Chapter 581
When Huaxi and Hualei arrived, they happened to see Du Yanran waving her red ribbon and attacking the surroundings, while a male cultivator lay far away from the opponent.

"Sister, what's the situation?"

Hua Lei stood behind Hua Xi, wearing white clothes fluttering, looking at Du Yanran who was attacking indiscriminately with interest.

"I changed my face, and I don't know whose identity it is."

At this time, Zidiehua had returned to her master, and passed on to her the scene Huaxi had missed.

Huaxi rolled her eyes and said to her younger brother:

"Go and see that male cultivator."

After listening to the elder sister's order, Hua Lei could only resign himself to his fate, and appeared beside the male cultivator.

This male cultivator was supposed to be with Du Yanran at the time, so he was plotted against by Zidie.

Just as Hua Lei probed his spiritual sense over, the other party suddenly opened his eyes, holding the spirit sword in his hand, he had jumped out of his original position, looking at Hua Lei with some vigilance.

Finding that the other party's cultivation base is higher than his own, Guo Zi's eyes flickered slightly, and then he cupped his hands and said:

"Junior He Jintang, I have seen the two seniors, what orders does the seniors have?"

It turned out that the male cultivator was He Jintang from the Law Enforcement Hall. This time, he received the task to verify the authenticity of the blood sac destroyed by the Yin Yang Sect and the whereabouts of the culprit, Du Yanran.

It's just that I didn't expect that I was attacked by a fifth-level and elementary spirit beast, the red-eyed tiger, as soon as I entered the Yin-Yang Mountain Range.

He Jintang's cultivation base is in the middle stage of Nascent Soul, and the fifth-level spirit beast is a bit difficult for him. After a few rounds, he is a bit lost.

He Jintang is good at metal-type swordsmanship, while the fifth-level red-eyed tiger has an earth attribute, and one man and one beast have been fighting from the inner circle to the outer circle.

Relying on the defensive spirit weapon of the Law Enforcement Hall, He Jintang barely survived until now, but it was actually He Jintang's bad luck, the timing of his arrival was not right.

Not long ago, the head of the Yinxuan sect personally led the team to eliminate the hidden blood sacs, but it also alarmed many spirit beasts in the Yinyang mountain range.

At that time, the monks of the Yin Yang Sect were all high-level monks, and there were many people, so these spirit beasts could only be avoided.

Even closer to the battle center, high-level spirit beasts left their lairs one after another, and this red-eyed tiger was one of them.

With great difficulty, he waited until the monk finished fighting and withdrew before he returned to his old lair, just in time to meet He Jintang.

The red-eyed tiger thought that this cultivator would occupy his lair, so he became angry immediately!There were so many people before that it couldn't deal with it, but now this monk is alone, and his cultivation base is not as high as it is, so he will take it down first, and then he will attack He Jintang with a flick of the tiger's tail.

He Jintang was also an innocent disaster. He just got into the inner circle when he was chased and beaten by a high-level spirit beast. He could only retreat to the outer circle while responding to the attack.

On the way, He Jintang bumped into a female cultivator of the Yin-Yang Sect. The other party's revealed cultivation was in the late Yuanying period. After meeting each other, the other party attacked the red-eyed tiger.

While the seemingly light and weak red silk flicked, the red-eyed tiger flew out, and He Jintang had a moment to breathe. He was about to raise his sword to kill the red-eyed tiger, when suddenly a purple butterfly flew past his eyes After that, He Jintang felt dizzy for a moment.

'not good! He Jintang was secretly startled, his hands were quicker than his brain, and he immediately took a picture of the "defense" on his waist. This is the unique defensive equipment of the Law Enforcement Hall, and monks who go out to perform tasks are equipped with it.

The next moment, he saw the female cultivator who was helping her, as if being besieged, began to attack the air, and he pretended to be attacked, and fell to the ground.

In less than ten breaths, two monks, a man and a woman, appeared here.

He Jintang found out that the aura of both of them was higher than his own, so he continued to pretend to be unconscious, and didn't get up immediately until the other party came to check.

"Yo! I can't tell, I'm quite alert."

Hua Lei looked at He Jintang and said. At the same time, he swept his consciousness and found that the other party was being protected by a special defensive cover.

Huaxi in the distance had already made a formula and replanted the "flower seal" on Du Yanran's hair.

The next moment Huaxi also came to his younger brother's side, and He Jintang unconsciously took another step back.

"Which sect are you from?"

"Sky Sword Sect."

Huaxi and Hualei looked at each other, and then continued to ask:
"Do you know this nun?"

"This junior doesn't know this female cultivator. I was being fought by a fifth-level red-eyed tiger, and this female suddenly came to my aid."

After Huaxi heard this, she raised her eyebrows and looked at He Jintang again. As far as he knew, this Du Yanran was not a kind master, and would not help a male cultivator whom he met for the first time for no reason.

"Sister, don't think about it anymore, Du Yanran must have taken a fancy to him as a monk of the Heavenly Sword Sect."

What Hua Lei said was straightforward, Hua Xi also agreed with his younger brother's analysis, only He Jintang was surprised, this female cultivator was his mission target!Then he glanced at the nun who was attacking everywhere.

"Don't look, her cultivation base is higher than yours, and she used a cover-up. But if you really want to fight, she may not be your opponent, but this female cultivator's methods are a bit low, you can do it yourself."

After finishing speaking, Huaxi and Hualei turned around and disappeared in front of He Jintang.

The two of them had achieved their goals, and the Lord Moyue didn't say that he would destroy her for a day, so the Hua family was only responsible for keeping track of each other's whereabouts, and when the Lord returned, they would make their own decisions.

He Jintang was surprised that the other party let him go so happily, and then turned and left the Yin Yang Mountain Range without any hesitation.

He Jintang went directly to the city under the Yinyang Gate, revealed Du Yanran's whereabouts to the Yinyang Gate, then entered a sword pavilion, and passed the news back to the Law Enforcement Hall.

He Jintang belongs to the monks of Xuntang. He saw clearly what the two monks did to Du Yanran just now, and he could see clearly the double lotus on the skirts of the two people's clothes. He immediately confirmed the identity of the other Hua family monk. .

Before Mr. Jiancheng went to retreat, he had explained that this Du Yanran was under the special care of Master Jian Slaughter, and he obtained information about Du Yanran's whereabouts from the Hua family.

This time, he also knew why the Hua family had such an accurate grasp of Du Yanran's whereabouts. It turned out that they had tampered with Du Yanran.

And after Du Yanran finished killing all the imaginary enemies, she realized that she had been tricked, and the male cultivator of the Heavenly Sword Sect that she was going to control had disappeared, so she immediately realized that something was wrong.

A moment after Du Yanran teleported away, the monks from the Yin Yang Sect came to the place where she stayed, and then followed the direction in which she fled.

Tianquan City

Jian Jing tore through the space again and appeared above Tianquan City. Several people stepped out of the void one by one and appeared outside the city gate.

The appearance of the four of them immediately attracted the attention of the cultivators who entered the city. For the sake of convenience, the four of them changed out of their sect's robes, but it was a pity that they attracted even more attention.

Simple is the azure robe, with a slender figure, elegant and dusty; Senior Sister Jianjing is still in the white narrow-sleeved robe, and the whole person is full of heroism;

Jian Po is still wearing a black robe, but with those twinkling peach blossom eyes, everyone is full of affection and charming;
Jin Liuli was the lowest among them, wearing a red robe, like Xiaojiabiyu, very eye-catching.

Jian Jian waved to Jin Liuli, and softly ordered:
"You should take a look at the Hui people first to confirm the progress of the matter. It is best to see your aunt. You must come back to meet us tomorrow, and then we will determine what to do."

"Yes, my subordinate understands."

Jin Liuli bit her lip in response, bowed to the three of them, and entered the city gate first.

Jian Jian asked Jian Jing beside him:
"Senior sister, have you ever been to Tianquan City?"

"I've been here, it's been a long time, it happened hundreds of years ago."

Jian Jing gave a rare sigh of emotion.

"Three beauties, but do you need a guide?"

(End of this chapter)

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