Chapter 574 Don't Care
When Jian Jian returned to his cave, Jian Li went to the forbidden area to meet his master and Tian Yun Zhenzun.

"Jian Li pays homage to the two True Venerables!"

"Well, yes, the cultivation level has stabilized."

"Yes, I'm sorry, Master. The disciple's cultivation has been consolidated, and he just left the customs today."

Jian Li bowed to the Supreme Master Tianhong, who was headed up, and answered the other party's question.

Zhenzun Tianyun also glanced at Jianli, and said with a smile:
"You just came out of the customs, and you were thrown back by Jian Lu?"

The meaning of ridicule in the words is very strong.

"Returning to Zhenzun, Jianlu didn't want to wait for a moment. You didn't see her happily, and you almost beat the gongs and drums to celebrate. After giving me the token of the Law Enforcement Hall, she left in a hurry, for fear of me Stop it, say you want to go back and teach your disciples."

Tianhong and Tianyun looked at each other and smiled after hearing Jianli's words, they were very sure that this was indeed what Jianlu could do.

"You can't blame her. Since you retreated, there have been many twists and turns in the evil cultivator's affairs. There is still the latest news in the jade slips in the 'Xun' hall yesterday. In the Red Eyebrow Mountains, a worm's nest was thrown out by the 'Heaven's Punishment' team and Jianlu. , and a new type of bug appeared there."

"Jian Lu sent me a communication talisman to inform me about this yesterday!"

Jian Li shook his head helplessly.

"So that's the case. I said that as long as Jianlu is in the sect, he will send a message talisman to your cave every day, and the lover has already laid the groundwork, waiting for you to leave the customs."

"It should be like this. After I have been closed in Jianlu's communication talisman, all the important affairs she has handled and the progress of the work at hand have been recorded in it, so that I can keep track of the progress. That's why she walked so gracefully. , and even the time for handover is saved.”

"This kind of approach can only be imagined by Jian Lu."

Tianhong played with the latest news jade slip in his hand, and said to his apprentice.

Tianyun Zhenzun also nodded in agreement, and then said:
"Since you have received the token, continue to perform your duties. During the period of Jianlu's trusteeship, it is also very efficient to handle things. The few people she selected are also good, and you can continue to use them."

Tianhong on the side went on to say:

"If you really encounter any problems, go to Jianlu to discuss it, and say that we said it."

"Yes, Master, the disciple has made a note."

Jian Li met with the two True Venerables here, and Jian Jian also returned to his cave.

After dismissing all his attendants, he simply took out a pot of "Purple Jade Qinxin Wine", and together with the moon, one person, one pet, drank against the moon to celebrate his unloading of heavy responsibilities.

The next day, I simply meditated and practiced exercises to dissipate the power of the alcohol, without waking up the moon, let her continue to sleep, and waved away the restriction of the cave.

"Your honor!"

Lu Se waited outside Jianjian's cave early in the morning, seeing that his expression was not good, and Jian Jian rarely saw such an expression on Lu Se, so he smiled and asked:
"Guard Lu, what's going on?"

Lu Se looked at the expression on the master, and then said:

"The news that Lord Jian Li went back to the Law Enforcement Hall last time has already spread."

"Yeah! Brother Jianli went out to the Law Enforcement Hall yesterday. I handed in the token before returning."

Only then did Lu Se confirm that His Majesty didn't care about the power of the law enforcement hall acting as the head of the hall, so he said cautiously:
"Some people are jealous of Your Majesty, and they are spreading rumors in private that you lost the position of Acting Hall Master of the Law Enforcing Hall because Your Majesty Jian Li was dissatisfied with your way of handling affairs, so he took the Hall Master's order back on the first day you left the customs. .”

There was still a hint of resentment in Lu Se's voice.

"Oh? What else did you pass on?"

"There is nothing more specific. I just tried to provoke some monks, dissatisfied with you, and shake your reputation."

"I thought it was something. Since they love to talk, let them talk. Forgive them for not daring to beep in front of me."

Simply waved his hand indifferently, and said to Luther:

"Whenever they say this in front of you, if you don't want to hear it, just do it directly. As long as no one is killed, I can take care of it for you."

As soon as Lu Se heard what His Majesty said, he immediately responded with great anger.

He said that His Majesty didn't care at all about the rights of the Law Enforcement Hall they said, and His Majesty handed over the token himself.

"Lu Se, didn't I tell you that I was already the head of the 'Battle' hall before I took over the Law Enforcement Hall?"

"Your Majesty didn't inform his subordinates, it's not too late for Luther to know now!"

Lu Se replied very loudly, and he couldn't hide the smile on his face. He knew that his lord must have real skills. When these people find out, let's see what expressions they use on him.

"Be low-key, and don't be too ostentatious if you have strength, or the gutter will capsize sooner or later."

"Yes, Luther understands."

Jian Jian had already sat under the banyan tree, took out the round fan, waved it lightly, and cast a beam of wood spirit power on the banyan tree, while explaining to Lu Se.

"Bring Yu Zongfan and Maodou to see me. I'm free now, and I have to teach my apprentices well."

Lu Se nodded, and went to the east side peak like a gust of wind.

In the past three days, Yu Zongfan and Maodou visited the eastern peak of Tianyue Peak which is closest to their master.

Finally, the cave was placed under a waterfall. The two occupied both sides of the waterfall and built a two-story stone house for themselves.

Bai Bai is the happiest. The aura here is not at the same level as that of the Outer Peak. He is now at the second level. If he continues to practice here, Bai Bai is very confident that he will be able to rise to the third level within a hundred years.

So when building the stone house, Yu Zongfan also specially reserved a practice room for Bai Bai. Bai Bai was very satisfied. He jumped up and down the side peaks to pick spiritual grass, spread it in his practice room, and arranged his site very comfortably.

Yu Zongfan and Maodou built the stone house respectively, and before the master summoned them, they started to practice step by step. They practiced body and sword every day, and nothing was missed.

Taking advantage of Lu Se's time to find his apprentice, Jian Jian took out two top-quality purple jade charms.

This was simply exchanged by Yu Yuanhai for making a life-saving talisman. Now that I have an apprentice, I naturally have to protect my apprentice.

Although I don't have enemies all over the world yet, Zerg and evil cultivators are in an endless situation with me, so I must give my amulet.

Yu Yuanhai asked Jian Jian to use the least amount of points to exchange for nine purple jade charms to express his gratitude to Jian Jian.

After all, there is a big difference between a named disciple on a body-fit venerable and a direct disciple, and with a simple promotion speed, it is only a matter of time for the Mahayana true venerable, and their ancestors of the Yu family only have the cultivation base of the middle stage of distraction .

This time when Yu Zongfan entered Tianyue Peak, the clan was even more elated, but under the order of the ancestor, they became more and more low-key.

According to Yu Zongfan's contact with Master Jianlu, Master is a master who doesn't talk too much. As long as you don't touch the bottom line, she won't care about it, but once you cross the line, Master will definitely welcome you Thunder means.

So before Yu Zongfan entered Tianyue Peak, Yu Yuanhai deliberately explained to his nephew in detail.

Yu Zongfan also knew the significance of being a direct disciple of his master, he listened carefully to his uncle's explanation, and promised that he would work hard to cultivate and not lose the reputation of his master.

Simply put on a defensive cover for himself, then picked up the first purple jade talisman, opened the jade talisman according to the manual, and then poured his Mahayana consummated spiritual consciousness into it, and sealed it with a formula, and the jade talisman glowed purple for a while , and finally returned to silence, a life-saving talisman was ready.

After putting down the purple jade slip, he simply thought about it again to see if he could seal the coercion of divine sense and swordsmanship into it at the same time.

(End of this chapter)

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