Chapter 572
At this time, Wei Zhengrong straightened his face, saluted Jian Jian formally, and then said:

"Although this subordinate has a good reputation in the family, he also experienced many nasty things when he was a child. He didn't calm down until he joined the Heavenly Sword Sect. I thought it was like this, but my younger sister's birth and talent hindered other people's eyes. At such a young age, you have lost the qualification to practice."

"I don't want my sister to stay in the family, become a pawn of the family, or even be used to contain me, so I implore my lord, if I can take my sister into the sect, my sister will completely leave the family. I am just your disciple, and I hope to get your approval. .”

Simple is not surprised by Wei Zhengrong's remarks. The family members are all children of the same surname, and it is common to compete with each other for cultivation, resources, and who can be liked more by the ancestors.

It's just that some families are benign competitions, while others are vicious circles. Generally, such families will not develop for a long time.

"I'm afraid you want to borrow my name so that some members of your Wei family will not dare to reach out to your sister!"

"My subordinates dare not!"

Wei Zhengrong bowed immediately.

"Xueru is able to cultivate because of your lord. In her heart, she admires you the most, so she wholeheartedly wants to worship you as her teacher."

"Okay, when the sect starts to recruit disciples from the clan, I will go and have a look."

"Thank you sir!"

Wei Zhengrong only showed a smile on his face when he heard this. If His Majesty didn't veto it, then there is a chance.

Tianquan Peak

Admiral Jian Li retracted the last trace of the sword domain into his body, and then slowly opened his eyes, a purple luster flashed in his eyes.

This time the step forward was a bit big, Jian Li knew that he had borrowed the wind from Jianxu and Jiansha, now that his cultivation had been solidified, it was time to leave the level.

When Jian Li waved away the restriction of his cave, the messenger talisman poured into his cave like a tide, filling the cave instantly.

Jian Li was taken aback. It was because the Zerg had already broken through the defense. With a slightly condensed face, he waved his sleeves and put all the communication symbols into his sleeve pockets.

The divine consciousness in the initial stage of Jian Li's fusion first scanned Tianquan Peak to confirm that there was nothing wrong with the inner peak, then took out a communication talisman with black lines all over his head, opened it, and heard the sound of Jianlu:

"Senior brother, when will you leave the customs? I was appointed by Zhenzun to temporarily act as the law enforcement hall. I hope the brother will leave the customs as soon as possible."

Open the second communication talisman again, the same question at the beginning, and the voice of Junior Sister Jianlu:

"Brother, when will you leave the customs?"

A helpless smile appeared on Jian Li's stern face, it seemed that the junior sister was looking forward to her exit, so she spread out her huge spiritual consciousness and browsed through all the communication talismans.

Ninety-ninety percent of them were sent to him by Jian Lu, and the rest were sent by Jian Market to make fun of him, as well as the communication talismans of Jian Wu, Jian Cheng and Jian Ning, who reported their own where to go.

"Congratulations on your exit!"

Jianli's attendant stood outside the cave, and when he saw his master coming out, he immediately stepped forward to congratulate him.

Jian Li knew that he had already alarmed the people in Tianquan Peak by dispersing his consciousness just now, so he ordered:

"I'll go to the law enforcement hall first, and you will take care of the cave."

"Yes, Your Honor."

Jian Li didn't delay, he drove to the Law Enforcement Hall in his escape light, digesting the information he just read on the way, mainly the simple and almost daily communication talisman, the information was quite comprehensive, when his escape light approached the Law Enforcement Hall, He has a general understanding of the major events that have happened in the sect.

Jian Jian is looking at the jade slips, and Wei Zhengrong is still reporting the latest news:

"The inspection and acceptance of disciples in the mortal world has come to an end. Now the ten teams are already on their way back to the sect, and they will arrive one after another in the near future."

"Well! Report this matter to Sect Master Jianchong. After the disciples take it back, they will have to pass the test of the sect. Some people with bad intentions must be eliminated early."

"Yes, my subordinate understands."

Wei Zhengrong didn't even take a step, when he noticed that the senior admiral put the jade slip in his hand back on the table, and then disappeared on the seat in the hall with a smile on his face.

In the next moment, a simple figure appeared at the place where Jian Li's light fell, blocking the opponent just in time:


The simple call of the senior brother was so sweet and heart-warming that it almost distorted Jian Li's escape light.

"Cough! Junior sister, please speak up!"

Jian Li pressed his hand to his lips, coughed lightly, and said softly.

"Hee hee! I'm also happy to see my brother leave the customs."

I don't care about the simplicity at all, as long as the senior brother is out of the test, it means that the opportunity to let go of the burden has come. She is already happy in her heart, and there is a little joy in her speech. Jian Li is still happy.

"Brother's demeanor is even better than before, more imposing, with a restrained edge, but not leaking."

The words of praise in Jian Jian's mouth jumped out one after another, and Jian Li doubted whether the person the other party said was himself?
And Wei Zhengrong, who came out a few steps later, saw Jian Luzun smiling, walking beside a tall and vigorous male cultivator, and kept praising him.

Although Nanxiu had a sullen face, the smile in the corner of his eyes still betrayed his mood.

"Wei Zhengrong pays homage to Your Majesty!"

Simply nodded to Wei Zhengrong, then turned to Jianli and said:
"This is Wei Zhengrong. Jian Sheng went to retreat and advanced, so he was transferred to help with the affairs of the 'Xun' hall. If you want to know anything, brother, you can directly contact Zhengrong."

Jian Li nodded to Wei Zhengrong, then briefly introduced to Wei Zhengrong:

"This is Lord Jian Li, the acting head of the Law Enforcing Hall. I'm just temporarily handling the affairs of the Law Enforcing Hall when my brother is promoted."

Wei Zhengrong saluted respectfully, and also understood the real intention of Lord Jian Luzun's words, the corners of his mouth unconsciously twitched.

When Jianli entered the main hall of the Law Enforcement Hall, he glanced over and found that the furnishings in the main hall had not changed in any way, except for the jade slips piled up on the table, which were obviously much less than when he was there.

Jian Li didn't give in, and sat on the head seat, then smiled and said to Jian Jian:

"Junior Sister, I have worked hard for you during my retreat!"

"It's not hard, the brother is out of the customs, and I can retire with my achievements."

Jian Jian has already taken out the master's order of the law enforcement hall, and presented it with respectful hands,
"Senior brother, the order of the head of the Law Enforcing Hall, return it in its entirety."

Jian Li shook his head helplessly, and the joke was simple:
"Junior Sister, why do I feel that this hall master order is a bit hot?"

While talking, he didn't take the token that was simply handed over.

It's simple, but looking forward to the stars and the moon, and finally looking forward to Jian Li's exit, when is it time to not throw the burden at this time?
Handed the token directly to Jianli's hand, and then said:
"Senior brother, you know that I didn't intend to take on this burden. Who made you advance so suddenly, so the Supreme God of Fortune arrested me temporarily. I have tried my best, senior brother, please forgive me!"

As he spoke, he looked at Jian Li with resentful eyes.

Jian Li couldn't help laughing, and said with a smile:

"That's what Junior Sister thinks. If it's another person who is in charge of the law enforcement hall, he can be regarded as half of the head of the Heavenly Sword Sect. You're not the only one who cares."

After hearing what Jian Li said, Jian Jian glanced directly at the other party, and then said:

"'If you want to wear the crown, you must bear the weight', they only see the benefits brought by power, but they don't consider the responsibility and cause and effect they have to shoulder.

I'm used to being lazy, and I don't want to put such a heavy burden on myself. When I reach the Mahayana stage of cultivation, I can still protect the sect. "

(End of this chapter)

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