Chapter 575 Refining Jade Talismans
Ordinary life-saving talismans mostly seal an attack or a defense, and few people try to seal the coercion of spiritual consciousness and attack into the same life-saving talisman at the same time.

I have to say that the simple idea is very bold. If such a life-saving talisman is successfully produced, its power will be even more astonishing.

With a simple wave of his hand, he condensed a golden sword technique "Golden Duanxi (xi) Jue" at his fingertips, and then opened the jade slip with a formula, injecting the perfect spiritual consciousness of Mahayana into it, and at the same time, waving his right hand to inject the sword style.

The two are very harmonious, there is no conflict, the purple luster flickered twice, and finally stopped, and the life-saving talisman was successfully made.

With the first success, the production of the remaining jade slips became smoother. Next, the five lines of "A Sword of Autumn Water", "Thick Earth Cracked", "Blooming Vitality" and "Singhuo Liaoyuan" were simply sealed in the purple jade charms. Sword style and Mahayana coercion.

The five life-saving talismans were all successfully produced at one time, which gave Simplicity great confidence.

In fact, this kind of life-saving talisman is very labor-intensive even for the Mahayana True Venerable, just because it is simply a sword cultivator, and its real spiritual consciousness has long surpassed the Mahayana Dzogchen. So she made the life-saving talisman very smoothly.

Satisfied with the finished product in his hand, he simply took out another purple jade talisman, intending to seal his "Chaos World" into it, but failed this time, and the purple jade talisman was directly shattered into slag.

The unsealed sword momentum immediately began to spread, and he simply frowned and waved the sword back.

Although it was only for a moment, Lu Se, who was about to bring Yu Zongfan and Maodou back, was taken aback.
Lu Se immediately dismissed his thoughts, this was the first time he felt the terrifying power of his lord so intuitively.

He simply waved his hand to remove the defense, and beckoned to his two disciples.

"Meet Master!"

The two young boys stood straight in front of Jianjian, both of them had changed into the Zongmen's personal disciple uniforms, with white jade swords hanging on their waists, and saluted respectfully.

"Okay, get up!"

Jian Jian asked Lu Se to prepare a small stool for the two of them, and after they sat down politely, they both looked at their master.

Simple also started the query:

"In the past few days, you have become familiar with the cultivation environment? Is there anything missing?"

"Returning to Master, my senior brother and I built a stone house in the past three days. After we settled the residence, we started our daily practice, and there were no omissions."

Yu Zongfan was the first to answer. Although Maodou didn't say anything, he nodded in agreement, obviously still a little nervous.

"Okay! Based on the progress of the two of you, I want to readjust the content of your cultivation. Do you have any objections?"

"No! Everything is subject to the arrangement of the master."

After listening briefly, he nodded in satisfaction, and then said:
"Zong Fan, your cultivation is already at the peak of the eighth level of Qi Refining, and there are signs of a breakthrough in the past few days, are you sure?"

"Master, Zong Fan is sure, the aura here is rich, and I should be able to break through soon."

Yu Zongfan's answer was unequivocal.

"I remember that Baibai has already advanced, but is it already at the second level?"

Simply waving his round fan lightly, he continued to ask.

"Yes, thanks to Master, Baibai is now at the second level, and he is currently practicing in the stone house, so I didn't bring him here."

"Hmm! You are in an equal contract with him, and his promotion will naturally drive you, so you don't need to worry, promotion is a matter of course."


Yu Zongfan grinned, understanding Master's intentions.

Jian Jian turned his gaze to Maodou, Maodou immediately puffed out his chest, looking at his master seriously with bright eyes on his simple and honest face.

"Although Maodou has reached the ninth level of Qi refining, because you haven't washed your tendons and cut your marrow, there are still some impurities in your body, so let's not rush to advance and let the impurities out of your body."

"Yes, Master!"

Maodou's voice in reply was a little loud, and she blushed in embarrassment when she finished speaking.

Jian Jian smiled lightly, waved his hand, and a pair of "weight-bearing rings" were also put on Maodou's wrist and ankle.

"This is a weight ring, which is used to enhance your physique. Zong Fan has been wearing it for a while. If you don't understand anything, you can ask him. You need to get used to it for two days."

"Thank you Master for the treasure!"

After arranging the training tasks for the next month, the two went back to the East Side Peak full of confidence. There is still a big difference between having Master's guidance and their own hard work. Master said today that they both firmly Keep it firmly in my heart.

After the two left, Jian Jian picked up the dregs of the jade slip that failed to be made just now, and said to himself:
"What's wrong with this?"

The silent sword spirit, who was alarmed by withdrawing the "chaos world" sword move before, suddenly said:

"It's no wonder if it doesn't break! That's a purple jade talisman, how can it bear the double burden of your Mahayana perfect consciousness and the power of chaos!"

"Oh! You mean that the carrier is not good!"

"Well! It needs to be processed, or you can do the ordinary one, with three attacks in succession, just like what your ancestor left for you."

He simply listened to the reminder from the sword spirit of Moxi, and raised his hand to touch the invisible forehead ornament between his eyebrows.

When this forehead ornament was in Tianmo Palace, Misha Ma's family used it once, and then returned to Tianjianzong. In order not to reveal her identity, she let the forehead ornament directly hide her figure.

The material of this forehead ornament is very special, she has never encountered the same in the cultivation world.

"You can try melting the carapace of the black beetle with the purple jade talisman. Anyway, to increase the carrying capacity, the carapace of the black beetle is a good choice."

Mo Xi Sword Spirit suggested again.

"Well, you can really try it. After all, the refined purple jade talisman must have added materials to enhance the bearing capacity. What you said should work."

"You should have collected black mountain stones in the purple-level secret realm! Use that to try."

Liu Chuan suddenly gave a reminder.

When Jian Jian heard this, his eyes lit up, how could he forget that when he was refining the Hei Yao Bracelet, he dug for a long time the Black Mountain Stone, and he secretly hid some in the space.

For the next three days, Jian Jian took out his private collection and closed a small barrier in the cave.

After the black mountain stone was refined by his own strange fire, he only got a piece of essence the size of a thumb, which was the same as the material used to refine the obsidian bracelet.

Afterwards, it took several simple experiments before the ratio was determined. The black mountain stone was fused into the purple jade talisman, and only one-third of the little thumbnail was refined, and the purple jade talisman showed signs of collapse.

Jian Jian immediately stopped the action of inputting the essence of the Black Mountain Stone, and then increased the different fire, allowing the essence of the Black Mountain Stone to slowly blend into the purple jade talisman, and re-drawn the pattern.

A purple-black luster flashed, and the new jade talisman was successfully refined.

After Jian Jian refined the last remaining purple jade talisman, he obtained two jade talismans that could theoretically bear the power of his sword of chaos.

Next, when sealing your own attack power, because the five successful ones in the past were simple, this time the purple jade talisman really withstood the sword power of "Chaos Heaven and Earth", and was captured together with the simple Mahayana perfect consciousness. seal.

Looking at the two life-saving talismans in his hand with satisfaction, he simply decided to arm his apprentice as soon as possible.

After waving the restriction of the cave mansion, he saw Jin Liuli waiting outside the cave mansion.

"Meet Your Majesty!"

"Liuli, is there something wrong with the Law Enforcement Hall?"

 Good evening!Fengling came up to make a brief explanation. The setting of this article is superficial. The background of Cultivation Continent is a setting in which Dao, demons, demons, and Buddhas get along relatively harmoniously. Although there are small frictions, it is not a position where Dao and Demon are incompatible. , Many readers have read too many articles about the conflict between Taoism and magic, and Fengling's article will be substituted, and feel that the setting is unreasonable.

  However, these are a foreshadowing in the framework of Fengling's entire story. Dao, demons, demons, and Buddhas can all ascend to immortality through ascension, and after entering the fairyland, they still have the same foreign enemies.

  There are a lot of articles about the conflict between Dao and Demon. Fengling just wants to write something different. If you can accept it, please continue to follow the article. If you really can’t accept this setting, just remove it from the bookshelf. Don’t have to criticize it. It’s not easy to write an article. Thank you all understanding.

  Work hard in the code words, strive for a burst of updates during the Spring Festival, and let everyone have a good year together.

(End of this chapter)

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