Chapter 568 Countermeasures
The main hall of the Law Enforcement Hall was quiet for a moment. Both Qi Wei and Jin Liuli knew the powerful relationship between them, and later turned their attention to the first seat in the main hall.

Simply closed his eyes and thought for a while before speaking:
"Liuli, I remember that your Jin family has been refining medicine for generations, and has always been protected by the sect."

"Yes, Your Majesty, my Jin family started from the ordinary world, and has made a fortune from this."

"Can you be good at poison?" Jian Jian asked suddenly.

Jin Liuli glanced at His Majesty, a little surprised, but still said:

"There is a branch of our Jin family that is good at using poison. They use poisons that are rare in the cultivation world to advance. At present, my aunt is the only one left. She is now the elder of the clan, and she basically does not leave the clan."

After listening to the conversation between His Majesty and Jin Liuli, Qi Hua's brain spun rapidly, and immediately understood His Majesty's intentions.

"My lord, do you want to use poison to deal with these fused monsters?"

Jian Jian was quite satisfied with Qi Hua's reaction, nodded, and said to Jin Liuli:
"This is just my idea. Whether it can be realized or not depends on the actual situation."

Jin Liuli's eyes lit up when she heard this, and she was eager to try it. Although she is good at alchemy, she also practiced with her aunt when she was a child, and she also has research on toxicology.

"Liuli, how is your aunt's cultivation now?"

"My aunt is now at the peak of the late stage of transformation, and there is still a line to go before she can advance to distraction."

Jin Liuli didn't hide anything, she told the truth.

Simple finger tapped on the table case, then thought for a while, and said:
"Liuli, this is just an experiment we made. You first contact the Heavenly Demon Palace to see if you can get some of these insect eggs, and then invite your aunt to visit the Heavenly Sword Sect. I will discuss this matter with your aunt."

"Yes, Liuli understands, I will discuss this with my aunt in private."

"Okay. Qi Wei, organize the contents of the jade slips into a book, and distribute a copy to each branch of the Law Enforcement Hall, and issue a warning to the monks who are performing tasks outside. If you find anything, report it to the Law Enforcement Hall immediately."

"Yes, this subordinate will do it."

After both of them left, Jian Jian was still thinking about it. There was another Bi Shu in Tianmo Palace, and she wondered if she had a deeper understanding of this new fusion body.

Omen Palace

Little friend Bi Shu, who was simply missed, was looking at Mo Yi and Mo Su with an expression of bitterness and hatred.

"You two lords, my little girl really doesn't know about this new worm. Since she was brought back by Lord Mo Yi last time, she has never left the Heavenly Demon Palace. Where can I contact the Zerg Race?"

Mo Su and Mo Yi knew that what she said was true, after all, she was not allowed to be presumptuous in the Tianmo Palace.

Mo Su, who has been silent all this time, spoke lightly:
"This is a newly fused bug. We need to confirm whether it has entered the cultivation world."

"This little girl really doesn't know."

"I will let you return to the cultivation world! The black robe guard will tell you what to do, you go down first!"

With a pale face, Bi Shu left the Heavenly Demon Palace, accompanied by a black-robed guard.

"Brother, do you want to release her as bait?"

Mo Yi stood aside, frowning and asked.

"Let's give it a try. We are very passive at the moment. If it wasn't for the worm nest that strayed into Chimei Mountain on Jianluzun this time, we don't know when we will find out."

Mo Yi stroked his chin, thought for a while before saying:

"I think it should be the cooperation reached when they teamed up to attack the affiliated city of the sect. It is not a matter of overnight to integrate new varieties."

"I hope we found out early, and the other party hasn't developed further. I have already reported this matter to Master, and Master asked me to learn from the Heavenly Sword Sect, and pass this news on to the various sects and cultivation families."

Hearing this, Mo Yi regained his spirits, smiled meaningfully and said:

"Sky Sword Sect has received the message now!"


Mo Su didn't deny it either, he squinted at the other party, and said:
"I asked Chen Feng to notify Master Jian Slaughter directly, and they must have already taken action by now."

After hearing Mo Su's blunt reply, Mo Yi's smile widened a bit.

Harmony City

Wei Zhengrong came to the branch of "Tianya Haijiao" in Huanle City after several rounds and rounds. This time he was also wearing a black robe, covering himself tightly so that no one else could spy on him with their spiritual sense.

Wei Zhengrong looked at the small facade, stepped into the store door, and there was another scene inside. A middle-aged monk was sitting on the counter, closing his eyes and resting his mind. He opened his eyelids when he felt someone entering.

"Guest, what do you want to do?"

Wei Zhengrong took out the remaining half of the map from his sleeve, put it directly on the counter, and said in a low voice:
"My master asked me to pay the rest of the reward."

The person who was originally sitting stood up immediately after scanning the half of the map, first took the remaining half of the map, looked at it carefully, and confirmed that there was no problem, then raised his head, ready to chat with the other party, Let's see if we can get some information out of it.

But where was the figure before him? The entire hall was empty, as if no one had ever appeared before, which made him think it was just an illusion. After looking at the map in his hand, he immediately turned around and entered the inner hall to send a message to the headquarters.

After Wei Zhengrong came out from "The Ends of the World", he wandered around Huanle City, making sure he wasn't being targeted, found a shop, changed his black robe, borrowed the teleportation array of Tianjianzong, and left Huanle City .

Not long after he left, there was a male cultivator from "The End of the World", who followed the clues all the way.But after all, it was a step too late, and in the end he could only return angrily.

After Wei Zhengrong completed the task, he went to the Wei family land without stopping.

"Brother, are you back?"

Xueru was talking with her mother, when she saw Wei Zhengrong, the pink figure rushed over immediately.

Xue Ruxiao saw her teeth but couldn't see her eyes, and she jumped lightly, as if there was a breeze around her to lift her up, and she fell steadily into Zheng Rong's embrace.

With Wei Zhengrong's cultivation base, how could he fail to see that his sister's cultivation base has improved again, and is now at the third level of Qi Refining.

"Xueru, how's your cultivation going? Didn't you come out of your mother's courtyard?"

Wei Zhengrong hugged his sister and asked questions as he walked, his tone very gentle.

Xueru put her arms around her elder brother's neck, smiled sweetly, and replied neatly:
"Xueru is here with her mother. She has never gone out. When they come to play with me, I ask Hua Tuan to tell them that I am in a bad mood, so I won't go out."

After finishing speaking, he proudly raised his little neck.

Qin Qin was all smiles, ever since Xueru was able to cultivate, the smile on her face never faded.

Looking at the two brothers and sisters who are in a good relationship, Qin Qin waved to his son and asked him to sit down and answer.

"Zhengrong, why did you come back today? But something happened?"

Wei Zhengrong knew that his mother was safe here, so he spoke more casually.

"My son came back specially after completing the mission of the sect this time, and it was for Xueru's affairs."

After hearing this, Qin Qin was startled, immediately changed his face, and asked:
"Since Xueru was able to practice, I haven't let her leave my side, and the news that she can practice has not been spread, but what's wrong?"

"Mother, don't worry, it's not a clan problem, but the sect will start recruiting disciples next month?"

After hearing Wei Zhengrong's words, Qin Qin felt relieved and at the same time opened his eyes wide, and immediately understood what his son meant.

Xueru, who was in Wei Zhengrong's arms, was extremely happy when she heard what her elder brother said.

(End of this chapter)

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