Chapter 577 Improve Your Physique
Tianyue Peak of Tianjianzong
It took Yu Zongfan ten days to advance his cultivation to the ninth level of Qi Refining. Now he is equal to Maodou's cultivation, so he specially went to see Master and report to Master.

"Okay, it's better to hit the sun than to choose a day. Since your cultivation bases are already comparable, as a teacher, I will broaden your meridians today."

With a simple wave of his hand, he said directly to Yu Zongfan.

"You call the edamame together."

"Yes, Your Honor!"

After Yu Zongfan saluted, he quickly used the lightness technique and ran towards the east side peak.

Simply waved down two ordinary defense arrays, placed a white jade barrel in each array, and then introduced some ordinary spring water, and then poured one-fifth of the top-grade spiritual spring water into the two white jade barrels respectively .

After doing all this, Yu Zongfan and Maodou also rushed to the summit using the light body technique.

"Meet Master!"

Sitting at the jade table under the banyan tree, Jian Jian glanced at the two of them and found that they were in good condition, so he ordered directly:
"I have time today as a teacher, so I will lay the foundation for you. After Zong Fan enters the formation on the left, you mainly need to expand your meridians; Maodou enters the formation on the right, and you need to cleanse your essence."

"The disciple understands!"

The two returned together.

Jian Jian was more satisfied with the state of the two of them, and pushed Yukong, a cup of prepared Lingquan water, in front of Maodou:
"Modou drank the water from this spiritual spring, entered the formation, and performed the exercises in the Qi refining period."

Maodou raised his head and drank the spiritual spring water in the jade cup, then entered the formation, sat cross-legged in the jade barrel, and began to practice the exercises according to the master's instructions.

At this time, the spiritual spring water also began to play a role, entering the meridians of Maodou's body through the internal organs, and then began to wash away the impurities in the meridians.

It was relatively gentle at the beginning, and after the impurities in the meridians were washed away, the meridians began to expand.

At this time, Maodou felt that a steel comb began to expand his meridians little by little after scrubbing his meridians.

At this time, the spiritual spring water in the jade bucket also began to slowly seep into the body, filling up the empty meridians after expansion.

There were still gray impurities precipitated from Maodou's body surface, and his whole body was wrapped in it in a short while.

After a simple scan of his consciousness, he confirmed that Maodou's progress was going well, and let Yu Zongfan enter the other half of the formation.

Yu Zongfan had already undergone a cleansing of the essence, so he was very clear about the intention of the master. After entering, he directly sat in the jade barrel and began to practice the exercises.

Simply add the blood essence of the second-order spirit beast to Zongfan's jade barrel, which is more in line with his current cultivation level. The animal blood diluted by the spirit spring water is already relatively mild, so after it penetrates into Zongfan's body, it will Start to slowly expand the meridians.

Simply seeing that the two of them were going smoothly, she took back her spiritual consciousness and began to study the task assigned to her by Senior Brother Jian Li, combining the illusion with the formation to see if a new trial formation could be formed.

Ordinary phantom arrays range from the first to the ninth order, but this kind of array has a few relatively fixed patterns.

For example, attacking phantom arrays, and illusions that captivate the mind. The most advanced phantom array disks can also trigger people's inner demons, making you get lost in your own inner demons without knowing it, and finally lose your soul and die.

A simple illusion array is to directly engrave the battle environment you have experienced into the array board, which is a bit difficult, because it is a specific illusion, which has a high impact on the spiritual sense of the person who portrays the array board and the array board. Require.

Jian Jian tried it before, but before she could engrave the phantom formation, the formation board collapsed directly.

Do you have to let yourself refine a new array that can meet the needs?She is worrying about it.

Ever since Lu Se learned the identity of his lord's "Zhan" hall master, his whole body was full of vigor, and his back was straight. To him, those gossips were just floating clouds, and he didn't even bother to pay attention to them.

His Majesty is not going to the Law Enforcement Hall now, and when he has time to rest, he usually doesn't bother, and he doesn't communicate anything that isn't important.

This day, Lu Se was uncharacteristically, leading a female cultivator to see her lord, and her attitude was very respectful.

"Junior Sister, what are you doing frowning?"

A hearty female voice sounded, and Jian Jiancai turned his thoughts from the formation board to the source of the sound. After seeing the other party, he immediately put down the formation board in his hand and greeted him with a smile:

"Senior Sister Jianjing, why are you free to come to me today?"

"It's nothing serious, I just came to chat with you."

"Senior sister, please!"

He simply instructed Luther at the side:
"Lu Se, ask Yunjuan Yunshu to arrange some refreshments!"

Lu Se bowed his hands to the two lords, and went down to make arrangements.

Jian Jing also sat down under the banyan tree, looked at the scenery in the distance, and the two arrays, and then said:

"There are rumors in the sect that if you step down from the position of acting hall master, you will not be able to retreat. It seems that you have suffered a big blow."

"Senior Sister Lao missed it, do you think I have been hit?"

"Now that I see you, I don't look like you anymore. Just now I saw you worrying about the array, but encountered difficulties?"

"Hmm! It's not Senior Brother Jianli who asked me to find a way to engrave the illusion of the trial into the formation disk. I'm worrying!"

"The phantom formation disk made by junior sister is different from the general phantom formation disk?"

Jian Jing asked casually.

"Yes, the illusion I constructed is based on my phantom beast eyes, combined with the battles I have experienced in an independent space. If I want to engrave it into the formation board, it is a little bit reluctant, and the formation board cannot bear it."

After hearing this, Jian Jing smiled and said directly:
"Junior Sister, you have been led astray by Jian Li. Why do you have to engrave it into the formation plate? According to what you said, it is better to directly refine a spiritual weapon. Isn't all the problems you mentioned solved!"

Just listen to it and pat your head straight,

"Look at me, I was misled by my senior brother, and I'm still walking in circles, thank you senior sister for your guidance."

Jianjing said grandly:
"Junior Sister, you are being polite!"

The two were about to continue discussing what kind of spiritual weapon to refine, when suddenly there was a slight fluctuation in the surrounding spiritual power, and the two stopped talking.

"It seems that the disciple of Junior Sister has made a breakthrough!"

Both of them are powerful monks, and they don't need to use their spiritual sense to know what happened.

"Well! I have to be free now, so I will quickly lay the foundation for the two young ones, so that the future cultivation will be smoother."

Jianjing felt the fluctuation of the spiritual power, so she knew that this junior sister used good things for her apprentice, and she didn't see the spiritual power turned into a vortex, rushing into the opponent's body.

Maodou broke through first, because the impurities in the body were emptied, and the affinity for spiritual energy also increased. The golden, green and red spiritual power light spots rushed to Maodou. After entering the meridians, they went all the way to the dantian smoothly.

Mao Dou endured the pain of washing the essence and cutting the marrow. The first thing that entered the body was the relatively mild spiritual power from the spiritual spring water in the barrel, which warmed the meridians, and then the spiritual energy floating in the air filled the meridians instantly. .

After being compressed by the exercises, Maodou's cultivation finally stayed at the eleventh level of Qi Refining, and the speed at which the body absorbed spiritual energy was considered to have slowed down.

Inspired by the Maodou technique, Yu Zongfan followed closely and made a breakthrough. This time, it was the brown light spots of spiritual power that also began to pour into Zongfan's body.

Zong Fan also broke through to the eleventh level of Qi Refining in one fell swoop.

After the two broke through, they didn't come out of the formation immediately, but continued to sit in the jade barrel, absorbing all the spiritual power contained in the barrel, and then performed a cleansing formula for themselves to clean up the impurities discharged from their bodies. Stepped out of the formation calmly.

(End of this chapter)

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