Chapter 573 Sword Li Returns
"Senior brother, you can't hold me back anymore. I just accepted two direct disciples, and I have to take good care of my own disciples. My ability cannot be passed on. Your disciple Jianwu is a god gone."

It was rare for Jian Li to see Junior Sister Jianlu speak soft words, so he could only put away the black token of the Law Enforcement Hall, he knew that if he continued to decline, Junior Sister would probably cry for him.

Seeing Jian Li put away the token of the hall master, the simple smile was more real.

"Junior Sister, do you know that it is because of your attitude that you don't value power that Zhenzun entrusted the Law Enforcement Hall to you."

Seeing the simple expression, Jian Li was telling the truth.

After listening to Jian Li's words, Jian Jian raised his eyes and said with a smile:
"Brother, what you mean is that if I put more emphasis on power, Zhenzun won't care that I take up the law enforcement hall temporarily?"


After thinking about it for a while, he knew that the senior brother was tricking him, so he said quietly:
"Brother will laugh at me. I want such great power. What do I want to do? Plan for the family? Accumulate spirit stones and points for myself? I am alone, and no family needs me to do anything. As for the cultivation resources, it is a big word , I really don’t lack it.”

"Hehe! I knew you would say that, so you are the best candidate in Zhenzun's heart."

The two were talking back and forth, Qi Wei and Jin Liuli entered the hall together, found Lord Jian Li, and the two immediately stepped forward to salute.

"This is Qi Hua from Tiandu Peak, and I called her to take care of Jianwu's vacancy, and deal with the surrounding affairs in the Law Enforcement Hall; Jin Liuli is the person I asked for from Jianpo in the 'Punishment' Hall, to help me coordinate the peaks. "

He simply pushed the two of them in front of Jianli, and explained the two people's main responsibilities in the Law Enforcement Hall.

"Jiancheng and Jianning have also gone to retreat. After Jianning leaves the customs, he will directly enter my 'battle' hall."

"But because of Jian Wan?"

Jianli also knows a little about the twists and turns, so it's simple to ask directly.

"Yes, after you retreat and consolidate your cultivation base, I will handle the follow-up affairs of the Fu family. They dared to have an affair with evil cultivators. In addition to the matter of Senior Brother Jianjun before, I directly ordered that all members of the Fu family be exterminated. Remove the Fu family from the Heavenly Sword Sect."

"Junior Sister, this is to make an example to others!"

"Yes, they did the first day of junior high school, so don't blame me for doing the fifteenth day. At the end of the day, they dug a hole for us. The map of the mighty mansion outside the Yunhai Sect came from the distracted monks of their Fu family. "

This matter was simply mentioned in the communication talisman sent to Jianli. After Jianli thought about it for a while, he called out the news of the evil cultivator, and he also agreed with the simple method.

"If Jianning didn't plead with me, and Jianwan really didn't know that the family had an affair with evil cultivators, I would have dealt with her long ago."

Simple show your hands.

"Because of leaving such a tail, I urged Jianning to advance to the rank as soon as possible, and transferred her to the 'Battle' hall by the way, so that even if her master will leave the test in the future, if it is difficult for her to pass through my test."

Jian Li listened to the domineering way of saying it simply, and knew that his junior sister was so painstaking in arranging it because Jian Ning was his senior subordinate's capable subordinate.

"You have increased Jianwan's time facing the wall by another fifty years, she still doesn't know it!"

Jian Jian didn't care, sat on the chair and said with a smile:

"Who told her to say that I am vicious? I don't like to hear it, so let her stay in Tianfu Peak for a few more days."

The three people below all laughed in their hearts when they heard the simple words, and only His Majesty could speak of retaliation so righteously.

Jian Li also understood the simple temperament, so he didn't criticize it, after all, it was Jian Ning who benefited in the end.

"The two-hundred-year deadline, brother already knows it!"

When it came to important matters, it was simple yet serious, and Jian Li also returned to his usual upright face, nodding his head to show that he knew.

"Junior Sister's arrangements for the Law Enforcement Hall are very good. I have thought of everything I can think of. I have nothing to add here for the time being."

"I also spent a lot of effort on this matter. I initially set a few main keynotes with Suzerain Jian Chong. During the implementation process, if there are any changes, the senior brother will adjust them at any time."

"Okay, I understand."

I simply passed it in my mind, I have already told Jianli what I should explain in detail, and Wei Zhengrong and the others are there, so I don't need to come to the Law Enforcement Hall again, and I will be fine.

"Brother, my mission is complete, and the Law Enforcement Hall will be handed over to you. I am ready to go back and teach my apprentices. If you have anything to do, you can send me a message at any time."

Getting up simply and neatly, I really don't want to stay for a moment.

Jian Li didn't stop him, he took out two sealed jade boxes from his storage ring, and pushed them to Jian Jian:
"This is my uncle, a gift for meeting your two precious apprentices."

Jian Jian didn't hesitate at all, waved his sleeves and took Yu He under his command, and said with a smile:
"In that case, Junior Sister is welcome. On behalf of Yu Zongfan and Maodou, I thank Senior Brother for the gift."

Jian Jian walked out of the main hall of the Law Enforcement Hall with light steps, just in time to meet the moon who came to find him.

The moon flashed for a moment, and it came to Jian Jian's shoulders,

"My lord, I just received a message from my ancestors that they have successfully entered the Yaozu clan."

"That's good, you don't have to worry about it."

The moon narrowed its eyes, flicked its fluffy tail, and continued to report to Simple:
"The nine-tailed demon lord has returned the land of the previous raccoon clan, and everyone in the clan has a place to stay, which is good news."

After hearing this, Jian Jian nodded in satisfaction, and her plan was not in vain, and she gave Jiuwei several more treasures.

"My ancestors told me to thank my lord for putting in so much effort for the raccoons and beasts, so they can return so smoothly."

"Okay, thank you, I'll accept it, and now you should be at ease."

Jian Jian's feet flickered, and he had already fallen into Tianyue Peak.

"The moon has never been worried. If the monster clan does not accept our clan, we will continue to practice at the 'Yaofeng' of the Heavenly Sword Sect. When the battle comes, we will naturally represent the Heavenly Sword Sect."

The crisp voice of the moon said firmly.

"It turned out that the moon had planned it early in the morning."

Simply reached out and touched the moon, the moon said a little arrogantly:

"I've been with you for so long, so I naturally have to learn from you, consider the problem comprehensively, and prepare for the worst."

Seeing what the moon said in a clear and orderly manner, the simple expression also made me feel a little bit happier.

"Oh! By the way, senior brother Jianli has already left the customs. I have already handed over the token to senior brother just now, and the moon will not have to accompany me to the Law Enforcement Hall."

After hearing this, the moon jumped into her arms directly from Jian Jian's shoulders, and said happily:

"That's great, Your Majesty!"

"Seeing that you are so happy, but are you tired of the Law Enforcement Hall?"

"Not at all!"

The moon shook her head and said:
"Your Majesty has suppressed your cultivation, now you don't have to go to the law enforcement hall, you have time to advance, otherwise you don't know how long it will be delayed."

"You are clever."

Simply reproaching the moon's small forehead, he continued:
"However, I think the moon is about to advance."

"Well! I will be promoted again after the honor is promoted. I don't know how long it will take this time. I still want to go to Zixiaozong with the honor!"

After hearing what the moon said, Jian Jian really laughed this time:
"I said you are so happy, so you are thinking about going to Zixiaozong!"

(End of this chapter)

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