Chapter 570 Entering the Clan Land
In a few words, Lang Xiao gave an overview of what happened in Tianjianzong, and then presented the storage ring that was simply entrusted to him to the Nine-tailed Demon Lord.

The purple fox with nine tails glanced at it, and found that there was another hundred jars of spirit wine inside, and several sealed jade boxes containing some spirit plants and medicines.

"Jian Lu is really willing to give up, and for his own spiritual pets, he also took great pains!"

Immediately Nine Tails glanced at Lang Xiao, and asked:
"Since you brought them back, Jianlu must benefit from you!"

Knowing that he couldn't hide this from the demon lord, Lang Xiao generously took out another smaller storage ring, and was about to present it when Nine Tails cast a glance:
"Okay, put it away! Since you have accepted other people's things, make things more beautiful!"

Lang Xiao knew that this little thing in his hand would not be able to catch the demon lord's eyes, but it would be better if the thing passed the clear road.

"Yes, Demon Lord, I, Lang Xiao, still understand the matter of being entrusted with loyalty."

"I can't tell, I went to the Heavenly Sword Sect, and I've learned a lot about it."

Nine Tails made a joke, and asked Lang Xiao to bring the ancestor of the raccoon beast in to have a look.

"Raccoon Beast Xingchen, meet the Nine-Tailed Demon Lord!"

The ancestor of the raccoon beast respectfully saluted Nine Tails.

"Well! The monster race welcomes the return of the raccoon clan."

Nine tails threw a bamboo tablet to the ancestor of the raccoon beast.

"This is a ban card for the Raccoon Beast Clan. Since one of you left, the rest of the Raccoon Beast Clan suffered serious injuries. I will seal your Clan Land."

The ancestor of the raccoon beast took the bamboo card and smelled the fragrance of green bamboo on it, he felt a little more real, and they finally came back.

"The past is over, I hope your clan can look forward and grow stronger in the monster clan!"

The voice of Nine Tails reached the ears of the raccoon ancestor, pulling him back from his thoughts.

"Yes, Xingchen is a generation of raccoon beasts, thank you Demon Lord for your love."

"Lang Xiao, you take Xing Chen to the clan land!"

Kyuubi waved his hand, all that needs to be said has been said, and the rest depends on the development of the raccoon clan.

Wolf Xiao led the Raccoon Beast Clan towards the clan land, and passed through half of the Monster Clan. The Raccoon Beast Clan was watched again, and the news of their return quickly spread throughout the Monster Clan.

Hearing the call from the demon lord, the patriarch of the earth dragon immediately went to Jiuwei's cave.

"Meet the Demon Lord."

"Hmm! Has your family finished the second round?"

"Report to the demon lord, the second round has been completed, and nothing unusual has been found."


At this time, Jiuwei had already unsealed a jar of spiritual wine that was simply given away. It was brewed with cherry blossoms and had a clear taste, which was very suitable for her taste. She had already finished one glass, and Bai Ling next to her had just refilled the second glass.

Hearing the demon master calling him, Bai Ling immediately sent the warning message from the Heavenly Demon Palace to the Chief Earth Dragon for his review.

Patriarch Dilong immediately took a look, feeling that his good days are coming to an end again.

"Dilong, go back and let the people in your clan open their eyes wide. If I find this disgusting thing in the land of the monster clan, your clan will be cut into pieces by me!"

"Yes yes yes! Don't dare to bother the demon master to do it himself, the earth dragon clan must complete the task."

The chief of the Earth Dragon replied in trepidation, and immediately promised.

This nine-tailed demon lord is the most unreliable demon king in the history of the demon clan.

The opponent's force value is beyond the charts, and she was killed in the battle for the position of the demon lord back then. The snow leopard clan that fought her most fiercely was almost wiped out by her.

His Earth Dragon Clan does not have the strength of the Snow Leopard Clan, so he should obediently obey the orders and complete the tasks assigned by the Nine-Tailed Demon Lord, otherwise this guy will definitely do what he says.

After receiving the order, the chief of the Earth Dragon clan immediately arranged for deployment in the Hui clan. This time, he had to investigate more carefully. After all, if that kind of thing really took root in the Yaozu, it would be a real disaster.

On the other side, Lang Xiao led the raccoons and beasts to a green bamboo forest, and signaled Xing Chen to use the ban card to open the ban.

The ancestor of the raccoon beast stuck the bamboo card in his hand to the restriction, a wave of green ripples rippling from the bamboo card, starting from one point, slowly spread to the surroundings, and the circles of waves spread on the restriction, which also made Cui The bamboo forest began to turmoil.

Then the restriction gradually faded until it disappeared, and the raccoon beast's clan was fully displayed in front of them.

Tall and strong green bamboos grow densely, and the smallest green bamboos are a thousand years old, exuding a strong bamboo fragrance.

"Xingchen, you settle down the clan first, repair the clan land, after two days, I will take you to meet the neighbors nearby."

Lang Xiao said to the raccoon ancestor beside him.

"Yes, thank you patriarch Wolf Howl for being so thoughtful."

The ancestor of the raccoon beast cupped his hands and said at the same time:
"Today, the clan's land is in disarray, so it's not easy to entertain clan leader Wolf Howl. We'll invite you to be our guest after we've got everything in order."

"it is good."

After the two patriarchs said their goodbyes, the patriarch of the raccoon beast led his clansmen into the clan land, and at the same time restarted the ban.

The first thing the patriarch of the raccoon beast did when he entered the clan land was to say goodbye to the moon and stars far away in the Tianjianzong.

Tianyue Peak of Tianjianzong
Yue Yue didn't follow Jian Jian to the Law Enforcement Hall in the past few days. Instead, she was on the banyan tree in front of Zunshang Cave Mansion, counting the time with her little paws. The old ancestor should have entered the Yaozu clan, why didn't he send a message to himself.

Yue Yue scratched his little ear, and decided to wait another day to see if it really didn't work, and then went to the Venerable Master to see if he could ask Patriarch Lang Xiao.

"Senior Moon, here is your biography."

Yun Juan held a letter and came to look for the moon under the tree.

The moon's eyes lit up when he heard it, and the next moment he was under the tree, his little paws grabbed the passbook. After reading it, his mood improved significantly, and he closed his eyes with a smile.

"I'm going to report a letter to Zun."

After speaking, he left Tianyue Peak in a blink of an eye.

When Wei Zhengrong left the Wei family land, he received a message from Jin Liuli, and immediately took the teleportation formation to rush back to the sect. At this time, he was obeying His Majesty's orders in the main hall.

"I've already arranged for Liuli to spread the word to each hall first. You 'Xun' halls, try to arrange people as much as possible during this time, and collect more information from all parties."

Wei Zhengrong's face was also very ugly, it was really a wave of unrest and another wave, and only then did the matter of the evil cultivator be dealt with, and another incident like this happened.

"Yes, my subordinate understands."

"In addition, the squad that is performing mobile patrol missions is currently in the area under the jurisdiction of the sect. Be sure to pass on the news to them so that they can be more vigilant and be more careful when patrolling."

Wei Zhengrong silently took out a jade slip, recorded all the instructions of his lord, and then replied:

"Your Majesty, I have already completed the mission of 'Tianya Haijiao' to hunt down the Fu family. When I came back, I went to the news point of the Hua family to check what you ordered."

"Where is Du Yanran now?"

"Your Majesty, according to the Hua Family, Du Yanran is still at the Yin Yang Gate."


After hearing the news, simply continued to ask:
"Have you determined where she last appeared?"

"The Hua family said that the specific location cannot be confirmed for the time being, but the place where Du Yanran appeared last was in the Yin Yang Gate."

"okay, I get it."

Jian Jian knew very well in her heart that Du Yanran should have borrowed the Magnolia Pendant to get away temporarily, but she has not left the Yin Yang Gate.

Just think about it, should I send a message to Yuze and Yushu, asking them to look through Du Yanran's cave.

(End of this chapter)

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