Chapter 582 Arriving at Tianquan
The three of them didn't want to disturb the garrison monks in Tianquan City, so they changed their robes and lowered their cultivation bases. The cultivation bases revealed were all in the late stage of Jindan, neither high nor low.

But before the three of them entered the city, they were accosted.

Jian Po glanced over, and found that the other party's cultivation was not low, and he was actually on par with her. They were all in the mid-stage of distraction, wearing a moon-white robe with wide sleeves, with a personable appearance, thick eyebrows and big eyes, relatively tough of.

The most important thing is that there are six female cultivators behind the other party, each with its own characteristics, some are pure, some are charming, some are coquettish, some are dignified.

This male cultivator also seemed to enjoy this kind of gaze, and the envious eyes of everyone made him even more proud.

Looking at the simple three people, waiting for a reply.

Jian Po came to the sides of the two venerables and asked with her eyes, do you want her to make a move?

Jian Jian only shook his head, and followed Senior Sister Jian Jing who had already turned around and walked towards the city gate.

Jianpo replied with a half smile:

"My sisters don't need a guide, please worry about it."

After the words fell, he turned around and followed the footsteps of the two of them, entering Tianquan City.

The male cultivator is not angry when he is rejected, after all, they are rare beauties, and some personalities are taken for granted.

Looking at the backs of the three, he waited until Jian Jian waited for someone to enter the city, then he waved to the female cultivator beside him:
"Look up the details of these three beauties, and see if they can be brought into my residence."


Fortunately, the three of them had already entered the city. If they heard what the male cultivator said, they probably wouldn't know how the male cultivator died.

"Jian Po, you should also check out his old background and see which company released the two hundred and five."

Simple instructions to Jian Po.

"Don't worry, Your Majesty, Jianpo knows what to do."

At the same time as the reply, Mo Pei in the palm of Jianpo had already sent the news.

After the three of them entered the city, they found that Tianquan City was also extremely lively. It seemed that the joint attack of evil cultivators and Zerg had been forgotten by everyone.

"Let's go, let's go to Sanshi, see how lucky we are, and see if we can catch any mistakes."

Jian Jing enthusiastically proposed.

"Listen to Senior Sister, let's go!"

Simply agree, the things in the regular store can be exchanged in the affairs hall of Tianjianzong. At their level, the ordinary treasures of heaven and earth can no longer meet their cultivation needs. It is better to try their luck in the scattered market.

The three of them went straight to Nanshi together, where there was the largest scattered market in Tianquan City.

Following the hustle and bustle of the crowd, after entering Nanshi, the three of them strolled through the stalls one by one. As long as the three of them stopped for a while, the stall owner would immediately enthusiastically sell his products.

I just listened with a smile on my face. Occasionally, when I met someone who was interested, I would ask a question or two, and bought a few interesting small objects.

The three of them stopped and went, and they had already visited one-third of Nanshi.

"Your Majesty, that male cultivator just now has been following us."

Jian Po whispered in the ears of the two lords, but Jian Po and Jian Jing had already noticed it without Jian Po's words.

"It's okay, just follow if you like, Nanshi is not my family."

Simple waving of hands.

Jian Jing picked up a piece of black ore on the stall and was asking the stall owner:
"What is this? It looks like an ordinary black stone, but is there something special about it?"

The stall owner is a middle-aged female cultivator. Her cultivation base is in the late stage of foundation establishment. When she saw a senior who was interested in her own things, she immediately became energetic:

"Senior Wisdom Eye, this is obtained from a secret place by my Taoist companion. He said that he saw this kind of black stone glowing at that time, so he mined a lot and brought it back."

"What else can I do besides glowing? And I don't think it's shining anymore!"

Simply disassemble it aside.

The middle-aged female cultivator was a little unhappy when she was bullied, she glanced away, and found that it was another senior, and seeing that the two were together, she immediately put on a smile and explained:

"Senior is right. It may be because the junior's cultivation base is low, or it may be that he left the special space of the secret realm, so the effect of this black stone will not appear for the time being."

"However, this junior is willing to swear the oath of heaven. This thing is indeed obtained from a secret realm. It's just that my husband and I have not seen the key to it. Seniors have a strong cultivation base, so we will definitely be able to discover the secret."

It's very touching.

Jian Jian's spiritual sense had already scanned the black stone, and felt that it looked familiar, so he also picked up a piece from the stall, ready to take a closer look.

"Guys, don't be fooled by this female nun. This kind of black stone has no effect. My subordinates gave me one to please me before."

A male voice intervened between the two parties who were discussing.

Jian Jian and others knew that it was the male cultivator they met at the city gate without looking back.

Jianpo had been standing behind the two venerables, and when she heard the other's kind reminder, a trace of disdain flashed in her eyes, and at the same time, the ink pendant on her waist vibrated.

Jianpo's divine sense swept over her, and in just a moment, a smile appeared on the corner of her mouth, and then directly sent a voice transmission to Simple:
"Your Majesty, this son is Kong Xingkun, the direct descendant of the Kong family. He is the heir cultivated by the ancestors of the Kong family's Mahayana. He has dual spiritual roots of fire and wood, and his cultivation level is still in the past. He has no marriage, but there are many concubines. Kong Qiankun, who was killed by the Hua family, is of the same line."

Jian Jian, holding the black stone and looking at it, listened to Jian Po's sound transmission, raised the end of his eyes, and then glanced at the other party, the corners of his mouth slightly curled up, the Kong family and her are really destined.

Kong Xingkun only brought two female cultivators to accompany him, and followed the three female cultivators all the way. When he saw that they were going to spend wronged spirit stones, he rolled his eyes and used this as an excuse to persuade them.

But among the three female cultivators, only the female cultivator in the azure cassock raised her eyes and glanced at him, and he clearly felt that the other party's eyes looked at him with deep meaning.

And the stall owner was dismantled again, a little angry, and was about to argue that this is someone who doesn't know the rules and cuts off people's money.

It turned out that the male cultivator who spoke was obviously higher than the three female cultivators in front of his booth. Just looking at the other party's robes, he knew that he was not something he could offend, so he could only swallow his breath and said embarrassingly :

"This is also the first time Xiaoxiu has put this thing up for sale, and what the senior got may not belong to me."

The female cultivator thought about saving it no matter what, and if she sold it, she could exchange it for some spirit stones.

"Senior Sister, if you find it interesting, buy it and study it."

Among the three of Jian Jian, none of them accepted Kong Xingkun's words, but Jian Jian directly suggested to Senior Sister Jianjing.

"Junior sister, have you seen this kind of black stone?"

Jian Jing is very keen, with a simple sentence, she immediately had a guess and asked with a smile.

"Well, in the purple-level secret realm."

After receiving a simple and affirmative answer, Jian Jing directly threw out a storage bag, then put away all the black stones on the stall, and said to the stall owner:
"If you still have this kind of black stone, you can bring them all, I want them all!"

As he spoke, he left behind a message talisman.

The middle-aged female cultivator originally thought that this business would be bad, but she didn't expect such a magical turning point, but her hand was one step ahead of her mind, and she raised her hand to take the thrown storage bag, and immediately put it in her sleeve.

Then he rolled up the things spread on the ground, and bowed to the simple three:
"Three seniors, this junior will go back and bring the rest. Senior, please go shopping first, and this junior will come later."

After speaking, Nanshi flashed out.

It turned out that Jian Jian secretly sent a message to Jian Jing just now:

"Senior Sister, this thing is a very rare refining material. The female cultivator did not lie. This kind of black stone is only found in secret realms. One of my attacking spirit treasures is refined with this material."

(End of this chapter)

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