Chapter 558
"What did the Jane family promise you?"

This time it was Tianhong Zhenzun asking simple questions.

"Jian's family will be the alliance of our Heavenly Sword Sect to jointly resist the Zerg. This is what Zhenzun Jian Mingyong personally promised. Whether we can keep the promise will be seen at that time."

"I think you're pretty sure."

Simply smiled and said:

"I have already helped them find out the black beetle, and I have also given them the exercises. I have no intention of intervening in the Jane's clan. The rest is up to them. I have done my best."

Tianhong's eyes flashed, and after hearing the simple words, he asked:
"As you said, you should indeed be a member of the Jane's family living abroad. Why don't you recognize your ancestors and return to your clan?"

After listening to it briefly, after thinking about it carefully, I knew that the cultivation world still valued the family, so I thought about it before explaining:
"Jian Lu's parents would rather be in the mortal world than recognize their ancestors, there must be a reason for this.

Although they didn't leave a single word, but from what I saw and heard when I went to the Jane clan this time.

I am the real direct descendant of the Jane family, with a complete inheritance of exercises, and they are just side branches. "

"Even if I went to inquire in person, they still claimed that they were direct branches, and I was a side branch! What a big joke, my side branch has complete exercises, but their direct branch does not. , it’s even difficult to advance.”

The simple voice was very indifferent, obviously he didn't have a good impression of the Jian family.

Zhenzun Tianyun at the top cast a reproachful look at Zhenzun Tianhong opposite. Family affairs should not be mixed with the sect, so Tianhong was a bit talkative when he asked this question.

Zhenzun Tianhong spread his hands helplessly, so he just asked casually, unexpectedly there were so many twists and turns in it.

"What is the truth? It's not that if they don't say it, the fact doesn't exist.

The deceased parents didn't tell me everything, and they hoped that this matter would be over in their generation. If they don't want me to bear these practices, I will naturally live up to their parents' expectations. "

"Forget it, I was the one who asked too much, as long as you didn't suffer a disadvantage. You are a disciple of my Heavenly Sword Sect, and you are also the acting hall master of the Law Enforcing Hall. There is no shortage of an ancestor of his Jian family, let alone your surname is not Jane."

True Venerable Tianhong explained the reason for his question in a tactful manner.

Jian Jian put on his smiling face again, his eyes sparkled brightly, and said to the two True Venerables:

"It makes Zhenzun worry, but in this life, my sword will only ascend in the Heavenly Sword Sect!"

The simple words were so loud that Tianyun and Tianhong also smiled and nodded, watching Jianjian leave.

When the restriction fell again, Tianhong Zhenzun lazily leaned against the jade table, and said to Tianyun Zhenzun:
"The Jian family really has no vision. Such excellent juniors give up, and sometimes they regret it."

"Now I'm sorry for Jianlu!"

Tianyun took out a small pot of spiritual wine, and in a good mood pushed it to his junior brother.

"Jian Lun, as the Jian family who appeared halfway, has not been trained by the Jian family for a day, and judging by her current cultivation, she is really going to return to the Jian family. As long as she is willing to investigate what happened back then, it is estimated that the Jian family must It will be bloody!"

"Brother is right!"

"So the Jian family is also in a difficult situation. They want her to recognize their ancestors and return to their clan, so that they can get back the practice inheritance from her in a legitimate way, but they are also afraid that her return will bring disaster to the family. According to what Jian Lu said, she just It is the direct branch, and the dispute between the direct branch and the branch has never been broken in the family."

"Indeed, the method of sword killing is the most straightforward. She has given her the skills, and she will not go back to the family, and she will not be burdened by the family. I guess the skills must be tricky. With the nature of sword killing, she will not lose money trade."

Zhenzun Tianyun just smiled and took a sip of his wine, which was his default.

The fact is, it was really confirmed by Tianhong Zhenzun that the simple exercises only reached the integration stage, and there were no exercises for the Mahayana stage.

At the beginning, Jian Qingyue, the first generation head of the Jian family, passed the "Heaven and Earth Chaos Technique" to Jian Jian through space division of souls, but it was directly sealed in her sea of ​​consciousness.

Simply, every time she advances to a higher level, the kung fu will automatically unlock the first level of kung fu. Now she is only in the fit stage, and the kung fu of the Mahayana stage has not been unlocked yet.

In fact, it is not impossible to unravel the last level of exercises with the simple Mahayana and Dzogchen spiritual consciousness, but why should Jian simply waste his spiritual consciousness for the so-called Jian family's direct branch?
So I kept a hand, and the monks of your Jian family who practiced this technique wanted to ascend, so naturally they asked her to go to Jian Jian.

Jian Mingdi went to investigate the clan, and Jian Mingyong handed Jian Shangxi the sealing technique left behind by Jian Ming.

"Shangxi, you are the spiritual root of chaos. See if you can break the seal. When the sword was used to kill the seal just now, the spiritual power of chaos was used, and the family emblem of the Jian family was also added."

"Yes, Patriarch, let's go up to the stream and have a try."

Jian Shangxi respectfully took the jade slip, placed it in front of him, then mobilized the chaotic spiritual power in his body, formed seals with both hands, and carved the family emblem composed of the power of the five elements. above coincidence.

The two family emblems were superimposed, and the jade slip began to flicker, but it was still not untied. Jian Shangxi watched anxiously, increasing the input of chaotic spiritual power.

Zhenzun Mingyong, who was watching from the side, reminded:

"Inject a piece of your blood essence!"

Jian Shangxi immediately tapped her forehead to draw out a drop of blood, and injected it into the "Wheel of Destiny", and the jade slip immediately became radiant.

Before the two of them had time to be happy, the jade slip turned into a white light, directly escaping into Jian Shangxi's eyebrows and entering the sea of ​​consciousness.

"Shangxi, is it all right?"

Mingyong Zhenzun frowned and asked.

Jian Shangxi calmed down, sat cross-legged in the hall, and said to Zhenzun Mingyong:

"Old Ancestor, the Jade Slip of a Cultivation Technique has entered my sea of ​​consciousness, I'll check it out first."

After getting the approval, he immediately settled down and went deep into his own sea of ​​consciousness to investigate.

After half a stick of incense, Jian Shangxi opened his eyes, his eyes were full of smiles, he got up immediately, and explained to the ancestor:

"Old Ancestor, there is no problem with the exercises. It is mutually confirmed with what I am practicing now. It's just that I only have the cultivation base of the transformation stage, so the exercises I show are only at this level. The subsequent exercises seem to continue to be sealed. Only Only when I advance to the rank can I unravel layer by layer."

Zhenzun Mingyong listened, nodded, still a little worried, and said:
"Shangxi, after you have obtained the cultivation technique, can you be sure to advance to the stage of distraction within a hundred years?"

Jian Shangxi didn't understand, but she still thought about it seriously before replying respectfully:

"Old Ancestor, if the supply of family resources is sufficient, I am sure to break through the distraction period."

Ming Yong nodded and continued:
"Then next, you brothers and sisters are going to retreat and practice hard. You have also heard the news brought by Jian Lu. Our practice is not for nothing."

"Yes, Shangxi understands, and will not disappoint the ancestor."

"This is on the one hand, and on the other hand, I want to verify whether the exercises in the sea of ​​knowledge will be unsealed after you advance to the rank."

Jian Shangxi frowned after listening to the old ancestor's words:
"Old Ancestor, is it because you are afraid of Master Jian Slaughter that you only gave half of the exercises?"

"Yes, I already gave it if I wanted to. Why are you making a special trip to send me the exercises now? Last time you went with Junior Brother Mingrui (rui), but you didn't get anything back."


Jian Shangxi felt that the ancestor's concerns were not unreasonable.

"It's nothing, Shangxi, the truth can't be fake, and the fake can't be true. If there is a problem, it will always be found. With us, you and the disciples in the clan can practice with peace of mind!"

"Yes, old man!"

As soon as the two of them finished communicating, True Venerable Ming Di left and returned with a somewhat unkind expression.

(End of this chapter)

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