Chapter 578

After the two teenagers came out of the formation, they looked even more graceful and elegant, and they already had the demeanor of a teenager.

"Thank you, Master!"

The two first bowed and saluted to thank Jian Jian, and then turned to Master Jian Jing who was opposite to the master.

"Yu Zongfan (Modou) pays homage to Your Majesty!"

With a light wave of Jian Jing's spiritual power, she lifted the two of them up, and each of them threw a storage bag:

"I came to look for your master today, and I happened to meet you there, so I didn't prepare anything, you take these spirit stones, and you can buy what you need."

After hearing this, Zong Fan and Mao Dou immediately turned their attention to Jian Jian.

Simply smiled and said:
"The two of you have good luck today, so thank you uncle!"

"Thank you uncle for the reward!"


Jian Jian sounded funny, and then said to the two of them:

"I will give you five days to stabilize your cultivation and become familiar with the power and spells of the eleventh level of Qi Refining. After five days, I plan to let you practice in actual combat!"

"Yes, Master!"

The two agreed in unison, bid farewell to Jian Jian and Jian Jing, and left the peak.

Jianjing picked up the spiritual tea on the jade table at this time, took a sip, and then said:

"Junior Sister, your two apprentices are not bad. I saw how you trained them as monks in the 'Battle' hall! Isn't it a bit strict?"

Simply knowing that Senior Sister Jian Jing also had good intentions, she didn't hide anything, and explained:

"For two hundred years, I must at least let them enter the Nascent Soul, so that they can protect themselves in the war!"

"Two hundred years into the Nascent Soul? How dare you say that, junior sister!"

Jian Jing was a little dumbfounded.

"People's potential is infinite, and the qualifications of the two of them are not bad, and there is still a lot to be done if they are forced."

"You! Don't be afraid that they will be scared away!"

Jianjing scolded.

"Don't worry, sister, I haven't told them yet! Take your time!"

At this time, the two people who had returned to the East Side Peak each opened the storage bags they got today.

Maodou took a deep breath, and saw that the storage bag was filled with low-grade spirit stones and middle-grade spirit stones, and there were even two high-grade spirit stones.

When Yu Zongfan saw the spirit stone in the storage bag, his heart beat faster, and then returned to normal.

The restriction of the cave mansion happened to be touched at this time. Yu Zongfan saw that it was his senior brother Maodou, and after thinking about it, he knew why the other party was looking for him, so he opened the restriction and welcomed Maodou in.

Maodou, who entered the stone house, didn't hesitate, and asked his junior brother directly:
"Junior Brother, just now the storage bag rewarded by the Master is full of spirit stones."

"Well! Me too."

Yu Zongfan didn't hide it either, after all, the rewards that the two received at the same time should not be too different.

Seeing Zongfan's steady performance, Maodou calmed down and said directly:
"It's the first time I've gotten so many spirit stones since I joined the sect. I was a little surprised at the moment!"

"Let's not talk about senior brother, I'm also a little surprised. Although I was born in a cultivation family, it's the first time I can freely control so many spirit stones, especially top-grade spirit stones, which are rare even for Nascent Soul cultivators."

After hearing Yu Zongfan's words, Maodou showed a smile on his simple and honest face:
"I see the younger brother's attitude is calm, and I think this is something you are used to."

A smile appeared on Yu Zong Fan Junlang's face, and then he said:
"Our two little qi refiners are just two small shrimps in the eyes of your lord. They only got into their eyes because of our master. To put it bluntly, these rewards are only for the face of the master."

Mao Dou is not stupid, and after careful consideration, he knows that what Zong Fan said is true.

"Young brother is absolutely right."

Yu Zongfan continued:
"This is also one of the reasons why sect disciples and family monks are vying to be disciples of powerful monks."

"Junior brother, do you mean cultivation resources?"


This is also the first time the two have talked about such a profound issue since they met.

"Let's take today's lord to wash your essence and cut the marrow for me, and expand my meridians. The things used are even monks of Nascent Soul would be jealous. From my experience, no matter what, it is also a top-grade spiritual spring water."

Yu Zongfan said while recalling.

Maodou kept nodding when he heard this. As a beneficiary, the soft power of the Lingquan water still remained in his body, which would be another boost for him to break through the twelfth level of Qi refining.

"So, in addition to cherishing what I have now, I also need to be more cautious on weekdays. If I accept something that shouldn't be accepted and make Master suffer, it will be bad."

"En! The younger brother is right in reminding us that we can only accept what the master allows us to accept. When the master is not present, we'd better report it."

Maodou also expressed his opinion.

The prudence of the two saved them from many troubles in the future, and they also avoided Du Yanran's framing. Of course, this is all for later.At this time, the two of them still treated the bag of spirit stones very cautiously.

Sitting beside him was Bai Bai on a small futon specially made for him, seeing the two of them being so careful for a few pieces of spirit stones, there was a smile in their bright black eyes, he felt that if he was placed in Chong Taking out the top-quality spirit stone found in the forest mountain range will definitely scare them.

Jian Jian and Jian Jing had a good chat here, at this time Lu Se appeared again and told the two of them:
"My lords, Venerable Jian Po, please see me."

Seeing His Majesty nodding, Lu Se went to invite someone.

"It's so lively here today!"

"Hehe! I guess I heard the rumors and came here to comfort you."

Jian Jing said directly.

"Jian Po greets the two lords!"

Jian Po is still wearing a black magic robe, covered with a black gauze robe, with an extremely graceful figure, and her pair of peach blossom eyes are even more beautiful against her.

"Why did Jianpo come to me today?"

Jian Po raised her peach blossom eyes, glanced at the two lords, and then said softly:
"Jianpo went to the Law Enforcement Hall today, and only after meeting Lord Jianli did I know that you have returned to Tianyue Peak."

"Just these two days, senior brother Jianli came back, and I handed over the affairs of the hall, so it's rare for me to have a few free days."

Seeing Jian Po's simple expression, it seemed that it was not rumored, because Jian Li was dissatisfied with her handling of affairs, so she withdrew the rights from the other party.

"So that's the case, Jian Po thought that the Lord Jian Li was dissatisfied with the order he gave to the 'Punishment' Hall."

"These people are really, have these rumors spread to your torture hall?"

Simply rolled his eyes, and said indifferently:
"This cultivation world is getting bigger, and the Heavenly Sword Sect doesn't have the same voice. There are always those who don't like others and make trouble in the sect. Will something happen?"

"I recently took in new apprentices, and I'm in a very good mood, so I don't care about them!"

To put it simply and magnanimously, the monkeys jumping up and down really took themselves as dishes.

Jianpo pursed her lips and smiled when she heard this, and there was also a smile in her eyes:

"My lord, these voices will not last long."

"Let them go, I won't lower my cultivation after hearing this!"

Jian Jing, who was on the side, listened to the conversation between the two with a smile all the way, knowing that the other party was also worried about Jian Lu, so she came to visit specially, unexpectedly, it was to comfort a lonely person.

"Your Majesty, it seems that Jin Liuli has something urgent to ask for an audience."

"Let her in."

Simply and directly ordered, then said with a smile:

"It seems that the Law Enforcement Hall is targeting me here!"

After hearing the simple teasing, Jian Jing and Jian Po both laughed and agreed.

When Jin Liuli appeared in front of the three of them, her eyes were full of anxiety. After bowing and saluting, she said to Jian Jian:
"My lord, please help my aunt!"

(End of this chapter)

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