."

After simply listening to the words of Tianyun Zhenzun, I feel much better. It seems that there is something to this matter.

"Yes, this subordinate understands!"

Tianyun finished arranging what could be arranged, and he didn't intend to leave, so he asked again:
"Is there anything else?"

Jian Jian raised his head and smiled at the two True Venerables before saying:
"It's not a big deal. Zhenzun knows that when Jianlu joined the sect, he entered the sect with art."

"Well, I know!"

"Seeing that the war is approaching, this subordinate wants to hand over the exercises he has cultivated to the sect so that more people can practice."

To put it simply, both Tianhong and Tianyun were a little surprised. The practice is related to their own ascension. Few people can hand over their cultivation methods, and at most they pass them on to their disciples.

So both of them pondered for a moment, and Yu Tianyun asked:
"Jian Lu, have you thought about it? It's about inheritance. As far as I know, the Jian family came here to ask for your cultivation technique last time!"

"Don't worry, Zhenzun, I didn't let the sect act as a shield. I have already given the exercises to the Jian family this time."

(End of this chapter)

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