Chapter 561
"Master, if you go to see him, you will know."

Dao Ren stood aside and answered directly.

Qian Wanguan shook his head and said to his disciple:

"This Qingrui True Venerable is very noble, and has nothing to do with ordinary people like me who love Lingshi, heaven, material and earth treasures."

Dao Ren listened to Master's words, slightly pursed his lips, and said:

"There is no master to earn spirit stones for the Sanxiu League, where do they get their offerings from? Since they are favored by the Sanxiu League, why do they look down on their master!"

"Hahaha! It's still Tuertongtong, I'm going to meet him now."

Dao Ren's few words were appropriate, which made Qian Wanguan feel very happy. His dedication can still be seen by others. With a wave of his hand, he took Dao Ren to the courtyard where Qingrui Zhenzun was located.

The moment they stepped into the courtyard, both of them felt a strong aura, and there must be a gathering spirit formation here.

Qingrui Zhenzun was already sitting in the gazebo in the center of the courtyard, Qian Wanguan immediately stepped forward, bowed and saluted with a smile:
"Greetings to Qingrui True Venerable, I wonder if the True Venerable sent me to come for something important?"

Qingrui Zhenzun glanced at Qian Wanguan and Dao Ren behind him, raised his hand, and asked the other party to sit down.

Qian Wanguan sat down in a good manner, while Dao Ren was very disciplined, standing behind his master with downcast eyes.

"Do you know Jian Lu from the Heavenly Sword Sect?"

Qing Rui asked.

Qian Wanguan was surprised, how could Qing Rui ask Lord Jian Luzun for no reason, but the expression on his face remained unchanged, he still smiled, cupped his hands and said:

"Of course we know each other. This time, I led the team to participate in the succession ceremony of the Heavenly Sword Sect. Your Majesty also informed me about the Zerg invasion. He also reminded me that the Loan Cultivator Alliance should also prepare for battle. "

While replying, Qian Wanguan observed the expression of Qingrui Zhenzun.

True Venerable Qingrui didn't hear the information he wanted, and didn't turn a corner, and asked directly:

"Is Jian Lu a pure sword cultivator? Is she good at rhythm?"

Qian Wanguan was so keen, he immediately sensed something unusual from the Zhenzun's question, looked down, and made a thought, then raised his eyes, and said with a constant smile:

"I have seen Master Jianlu make two attacks in total. At that time, Master's cultivation base was only in the late stage of Void Refinement, and he had not yet advanced into a body. One was in Heifengao, and the other was in Yunhaizong. They were all controlled by swords. enemy."

After hearing this, Master Qingrui continued to ask:
"But the ancient weapon passed on now?"

Qian Wanguan already had some guesses after hearing this, but he still replied respectfully:
"It should be, but this time Lord Jian Slaughter fought with the evil cultivator with two swords. I didn't make it in time for the battle. Before the true master summoned me, I was studying the jade slip with my disciples."

Qian Wanguan wiped his storage ring, took out a jade slip, and presented it to Qingrui Zhenzun.

True Venerable Qingrui accepted the jade slip and did not check it immediately. He just glanced at Qian Wanguan and asked casually:

"What do you think of this person?"

This person naturally refers to Jian Lu.

Qian Wanguan deliberated for a while before speaking slowly:
"As far as I can see, Master Jian Slaughter is decisive in killing people, possesses both wisdom and courage, and his cultivation base and strength are also ranked first in the cultivation world."

After hearing Qian Wanguan's praise of simplicity, Qingrui said lightly:
"It's very rare for Elder Qian to praise someone so much. It seems that this Jian Lu is indeed superior."

"Hehe! This is just my personal opinion, and the true venerable can be used as a reference. As for whether the sword is good at temperament, I don't know. The true lord wants to know. Next time I meet the sword, I can ask for it. "

After hearing this, Master Qingrui waved his hand:

"No need, go get busy!"

Qian Wanguan knew that Zhenzun had finished his conversation, and wanted to see off the guests, so he immediately got up, saluted, and left Zhenzun's courtyard with a sword.

The two returned to their place in silence all the way.

Qian Wanguan shook his folding fan, and after sitting in the first seat, he smiled and said to Dao Ren:
"It seems that Qingrui Zhenzun didn't take advantage of Sword Slaughter Zun."

"Master, what do you mean, the two have already played against each other?"

Dao Ren also asked with great interest.

"Hehe! You didn't see that Qingrui was planning to use the sword to kill Zun's natal sword. If I guessed right, I must have missed it, otherwise I wouldn't have come to ask me."

Dao Ren frowned when he heard this, what does this True Master mean?
"In Master's opinion, he didn't take down Jianlu's natal sword, and he obviously lost. Will he fight again when we meet again?"

Qian Wanguan shook his folding fan comfortably, and said to Dao Ren:
"You don't understand this! With True Venerable Qingrui's conceited temperament, since he has missed the first time, if he is not sure of winning, he will not make another shot."

"Since Master Jian Slaughter can escape the first time, he won't be afraid of him in the future. Even if the two meet again, they won't confront each other head-on. Now that they've reached this level, can they strike at will?"

"Besides, don't we still have to consider Sanxiu League and Tianjianzong?"

Dao Ren nodded, and then proposed:

"Master, you can send Dao Feijian a letter to Lord Jian Slaughter, and ask about this matter."

Qian Wanguan glanced at Dao Ren, it was rare to see him so enthusiastic.

"Why do I feel that you are a little afraid that the world will not be chaotic?"

Dao Ren just smiled and said nothing, but Qian Wanguan sent the letter anyway, because he was also curious whether the two really fought against each other.

Tianjianzong Law Enforcement Hall
It was simply a day's rest, and then returned to the Law Enforcement Hall to sit in charge. After all, she traveled suddenly at that time, so she must have accumulated a lot of unprocessed affairs.

Qi Hua, Jin Liuli, and Wei Zhengrong have already sorted out all the things that need to be dealt with, and they are waiting for the Lord to come back.

After being seated briefly, Qi Hua was the first to step forward:
"Your Majesty, you have time to send a message to Master Jianxu. He came back with Zhenzun first, and has been worried about your safety. He even sent someone to ask if you have returned to the sect the day before yesterday."

After listening briefly, he immediately sent a message talisman to Jianxuan to report his safety, and then started to deal with the affairs of the hall.

Seeing this, Qi Hua immediately handed over a jade slip, and then began to report:
"Your Majesty led people away in a hurry. After receiving the news, other sects also left Tianjianzong one after another."

"Nothing went wrong, did it?"

"No, basically all the monks who came to participate in the succession ceremony have left. At present, only the patriarch of the Yaozu, Lang Xiao, has not left. It seems that he is waiting for the Lord to return."

"okay, I get it."

"The nine squads in the battle hall have completed their defense missions and have all returned to the law enforcement hall."

"Well, let them rest for a few days, don't rush to retreat, I will give them special training after I free up my hands."

He simply said without raising his head.

Qi Hua's eyes lit up when she heard this, and her mind turned quickly, wondering if she could take part in it at that time.

"Yes, Your Majesty, I will tell them."

After Qi Hua finished her report, she took a step back and started sending messages to the captains in the battle hall with Mo Pei.

Jin Liuli stepped forward and saluted:
"Your Majesty, Hall Master Meng earned a lot of spiritual stones in the sideshow after hosting the grand ceremony. Some of them were allocated to the sect, and some of them went to the 'Zong' Hall. During this time, Hall Master Meng has not been seen crying for poverty. "

"Well! Don't let him be busy for nothing."

"The two small trial realms opened by Your Majesty are functioning normally. Zongmen monks cherish this opportunity very much, and the atmosphere of cultivation is very high."

Jian Jian had finished reading a jade slip and gave instructions. He put the jade slip on the table and said with a smile:
"This is a good sign. You should take care of Liuli's matter. It is very important to train disciples of the sect."

"Yes, my lord, I will keep an eye out."

The simple thing is to raise your hand and place the eight jade slips on the table one by one.

(End of this chapter)

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