Chapter 576 New Missions
On the way to the main hall of the Law Enforcement Hall, Jin Liuli smiled and told Jian Jian what happened in the Law Enforcement Hall in the past few days:

"My lord, you don't know that your lord Jian Li hasn't left the main hall of the Law Enforcement Hall for the past three days."

Simply smiled slightly and said:

"Senior Brother Jianli has just returned, so he will definitely need time to familiarize himself with the progress of the previous affairs, which is worth mentioning!"

"My lord, you don't know."

Liuli lowered her voice slightly before saying:

"All the affairs you have handled are progressing normally, with progress almost every day. Master Jianli only checks the daily affairs of the hall, and the speed of decision-making is a bit slow, so it took a lot of time."

After Liuli said this, Jian Jian immediately understood that each branch hall should have gotten used to the speed at which he usually handles affairs, and still report according to the original rhythm, so Jianli didn't adapt for a while.

"You still don't want to help me a little bit, and that's why you invited me over?"

"Your Majesty has wronged me, but I dare not. It is Your Majesty Jian Li who invites you to come over and discuss matters."

"Okay! Let's just trust you once."

Hall of Law Enforcement

"Brother, why are you looking for me in such a hurry?"

Yanyan entered the hall with a simple smile, while asking the sword on the head.

Jianli was still holding a jade slip in his hand, and Wei Zhengrong was still reporting something in a low voice, but when he saw Jian Jian appearing, he immediately stopped.

"Zheng Rong pays homage to Your Majesty!"

"Junior sister, I didn't want to trouble you to make this trip, but to be on the safe side, I still want to ask you."

As Jian Li said, he waved his hand to let Jian Jian sit down.

"Brother, please tell me."

Simple now without any burden, naturally relaxed, gently shaking his round fan, with an expression that he has plenty of time and will definitely give you a satisfactory answer.

Seeing Jian Li, he was not polite, and went directly to the topic:

"Are you going to use poison to deal with the newly emerging Zerg fusion?"

"Hmm! This kind of 'blood worm' is a fusion of the 'blood sac' of the alien Zerg and the local evil cultivator. It has only appeared for a short time, and it should not have achieved the most perfect fusion, so using poison may be a good way. "

Jian Li listened carefully, and he was quite appreciative of Junior Sister's analysis.

After all, it is a new thing, and the development of any business needs to go through a process, so that it can evolve more and more perfect, and become more and more suitable for the current cultivation world.

"The Jin family is good at using poison. That's why I told Liuli to invite her aunt. When I come to Tianjianzong, I will persuade her to develop a poison specially designed to restrain this 'blood worm'."

Jian Li expressed his understanding, but he still felt a little awkward about using poison.

"Brother, our opponents are omnipotent. In order to achieve the goal of invading the realm of comprehension, they have penetrated every corner and have already merged under our noses. Why should we stick to means? In my opinion, we can eliminate The invaders are our ultimate goal."

"Junior Sister is right, I am indeed rigid."

"So, when Liuli makes an appointment with her aunt, you can come forward directly, is that okay?"

"it is good."

Simply answer. After all, I proposed this matter. It is hard to say whether it is successful or not. It can only be said to be an attempt.

He simply continued to ask with a smile:
"Brother, do you have any questions?"

"In the veins of the Chonglin Mountains, the top-grade, high-grade and middle-grade spirit stones have basically been mined. The rest are some low-grade spirit stones. I plan to withdraw the high-level mine guard monks."

"This brother can be the master."

"Zixiaozong's reply has not yet arrived, do you have to go to that space crack to investigate?"

The topic changed a little quickly, but the simple reaction was not slow, and he nodded in response.

"Junior Sister, you are more efficient than me in handling hall affairs. I've been in a hurry these days."

Jian Li put a jade slip back on the table and complained softly.

"Senior brother laughed at me. It must be that you have just left the customs and haven't adjusted it well. It will be smooth in a few days."

Jian Jian hurriedly stroked her hair, but she couldn't let the other party have an excuse to call her back to help, then maybe she would have a fight with her senior brother, and maybe her promotion would be smoother.

"Junior Sister, when are you going to retreat and advance?"

"After I have recuperated the bodies of the two apprentices, I will go to retreat."

"Where is the 'war' hall?"

"At the same time, I am preparing to give them special training."

When Jian Li heard this, he became interested and asked:
"Junior Sister is going to end in person?"

"Well! The captains of the seven teams, I will personally act, and the team members will let them enter the illusion of trial."

"I heard from them yesterday that your illusion is very realistic and has great significance in actual combat. Have you thought about making it into a formation board and putting it in the Law Enforcement Hall for them to test?"

Jian Li suggested that it was related to the enhancement of the Zongmen's combat power, which was what he valued most.

Only then did Jian Li understand that Jian Li made such a big turn, and this is where he landed.

"I have no objection to this, it's just a depiction of the phantom array, please allow me a few days, I will study it first."

"In this way, there will be Junior Sister Lao!"

Jian Li cupped his hands in thanks.

"Senior brother, you're welcome!"

Yin Yang Mountains
Du Yanran walked around the Yin-Yang Gate against the faces of others, and then received a team task, and went to the Yin-Yang Mountains with a group of eight people.

The Nascent Soul cultivators in the team were all talking about the battle of evil cultivators in the surrounding waters of Yunhaizong not long ago.

Du Yanran kept a low profile and didn't interrupt. She just listened to the conversation of several people with her ears upright. When the name "Yin Zhengchuan" suddenly appeared in their mouths, Du Yanran was obviously one step behind.

"Junior sister, follow closely, don't fall behind, we have entered the inner circle of the mountain range now."

"Yes, thank you brother for reminding me."

Du Yanran lowered her eyes, responded, caught up with the team, and then began to inquire about Yin Zhengchuan's news.

"Brother, is the Yin Zhengchuan you are talking about a monk of the Yunhai Sect? Since it has been confirmed that the other party is an evil cultivator, why not kill him directly?"

"Junior Sister, do you think Master Jian Slaughter of the Heavenly Sword Sect didn't make a move? It was just blocked by the high-level monks of the Yunhai Sect."

Du Yanran continued to ask:
"Will the monks of Jianzong give up that day? Why don't we have to cut the grass and roots!"

"Sword Slaughter of the Heavenly Sword Sect is very personable, and he didn't get angry when he was stopped. He just explained the relationship between them, but in the end, he was retained by the Yun Yun Zun of the Yunhai Sect."

Du Yanran was overjoyed when she heard this:
"How did you deal with the follow-up matter? That fellow Daoist Yin"

"We don't know about that. Anyway, the news from Yun Haizong is that Yin Zhengchuan is dead!"


Du Yanran whispered.

This Yin Zhengchuan was his biggest backer and his loyal dog in his previous life, and in the end he even helped him kill Jian Jian, and accompanied him all the way to the last rank.

But in this life, I never met Yin Zhengchuan, so he fell like this.

Du Yanran was furious in her heart. She knew that she had made a wrong step, and now she was in a predicament. Along the way, there was always an invisible hand that easily cut off all her resources and retreat.

She still doesn't know that Jian Jian has already taken action and removed most of the evil souls from Yin Zhengchuan. Although he is alive, he will always live in the clan land, living in the panic that he will be replaced by evil souls at any time. Yin Zhengchuan's punishment.

And Huaxi and Hualei were already quickly approaching Du Yanran and his party, and the big hand was slowly stretching out.

(End of this chapter)

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