Chapter 569
"Zheng Rong, have you thought it through?"

Wei Wei'e, Wei Zhengrong's father, asked in a deep voice.

Qin Qin on the side tugged on the sleeve of Taoist couple with his hands, and his face was also a little sad, but he still eased the relationship between father and son.

Wei Zhengrong looked at his father's vicissitudes of life, exhaled lightly, and then explained:
"I came here on purpose, not to argue with my father, I came here for Xueru's future."

Xueru, who was nestled in Wei Zhengrong's arms, looked at her parents and then at her elder brother, but she was obedient and silent.

"Listen to what Zhengrong has to say first, and don't rush to make a decision."

Qin Qin has a gentle temperament and has always been the communication link between father and son.

Wei Wei nodded, signaling Wei Zhengrong to continue.

"Father, mother, I am loved by the ancestors in the clan, which makes our branch faintly surpass the patriarch's direct branch."

Father Wei was about to speak when Wei Zhengrong continued:

"I know that my father has no intention of competing for the patriarch, and you don't want me to earn this position, but other people in the clan don't think so, especially the uncle's lineage."

"I started to cultivate myself, my talent was revealed, how many times I was stumbled overtly and secretly, do you think I am willing to dress so ostentatiously? These are all to protect my life!"


The colors on the faces of her parents finally changed, and Qin Qin's complexion was even uglier. As a mother, she had actually noticed it a long time ago.

"After the ancestor came forward, I entered the Heavenly Sword Sect directly. As the representative of the family in the Heavenly Sword Sect, I maintained the relationship between the sect and the family. I only had a moment to breathe, but they stretched out their hands to Little sister, I won’t allow this!!”

"I don't hesitate to use the family's treasure this time, and I also want to seek a chance from Master Jian Slaughter, but I just don't want to watch my sister leave us at that time."

"Zhengrong, it was your father who helped you use the family treasure this time, otherwise you thought it would be so smooth."

Qin Qin couldn't help but speak up, defending his Taoist companion, and letting his son know that his family valued Xueru very much, and he didn't want to give up Xueru.

"I know, that's why I'm talking about this matter with you openly and honestly today."

Wei Zhengrong took a breather, touched Xueru's bun, and continued:

"Master Jian Slaughter, after healed Xueru, once said that if the Wei family can't accommodate her, let me send Xueru to the Heavenly Sword Sect."

Wei Wei'e and Qin Qin looked at each other, and then turned their eyes to Wei Zhengrong. Father Wei asked tentatively:
"But Your Majesty intends to accept Xueru as a disciple?"

"This master didn't say it clearly, he just cherishes his talent."

Then he said:
"I want Xueru to participate in this sect's acceptance of disciples. After all, it is impossible to keep Xueru's cultivation secret forever. She also needs to practice, to advance, and to make some trustworthy partners."

Wei Zhengrong's words made both of them silent. They knew all these things, but because their daughter had just started practicing, they thought there was still time.

"Xueru is willing to join the Heavenly Sword Sect to practice. I want to worship Master Jianlu as my teacher. She treats Xueru very well, so that Xueru can practice without being separated from her parents and elder brother."

Xueru's crisp voice broke the silence between the three of them.

"Forget it, what Zhengrong did was also for Xueru. I will explain to the family here that on the day the Heavenly Sword Sect accepts disciples, let Xueru go!"

Wei Wei'e said it was difficult, but finally agreed to Wei Zhengrong's proposal.

"That's it. I'll make good preparations for Xueru recently. When I go back, I'll mention the matter of accepting disciples to my lord. It all depends on fate."

"it is good!"

The eyes of Xueru on the side are always shining, she can practice in an upright way, and she can also see the Venerable.

For nearly a month, the major sects and families in the Lingyun Continent have all received the warning message from the Heavenly Demon Palace, and they are all very angry. After hearing the news, Hao Meng from the Nine Evil Palace broke out in a cold sweat.

He led the training team and headed for that place, because someone found a magic plant from there, refined the "Magic Yan Pill", broke through distraction and entered the refining stage.

Hao Meng also wanted to try his luck, so he took the people from Jiusha Palace to the Red Eyebrow Mountain Range.

Hao Meng was in his own cave, and the more he thought about it, the more he felt something was wrong. Combined with the news from the Tianmo Palace, then the news about Mozhi should have been released on purpose to lure high-ranking monks into that insect nest.

According to the scene he saw, it was really not something he could deal with with a distraction and a few Nascent Souls. Although he only glanced at it, the piles of Zerg corpses, just judging by the number, if they went in, they were really dead. There is no return.

Hao Meng gritted his teeth, he would never let go of someone who intentionally sent news to him, and now the reason is very good.

Hao Meng turned around and left the cave, such important news must be reported to the Hall Master, maybe it is his own credit.

The development of things, sometimes really beyond everyone's expectations.

Because Hao Meng wanted to take revenge on the person who sent the news to him in his heart, and the other party's purpose was impure, which almost made him fall into a trap, so he couldn't swallow his anger.

As a result, the Hall of Nine Demons followed this clue and found out the lurkers of the Zerg, and finally discovered the whereabouts of the fused Zerg.

Yaozu clan land
Lang Xiao and his party took a flying boat and finally arrived at the clan of the Yaozu.

The ancestor of the raccoon beast led the first group of people who moved over, followed behind Lang Xiao, passed through the barrier, and entered the demon clan's territory.

Lang Xiao waved his hand and told the clansmen to go back to Xiaoyue Wolf's clan on their own, and he took the raccoons and beasts to meet the Nine-Tailed Demon Lord.

Since Jiuwei helped kill Haiyan that day, he returned to Yaozu to sit in charge.

Who told him to send Bai Jue to the Heavenly Sword Sect to study, she could only handle the affairs of the clan herself, Jiuwei felt a little regretful, and should let Bai Jue take care of everything before leaving.

Nine-tailed Nine-Tails was reclining on the slum with his eyes closed, and Bai Ling beside him was reporting the latest news to Nine-Tailed Demon Lord with a clear and sweet voice.

What Bai Ling was reading was the warning letter sent by the Heavenly Demon Palace. After reading it, Bai Ling was also in a cold sweat.

"Demon Lord."

Kyuubi also opened his purple eyes, and hummed softly:
"I knew that Haiyan was not a thing. It was a disaster that lasted for thousands of years. I lost my soul and left such a trick. I should have known that I should have just fought with his master!"

After hearing this, Bai Ling didn't dare to say anything, after all, she didn't exist at that time.

"Bailing, let the chief of the earth dragon come to see me."

"Yes, Demon Lord!"

Bai Ling put down the jade slip in his hand and went out to summon the chief of the Earth Dragon. As soon as he stepped out of the cave, he saw the patriarch of the Wolf Howling striding forward, and immediately turned back:
"Demon Lord, Patriarch Wolf Howl is back!"

"Tsk! I'm finally willing to come back, let him in!"

Lang Xiao stopped in front of Nine Tails' cave, and said to the ancestor of the raccoon beast:

"I'll report to the Demon Lord first, you wait here."

"Thank you, patriarch Wolf Howl."

The ancestor of the raccoon beast hastily cupped his hands and saluted, and waited outside the cave with his clansmen.

There were also people around who looked at them inquiringly, but the ancestor of the raccoon beast remained unmoved, just squinting his eyes slightly, waiting for the demon lord's summons.

"Lang Xiao greets the Demon Lord!"

"Hmm! You brought back the raccoon family?"

Kyuubi squinted his eyes, and had already spotted the raccoon clan waiting outside the cave.

"Yes, Master Jian Slaughter did not prevent them from returning to the Yaozu, and asked me to take care of them. This time, I came back a few days later than expected just to take them with me."

(End of this chapter)

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