Chapter 566
Yu Zongfan and Maodou, the two troubled brothers, thought that they would surely die this time, because someone actually wanted to use them to threaten their superiors.

Maodou was even more depressed. Even though he was close to Junior Brother Zongfan, he could be implicated no matter what.

But for all the questions about Zong Fan asked by the person who secretly kidnapped them, he answered that he didn't know.

But what greeted the two of them next was endless torment, spiritual and physical, and there was a seductive voice next to their ears:

"As long as you can tell one thing about Lord Jian Slaughter, I will let you go!"

The two gritted their teeth and resolutely refused to speak. After three days and three nights, the two of them were covered with bruises. They could only breathe out but not breathe in, but they still kept silent.

"Hmph! I don't know how to praise, it's a waste of my time. If that's the case, I'll just search for the soul!"

Zong Fan knew that if he searched for the soul, he would not die, nor would he be able to activate his amulet. Instead, he would let the other party know everything in his memory. Zong Fan was a little anxious.

But in reality, both of them were lying in the simple cave. At this time, their faces were a little hideous, as if they were trying to get rid of something, and their bodies were trembling a little.

"Tsk tsk! These two people have been abused by you enough, don't wake up, they will turn against you, and don't be your apprentice, I'll see what you do!"

Liu Chuan reminded aloud from the side, after all, the person was tied up by himself.

The blue luster in Jian Jian's eyes flashed, and the two trapped in the dream were standing face to face at this moment, and the urging voice sounded again:
"Give you one last chance, whoever kills the other party, I will let you leave."

Yu Zongfan and Maodou held swords in their hands at this time, and their spiritual power was released, and the bewitching voice remained:
"Kill the opponent, and you will live!"

Yu Zongfan and Maodou looked at each other, as if they had made up their minds, the two began to attack each other. From a simple point of view, it was all in slow motion, and even the trajectory of the attack could be seen clearly.

The two looked as if they were desperately trying, but actually they looked around without any trace, but there was only darkness around them, and they couldn't detect anything, not even their spiritual sense.

In the end, the two of them seemed to have made up their minds, and when they met their eyes, they poured all their spiritual power into the sword in their hands, and attacked each other's head with almost no dodge.

The determination in the eyes of the two people did not waver in the slightest. They knew very well that the person who brought them here was not something they could deal with.

No matter who wins out of the two of them, the other one will definitely not survive, it's just the end of being searched for souls.

It's better to be dead and clean, at least not to reveal any secrets, in fact, there are no secrets to reveal, but it's better than being teased.

And Zong Fan didn't want to lose the prestige of the Lord Jian Slaughter, he believed that the Lord would avenge him.

All of this happened in an instant, and in the next instant, the two of them seemed to be falling into an abyss, falling continuously without stopping, and finally fell heavily on the ground.

Zong Fan lifted his heavy eyelids with great effort, only seeing a vague figure, but a familiar voice came from his ear:

"Zong Fan, you don't have to worry, you are safe now, let's rest for a while."

'It's Your Majesty!Your Majesty actually came to save him! ' This was the thought in Yu Zongfan's mind, but in the end he couldn't resist the dizziness, and he passed out again.

Maodou at the side was still struggling with his strong will, and was simply slapped with a round fan, and the other party completely lost consciousness.

"These two have persisted for so long, it's rare! You don't act lightly, how can they stand up to your illusion with their little knowledge, and there will be no problems with their knowledge of the sea."

Liu Chuan said via voice transmission.

"Don't worry, my own apprentices can still harm them, and what I created is the simplest illusion, which will not affect their sea of ​​consciousness, but has the effect of expanding. That's why they fainted. This is a kind of ego Protect."

"Okay! Anyway, my mission has been completed, and you can figure out the rest!"

Liu Chuan's words disappeared into his wrist, and he remained silent.

In the early morning of the second day, Yu Zongfan and Maodou finally woke up. The two who woke up were quite alert, and immediately jumped off the cold jade bed, looked at each other, and walked towards the exit together.

"Are you awake?"

Lu Se's voice came from one side, startling the two of them, and Yu Zongfan saw that the person who came was Lu Da's manager, his memory came back, and he said in surprise:
"Did His Majesty save us last night?"

After hearing this, Lu Se coughed lightly, and then said solemnly:

"Your Majesty is waiting for you two, follow me quickly."

Standing behind Yu Zongfan, Maodou found out that his junior knew this person, so he was relieved. He had no idea about the fact that His Majesty wanted to see them, and he didn't ask much, so he followed Zongfan out of the cave.

Lu Se was walking in front, secretly pressing the corners of his mouth again and again, the two of them arrived at His Majesty's cave, and they have been sleeping until now, they don't know how His Majesty has tossed them, they thought it was His Majesty at the moment saved them.

When Yu Zongfan and Maodou came out of the cave, they saw that under a huge banyan tree in the distance, His Majesty was sitting on a rocking chair, waving his round fan, and chatting with the raccoon beast beside him.

The two immediately stepped forward and bowed to salute:

"Yu Zongfan (Modou) pays homage to Your Majesty!"

"Hmm! You two are brave, why don't you fight for a way out?"

With a simple smile in his eyes, he asked the two little guys.

Zong Fan's complexion was a little bad, but he still admitted generously:
"The enemy is too powerful. My senior brother and I were controlled without even seeing each other's face. It was really helpless, so we made such a bad move."

After simply listening to Zong Fan's words, he turned to look at Maodou and asked:
"What about you?"

Maodou scratched his head, and said with some embarrassment:

"He didn't want us to live. Instead of being controlled, it's better to enter reincarnation. At any rate, there is still a chance of reincarnation. At worst, we can practice from scratch."

After hearing Maodou's answer, he was very satisfied with the simplicity. The other party did not feel resentful because of being implicated by Yu Zongfan, and his temper was very open-minded.

"The two of you were implicated this time, it should be because of me. The crisis is over now. In view of your performance, I decided to accept the two of you as my personal disciples. Are you willing?"

After hearing the simple previous sentence, the two of them just confirmed what they had guessed in their hearts. Knowing that the crisis had been resolved, both of them secretly breathed a sigh of relief.

But for the second sentence, the two of them reacted for a while, and Yu Zongfan was still clever. After digesting it, he knelt down and worshiped, and even pulled Maodou who was stunned to the side and didn't react.

"Master, please be respected by disciple Yu Zongfan!"

Maodou just came to his senses, he was a little light-headed, and subconsciously followed Yu Zongfan:

"Master, please be respected by disciple Maodou!"

Lu Se, who was on the side, waved behind him. Yun Juan and Yun Shu each held a cup of spiritual tea, came to them with bright smiles, and put the tea cups into their hands.

After briefly drinking the teacher's apprenticeship tea, they nodded in satisfaction, and gave each of them a storage ring as a teacher's apprenticeship gift.

"Lu Se, go and change the swords of the two of them, and then move them from the outer peak to Tianyue Peak, and place them on the small peak on the east side, so that I can teach them how to practice nearby."

"Congratulations to Your Majesty for accepting his beloved apprentice!"

Lu Se congratulated Jian Jian with a wink, and then stepped forward to respectfully take the purple jade swords from His Majesty, took the two swords, and went to change their identity information.

(End of this chapter)

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