Chapter 559

"Brother, how is the situation?"

Zhenzun Mingyong asked directly.

"Jane Weida was killed by the sword, which may have alarmed the black beetles dormant in the clan. I found out the problematic hundred people and killed them."

Jian Shangxi's face turned pale when he heard this. If he hadn't been reminded by Jian Lu, he didn't dare to think about what these people who were parasitic and controlled by the black beetle would do.

"Not good! Patriarch! Jianlu and his party have been teleported away."

Jian Shangxi's nonsensical words immediately reminded Zhenzun Mingyong that Jian Weida, who guards the teleportation hall, would definitely tamper with the teleportation of Jianlu and his group.

"Immediately send a flying sword letter to Jian Lu, we will not take this blame!"

"Yes, old man!"

Jian Shangxi immediately sent a flying sword letter to Tianjianzong, and the rest was anxiously waiting.

Tianyue Peak of Tianjianzong
Jian Jian returned to his cave, this time Lu Se led the way, and the four attendants followed behind the chief steward, welcoming Jian Jian into the cave.

"Your Majesty, another major event has been done this time, making the sect famous, and your lord's name has spread throughout the mainland."

Lu Se was the first to speak, and what he said was flattering. Although the four people behind him did not speak, they also looked proud.

"I just came back, and you have received the news? This is fast enough."

After simply sitting down, he asked casually.

"Yes, this matter was not passed on by our Heavenly Sword Sect itself, it was passed back to the Heavenly Sword Sect by monks outside. We are all happy to hear that you forced the evil cultivators to self-declare their weapons."

"Hmm! Is it still rumored that I have two ancient weapons?"

He simply raised his eyebrows and asked.

"They are envious!" Luther replied immediately.

"My lord, in the past few days, there are quite a lot of low-level monks wandering around Tianyue Peak."

Yun Shu reminded aloud from the side.

"But something?"

He simply ate a red fruit and asked Luther.

"Your Majesty doesn't know, they are all here to try their luck. If they can be favored by you, they may not be able to ascend to the ascension."

After listening to it simply, I almost choked on the red fruit.

"I thought sword cultivators didn't play this game!"

"That's because you are also a sword cultivator, my lord, that's why they want to get your advice. You can resist Mahayana evil cultivators during the fusion period. May I ask which sword cultivator doesn't yearn for it?"

It turns out that this is the real reason.

Simply shaking his head helplessly, he said to several people:
"Their rhetoric is a bit exaggerated. I borrowed the power of a few true venerables at the time, otherwise how could I do it alone. Lu Se, as the chief manager, you must grasp the propriety, keep a low profile in things, and don't get carried away .”

Jian Jian had no choice but to speak up, and also said something to Yunjuan, Yunshu, Tingfeng, and Wangyu:
"The same goes for the four of you. The most important thing now is to seize the time to improve your cultivation. Tingfeng is already in the middle stage of Nascent Soul, and the three of you need to work harder."

"Yes, my lord, we will keep your teachings in mind."

As soon as Jian Jian sent the four of them away, Lu Se went back again, holding a flying sword in his hand to pass the letter,
"Your Majesty, the letter from Feijian you just received."

With a simple wave, he took the biography in his hand, opened it, and it turned out that it was an inquiry message from Jane, saying that there were some problems in the clan, and I don't know if she returned to the clan safely.

Simply rubbed a copy of the photo stone, sealed it, and answered the other party's inquiry with a formula, and the letter flew out of the cave in an instant and disappeared into the sky.

Jane's finally got a simple letter from Feijian, which didn't contain a single word, only a sealed jade slip. Zhenzun Mingyong unsealed the seal directly and found that it was a picture jade. His divine sense swept over him, and his face turned pale. .

After passing the picture jade in the hands of the three of them, the faces of the three of them were not very good, and they were really terrified.

If the members of the Jian clan were sent there, they didn't have the cultivation base close to the Mahayana stage, and they didn't have any precautions, what would be waiting for them?
The fact is that in the last life, the Jian family disappeared in the cultivation world so quietly, and the clan site "Yunjianjian" has also become a hidden stronghold of the Zerg, helping the newly born black beetle larvae to parasitize.

The Mahayana Zhenzun in the clan was reduced to the nourishment of the high-level Zerg. That battle almost destroyed the Jian clan. However, because the clan land was closed at that time, the outside world did not receive any news.

"No matter what the reason is for Jian Lu to act, I, Jane's, owe her this matter. If she has any request in the future, we will do our best to fulfill it."

Zhenzun Mingyong made the final decision, and from then on, the Jian Clan, who was not a member of the Jian Clan, was respectful and courteous at 120,000 points.

Elder Yin of Fangcun Mountain looked at a star in the sky that was originally dim, but it glowed brightly again, stroked his beard lightly, and squinted his eyes with a smile.

After simply handing out the flying sword letter, Lu Se withdrew from the cave, and the restrictions fell again.

Jian Jian had time to ask Little Shining Armor. She stroked the pendant on her chest, and the silver beetle mother came out from inside. .

With a simple smile, he poked the little silver armor that couldn't get off the female worm,

"Who made you so courageous, you went to the Jane clan to lurk on your own initiative, now you know you're homesick!"

Little Yinjia understood what the master meant, felt a little embarrassed, rolled over from the back of the female worm, touched the tentacles, and then reported to Jian Jian what he had seen and heard in the Jane clan.

Little Yinjia followed the "Desert Yellow Sand Map" into Jane's Treasure Pavilion, and stayed in the Treasure Pavilion for several years before she had the chance to slip out. Hearing them talking about her master, she stuck to someone's chest. Putting on the French boots, he entered another cave.

In this way, little Yinjia went back and forth several times, and finally got important news from Jian Shangxi.

It turns out that the current Jian family in the comprehension world is indeed of the same origin as the next Jian family, and the next Jian family is indeed a descendant branch. The ancestor was jealous of the direct branch, and tampered with the teleportation array.

The teleportation array was eventually destroyed, and the direct branch was forced to stay in the next session.

However, some important resources and ancient skills were not mastered by the branch. They got rid of the direct branch, but there were some gaps in the inheritance. As a result, after they came to the cultivation world, even though they had strong aura, their development was declining.

And because of the special nature of the chaotic spiritual root, the Jane family declared her seclusion in its heyday, not only to protect the monks in the clan, but also to cover up the downward trend.

Since then, the mahayana true venerables in the clan have been gradually replaced by monks with other spiritual roots, just like the current true venerables Ming Yong, Ming Di, and Ming Rui are not chaotic spiritual roots.

In fact, clansmen who are not Chaos Spiritual Roots can ascend as long as they practice diligently. It is only because the clan emblem of "Wheel of Fortune" seems to have another important meaning, so they are so persistent in finding the cultivation method.

When Jian Jian was in the Tianmo Palace, they went to the Tianmo Palace, Jian Jian returned to the Tianjianzong, and the Chaos Sword Shadow at the time of the promotion and fusion attracted them again.

As for this reason, little Yinjia didn't find out, and he didn't dare to approach the cave of Mahayana True Venerable.

"For your cleverness, you didn't lose yourself."

Simply jokingly said, he directly rewarded Xiao Yinjia with a cup of high-grade spiritual spring water, and let him refine it by himself.

The little Yinjia, who drank the spiritual spring, climbed on the back of the silver beetle mother again, and was hunched back.

The simple thing is to close your eyes, go through all the things related to Jian's family, and it really made her discover some clues.

(End of this chapter)

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