Chapter 560
The next Jian's family, in the end, is almost a single lineage. In order to be able to leave the next generation, even the simple mother gave up her love, just to be able to give birth, and may leave the next generation's bloodline.

It is completely conceivable that it is the Jian family's obsession to leave the next class and enter the cultivation world, and Jian Rou's mother, Jian Rou, seems to know the inside story, so she took advantage of her unfortunate marriage to leave the place of right and wrong in Kyoto, Also left Jane's house.

Let Jian Jian grow up in a relatively clean environment without having to bear the family's expectations, so Jian Jian suffered from his father in his previous life.

Although in the end she couldn't resist fate and embarked on the road of cultivation, but at that time, without her mother or Jane's family, she could only cross the river by feeling the stones, so she shared the opportunity of cultivation with Du Yanran and buried herself in it. There is a hidden danger.

The simplicity of this life, rebirth with memories, or a big dream, come back after waking up, her mother still left first, but she still planned for her in every possible way, but she never told her from the beginning to the end, what the Jane family is responsible for... .

Jian Jian originally thought that it was the obsession with entering the cultivation world, but now it seems that there are other reasons.Otherwise, the Jian family in the comprehension world would not come to him again and again.

Simply leaning on her ten thousand year ice bed, she closed her eyes and pondered.

There are 20,000 people in the Jian family, including monks and mortals. This is what he saw in the Jian clan. Not all the monks of the Jian family are chaotic spiritual roots.

At least the two True Venerables she saw, Ming Yong and Ming Di, were not Chaotic Spiritual Roots, which she had already determined based on the fluctuations in their spiritual power.

But they are still obsessed with their "Heaven and Earth Chaos Cultivation Technique", and they can easily open the entrance of the Jane Clan Land because they have built the "Wheel of Fortune" with their chaotic spiritual power.

In fact, she was not sure that she could open the entrance at that time, but she just had the mentality of giving it a try, and at the same time, she had her own guidance.

As a result, he entered the clan land and let Jian's confirm his identity as a descendant. After that, the verbal temptation was just a pull between the two sides, because both sides had something to ask for.

It's easy to understand, since Jane can't solve the puzzle for herself now, she will ascend to the previous position and find the answer herself, she doesn't want to be that passive person.

If it weren't for the great war after 200 years, Jian Jian felt that he might really join the Jian clan and turn the Jane clan upside down. It can only be said that in the past [-] years, his self-cultivation has been quite effective.

Let's talk about the moon that is separated from Jianjian here. This time, I went back to "Yaofeng" and met the ancestors and Xingxing. I first announced the good news to everyone, and I finally assisted the emperor to wipe out the hidden enemies of the raccoon beasts.

"Moon, thank you for your hard work! Letting you fight alone this time has fulfilled the expectations of the entire clan."

The ancestor of the raccoon beast touched the moon's head and said with emotion.

"This time, Your Majesty is the one who made great efforts. After I returned to the sect, the first thing I did was to report to the clan. In addition, regarding our clan's return to the Monster Race, Your Majesty personally came forward, and this time The patriarch of the Wolf Howl who came to attend the succession ceremony had a talk."

"Moon, what did they say?"

Yue Yue sat on the stone bench, and told the two of Jian Jian and Lang Xiao the whole process of meeting, and added a sentence at the end:
"Your Majesty said that returning to the Yaozu is a major event in the clan. Let me come back and discuss it with the ancestors and the tribe. Your Majesty has already paved the way. It is up to us to decide."

"Hmm! Master Jian Slaughter thought very carefully. She did this because she was afraid that we would be excluded and bullied if we returned rashly. After all, it has been nearly a thousand years since our clan left the Yaozu clan."

The ancestor of the raccoon beast touched the gray beard on his chin, and said to the moon and the stars.

The moon scratched her little ear and said:

"Ancestor, in fact, Your Majesty hopes that we can return, because she said that after 200 years, when the Zerg invaded, the Heavenly Sword Sect would be the battlefield, and she didn't want us to be implicated."

The stars on the side couldn't bear it anymore, and said directly:
"But back to the Yaozu tribe, aren't we also facing the same resistance to the Zerg invasion?"

"However, we also have the opportunity to let the juniors in the clan awaken their unique innate skills!"


For the rebuttal of the moon, Xing Xing was also a little speechless. This is indeed true, but he still defended himself in a low voice:

"Then it might not wake up!"

The ancestor of the raccoon beast listened to the argument between the two, and laughed without saying a word. Xing Xing has become the new patriarch. Although his cultivation level is not as high as that of the moon, he is still performing his duties and making plans for the whole clan.

Needless to say, the moon, although the process of signing the contract with Lord Jianlu was not very pleasant, but the Lord has never angered the moon because of this reason, and even loves the moon very much. The armband is the best proof.

With such excellent juniors, why worry about his raccoon beast clan not being able to rise.

"Old Ancestor, what do you mean?"

At this time, the dispute between the two is over, and they both turned their attention to the ancestor.

"What I mean is, since Your Majesty has paved the way for us, I will take some of the clansmen who are about to give birth to the Yaozu clan to see if they can awaken the innate skills of my raccoon beast clan."

Xing Xing hesitated to speak, his fluffy face was full of tangles, before he could speak, he was stopped by the ancestor:
"Xing Xing, you still stay in Tianjianzong and sit in the clan. I will inform you after I have stabilized my foothold in the Yaozu. We will also take advantage of these 200 years to train the younger generation in the clan."

"Since we have won the favor of Yaozu, it is inevitable to fight, but the time left for us is too limited."

In the end, the patriarch of the raccoon beast had to sigh with emotion. It is an indisputable fact that their demon cultivators advance slowly. Moon is a special case because she signed an equal contract with Renxiu, which is equivalent to being taken all the way. That's why she is here today. achievement.

"Old ancestor, we know, we will work hard!"

Both of them nodded obediently, and the moon flicked its fluffy tail again, before saying in a low voice:

"Old ancestor, during the war, the moon must be with your lord, clan."

"Don't worry about that, you have to fight the enemy together with your lord in terms of emotion and reason, there is still me in the clan, and there are stars, so you don't have to worry about it."

The patriarch of the raccoon beast knew what Yue Yue was thinking, and if she was allowed to leave His Majesty at that time, she would definitely blame herself, so she took the first step to stop her worries.

"Okay, I will inform Your Majesty about this, and the clan can also start making preparations."

At this point, the matter of the Raccoon Beast's return to the Monster Clan was settled. Moon stayed in the clan for three days, helping Xing Xing to explain to the clan's peers, and packing the clan's assets. It was very busy for a while.

After Qingrui Zhenzun broke through the traps that were simply set up, he returned to the Loose Cultivation Alliance.The more I thought about it, the more I felt it was wrong, so I told one of my disciples:

"Bring Elder Qian here, I have something to ask."

The disciple was a little surprised, but he turned around and summoned Elder Qian.

Qian Wanguan also came back from Tianjianzong with Dao Ren not long ago. He was still annoyed that he missed the important event of eliminating evil cultivators.

The two masters and apprentices who returned to the Sanxiu League were studying the battle jade slips at that time, and the disciple of Qingrui Zhenzun came to send a message, asking him to see the Zhenzun.

Qian Wanguan stroked his smooth chin, and responded with a smile. After dismissing him, he asked Dao Ren beside him:
"Zhenzun Qingrui has always looked down on me, why did you think of summoning me this time?"

(End of this chapter)

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