Chapter 567

Almost at the same time when Lu Se changed their identities and swords, all capable monks of the Heavenly Sword Sect knew that Sword Slaughter had accepted two direct disciples.

Needless to say, Yu Zongfan, after all, was a registered disciple before, and the other named Maodou was like a dark horse, catching everyone's eyes.

The little-known little Qi Lian was an outcast adopted by the Heavenly Sword Sect. Afterwards, he detected the three spiritual roots of gold, wood and fire, and then practiced in the outer sect. He is a very low-key kid.

The only special thing is that when he was practicing at Jianyue Peak, Maodou was adjacent to Yu Zongfan's cave, and he took over the mission of the sect together, so he was considered as a relatively close brother.

Everyone shouted that the other party was lucky, so that they could be favored by Jian Luzun.

But when Maodou established the foundation, some high-level monks saw the clues. It turned out that this child was born with sword bones. Barely achieve the unity of man and sword.

Only then did everyone suddenly realize that Master Jian Slaughter was the one with the vicious eyes.

Yu Zongfan and Maodou went through the roller coaster of their cultivation career, but they were still a little confused, so they didn't assign additional cultivation tasks to them.

It was just that Lu Se exchanged the materials for the two of them, and gave them a three-day buffer period to arrange their own training place by themselves, and they will practice in the inner peak for a long time in the future.

Lu Se first brought the two of them to familiarize themselves with the environment of Tianyue Peak, and then gave them the materials for building the cave.

"You are also high-level monks in the Qi refining period. I have prepared all the materials for building the cave for you, and you can arrange them according to your own preferences. There is also a gathering of spirits here, and you can arrange them in the training room."

"Thank you, Steward Lu, the aura here is more than ten times stronger than that of the Outer Peak, and there is no need to release the Spirit Gathering Formation."

Maodouhan said with a smile.

"Your Majesty is so dumb, why is his aura so poor? His Majesty is usually busy with things, and he spends little time in the cave. You guys are here to make this place more lively."

Afterwards, Lu Se explained a few more words and left the East Side Peak.

Jian Jian has accepted a new apprentice, and she is in a good mood. After the two settle down, she will start to wash the meridians and cut the marrow of Maodou. When Liu Chuan brought the two of them yesterday, she had already probed the meridians of the two.

Yu Zongfan has already washed the scriptures and cut the marrow, and soaked the body refining decoction on time. His cultivation base is steady and steady, and there are already signs of breaking through the ninth level of Qi refining.

Maodou is worse, after all, he did not lay the foundation since he was a child. Although Jian Jian had arranged for Liu Chuan to open the back door for him, and had the body refining decoction during the Qi refining period, which separated out some impurities in his body, there were still residual impurities. Simply give him a small stove.

It's simple and don't worry, anyway, people have already arrived at Tianyue Peak, let them wait for two days first, and they won't have a good life later.

The two who were setting up the cave unconsciously shivered.

Jian Jian had already taken out the jade slips, and began to make a new training plan for the two young apprentices.

"Your Majesty, Venerable Jianhou of Tianming Peak seeks an audience."

Yun Juan came to the cave to report to Jian Jian.

"Let him in!"

Simply remember that Qi Wei said that Jianhou should be recasting his natal sword these few days.

Jian Hou strode towards Jian Jian, first saluted, and then presented a black messenger jade slip to Jian Jian.

With a simple glance, he realized that this was the jade slip that Mosu gave to him. Didn't he just give it to Jianhou, why did it come back?

"Your Majesty, this is a message from Mosu. It is very important to ask you to take a look."

Jianhou's deep face was full of seriousness, and his brows were wrinkled together.

Jian Jian took the jade slip, scanned it with his spiritual sense, and found that the content inside was about the aftermath of the insect nest in Chimei Mountain.

Jian Jian returned the jade slip to Jianhou, and then asked:
"Have you read the contents inside? What do you think?"

Jianhou took back the communication jade slip, listened to the simple question, thought for a while before saying:
"They were trying to do fusion and it worked"

"Then don't give them a chance to succeed."

Said simply and decisively.

Jian Hou was taken aback for a moment, then nodded, His Majesty is always so strong, but every time he can do what he says.

"Your natal sword has been refined again?"

"No, I received the news from Mosu, so I came to deliver a letter to Your Majesty first."

"I have my own concerns about this matter. You should first refine the natal sword as planned, and then return to the Law Enforcement Hall."

"Yes, my subordinate understands."

After Jianhou left, he simply sat on the rocking chair, his teeth itching with hatred, he really pressed the gourd and floated, and there was no day when he could live in peace.

Yue Yue squatted obediently on the jade table, shook her tail at Jian Jian, and then asked crisply:

"Your Majesty, another moth has appeared?"

The words were simple and he laughed out loud, took the moon into his arms, and said:

"Who did you learn this from?"

The moon squinted her eyes, let her majesty touch her fur, and then whispered:

"When I was patrolling the mountain peak, I heard from the head of the affairs hall."

"Hey! It's true that another moth has appeared."

simply got up, put the moon on the table, tapped her forehead,

"Your Majesty is going to the law enforcement hall now, you can practice here for a while."

"Don't worry, Your Majesty, the moon will take good care of the cave."

Jian Jian smiled and turned into a beam of light, appearing in front of the hall of law enforcement.

"Your honor!"

It was Qi Wei and Jin Liuli who were in the main hall today. When they saw His Majesty, they immediately got up and saluted.

"Ask Zhengrong to come see me."

After simply taking a seat, he directly instructed Qi Hua.

After hearing this, Qi Hua immediately said:
"Your Majesty, Wei Zhengrong took your mission and went to Huanle City, saying that it was to settle the matter of the Fu family."

"Why did he go in person?"

After simply listening to what Qi Hua said, he asked with a smile. It seemed that Wei Zhengrong was also in a hurry and wanted to go for a walk.

Jin Liuli always got closer to Zheng Rong, so she stepped forward to answer the question:
"Your Majesty, Zhengrong got the news that the sect was about to accept disciples, so he went back to the family to discuss with his parents about Wei Xueru.

He should have gone to 'The Ends of the World' first to pay the reward, before Senior Brother Jianwu went there in person, so Zhengrong thought it would be safer to go there by himself. "

"I see."

It is easy to know that Wei Zhengrong has always cherished his younger sister, so it is not surprising.

"Your Majesty, if you are in a hurry, I will send a message to Zheng Rong."

"Let him deal with everything and come back as soon as possible without delay."


Jin Liuli knew that since His Majesty asked him not to delay to come back as soon as possible, something must have happened, so he immediately took out the ink pendant and sent the message.

Simply throwing a jade slip to each of them, he said lightly:
"This is a new situation I discovered on the way back. Take a look."

After seeing the jade slips, the two senior female cultivators turned pale.

Jin Liuli couldn't stop thinking about it, then opened her small mouth slightly, and said in a low voice:

"My lord, what kind of thing is this, it's really disgusting!"

"I looked like black beetle eggs and blood sacs were fused."

Qi Hua also endured the nausea and expressed her opinion, and then her scalp went numb.

"This was discovered by the aftermath team of the Heavenly Demon Palace after I and the 'Punishment' team wiped out the insect nest. We don't have any clue as to whether this fusion is successful or not, and how it will attack the monks after it succeeds."

Qi Hua and Jin Liuli looked at each other, Qi Hua said bitterly:
"These bedbugs, sooner or later they will all be wiped out."

(End of this chapter)

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