Chapter 571 Leaving the Sect
Yin Yang Gate

Since Du Yanran hid in the Magnolia Pendant that day, she has not been able to leave the space, because the cave where she is located has been sealed off, and the person who attacked her was a high-level monk from the Yin Yang Sect, so she did not dare to act rashly to break the ban.

If she makes a move, it will indirectly prove that she is still in the sect, and the next step must be a more detailed investigation. She cannot guarantee that her white magnolia pendant can escape the high-level and powerful consciousness, so she can only be trapped. In the Magnolia pendant.

Du Yanran hid in a space of [-] square meters. Looking at the few spiritual plants left in the spiritual field and a small amount of spiritual spring water, Du Yanran did not dare to practice anymore. If the spiritual power in the space was exhausted, the Magnolia pendant would When it collapses, you have nothing to hide.

On this day, the restriction on Du Yanran's cave was opened, and a group of monks from the Yin-Yang Gate entered it, turning the cave upside down.

"Uncle, since the last ban, no one has entered here, and there are special guards. We have also taken the monks who have more contact with Du Yanran for questioning. There are no usable clues."

A male monk with a gloomy face said to the speaking monk:

"Looking at the situation in her cave, you can tell that she left in a hurry. Has her attendant asked?"

"I've interrogated them all. Du Yanran is very cautious. She doesn't let these attendants get close to her on weekdays. She just takes care of the cave and has no serious errands."

"Hmph! From this point of view, she has long been involved with the evil cultivator, so she is so cautious."

After hearing this, the rest of the people didn't dare to say anything, this matter is a family scandal of Yin Yang Sect.

I didn't expect Du Yanran to be so bold as to lure wolves into the house. Thinking about the blood sac lurking in Yinyang Mountain, they all felt their scalps go numb.

"Empty the cave mansion, seal everything in the cave mansion and put it in the warehouse, and don't dispose of everything without authorization."


When the male cultivator left, the rest of the people breathed a sigh of relief.

"Uncle Master's face is really ugly."

A female cultivator whispered to the junior sister beside her while packing her things.

"Can't it be ugly! The sect master personally ordered Du Yanran to be taken care of, but in the end she let her slip away! Uncle was scolded by the sect master."

"You said that this Du Yanran is really vicious, and has something to do with evil cultivators!"

The junior sister said angrily.

"Oh! This Du Yanran has advertised herself as a holy fairy since she first started, but she has done a lot of dirty things in private, otherwise she would have advanced so quickly, even his nominal master Bao Chunlai. There are no bones left by her."

"I've heard about this, and Bao Chunlai is not wronged if I say it. Whoever let him covet his disciple's things, and didn't share the benefits with Du Yanran, would naturally be calculated. If you let me give up my chance, I'm not happy either."

"One yard counts. Du Yanran plotting against Bao Chunlai is a matter between their master and apprentice, but no matter how great the hatred is, they can't put the 'blood bag' in our Yinyang Mountains. She even pretended to kill him once. , it turned out to be just a cover for the real 'blood sac'."

Another cold voice sounded, obviously disgusted by Du Yanran's actions.

Du Yanran, who was hiding in the Magnolia space, realized at this moment that the "blood sac" had been exposed.

However, this matter was done by Lord Lianxu, how could it be exposed?

"Hmph! Now the sect has issued a list, completely expelling Du Yanran from the sect, and issued an order to kill her. We will wait and see what happens to her."

The female cultivator who said this happened to pick up the Magnolia pendant, and while the others were not paying attention, she accidentally put the pendant into her sleeve pocket, and then continued to seal the rest.

Du Yanran's eyes lit up in the space, and she knew that her chance to escape had come.

A month later, Du Yanran left the sect and re-entered the Yin-Yang Mountain Range. At this time, she had changed her appearance, and came out to carry out activities with the face of the female cultivator who cut off her white magnolia pendant.

When Du Yanran left the Yin Yang Gate, Hua Lei from the Hua family had already sensed it, and a purple light flashed in his eyes. This Du Yanran was really good at escaping under the nose of the Yin Yang Gate.

Hua Lei decided to meet the other party, mainly because the "flower seal" was about to be planted again, and the other party's advanced Lei Jie had already faded the flower seal, so he had to go this time.

Before Hua Lei could leave the Hua family's mansion, Hua Xi stopped him.

"Little brother, where are you going?"

Huaxi and Hualei have both advanced to the mid-stage of Huashen, and their status in the clan is getting higher and higher. The former head of the Hua family, Hua Kun (kun), has already made plans to pass on the position of head of the family to one of them. Intend.

It's just that the rules of the Hua family have always been the two of Bing Dilian, one is the head of the family and the other is the guardian, so Huaxi and Hua Lei have not yet reached an agreement on who will be the head of the family.

Hualei thinks that Huaxi, as an elder sister, is more suitable than himself to inherit the position of head of the family, and he is willing to secretly protect the family; while Huaxi believes that Hualei is stable and more suitable than himself, and she doesn't like to be restrained, so she prefers to work secretly for the family .

Hua Lei glanced at his sister, raised his thick eyebrows, and said with a smile:

"Du Yanran came out of the Yin Yang Gate, I'll go meet her and replant the 'flower seal' by the way."

Huaxi rolled her eyes when she heard this, and became interested.

"This Du Yanran is really tenacious, and he is still jumping up and down, so I will refrain from doing it and go with you!"

Huaxi said, caressing her hair on the sideburns, on the bun is a purple butterfly flower, which is Huaxi's companion plant pet.

Hua Lei shook his head helplessly, and finally reported to the Patriarch, and the two left Hua's house together and rushed to the Yinyang Mountains.

Heavenly Sword Sect

After simply learning about Du Yanran, he didn't send another message to remind Yu Ze and Yu Shu that some things should be too much, and if you stretch your hand too far, it will make others disgusted.

At present, as long as she knows where she is and knows where she is, she will have her own plans for the rest.

After Wei Zhengrong reported all the things he went out to deal with, he opened his mouth after deliberation:

"Your Majesty, this time I was out on errands, so I stopped by the family and met my little sister."

Simply hearing him mention Xueru, a cute and cute face appeared in his mind, and he asked with a smile:

"How is Xueru's cultivation now?"

"I am thinking about it, I have already refined the third level of Qi."

"That's right, the promotion is faster, so it's better to be steady."

"This subordinate understands. I have already discussed with my parents when I go back this time, and I will send Xueru to the Heavenly Sword Sect."

After hearing Wei Zhengrong's words, it is not surprising that it is simple.

"You want to send Xueru to my door?"

To put it bluntly, since Wei Zhengrong asked in front of him, he must have asked for something.

Being put forward in a simple and straightforward manner, Wei Zhengrong simply responded generously:
"Yes, Your Honor!"

"Xueru's talent, needless to say, but I'm not a wind spirit root, so I'm afraid it won't help her practice much."

Let's talk about the matter simply, after all, accepting apprentices depends not only on fate, but also on the attributes of spiritual roots.

"I've also discussed this with my sister. If she wants to follow the path of sword cultivation, the spiritual root attribute is not the most important thing."

After speaking, Wei Zhengrong paused for a moment before continuing:

"The subordinates haven't congratulated you yet, and are delighted to love you. It's just that the two apprentices accepted by you are boys. After all, they are not as caring as female disciples. Xueru has always been well-behaved and sensible. It is good to be by your side. It's the best."

"Hehe! It's not easy for you to be an elder brother. You try to get Xueru into my sect."

(End of this chapter)

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