Chapter 583 The So-Called Marriage

Jianjing simply said to the side:
"Thank you, Junior Sister, for reminding me. I'll go back and study it carefully. If I find anything, I can find you at any time."

"it is good."

Simple smiled and agreed, and then the three of them continued to wander around the market, treating Kong Xingkun as air throughout.

"Young master, these three female cultivators really don't know how to flatter you, how dare they treat you like this!"

The maidservant in green made a provocative voice. In her opinion, if the young master really recruited these three nuns, he would have no status at all.

Although Kong Xingkun was ignored, it also made him vigilant. After all, the three Jindan real people could ignore him in front of him, the distracted venerable, either because they were ignorant or because they had no fear, and he was more willing to believe that It is the latter.

"Lanyi, go and urge me, have you found out the origins of these three people?"

Kong Xingkun gave instructions to another maidservant in blue.

"Yes, my lord."

"If it doesn't work, go to the entrance of the city to check."

After listening to his young master's order, Lan Yi immediately turned around and headed towards the entrance of the city.

"Young master, shall we still follow?"

Lu Qiao was a little reluctant, but she still asked in a low voice.

"We are visiting Nanshi, who followed them!"

Kong Xingkun rolled his eyes at Lu Qiao, and continued wandering around in Sanshi.

Jian Jing found the refining materials, and her interest remained undiminished, and she went to the "Xianlai Inn" together with Jian Jian and Jian Po.

Xianlai Inn is already a must in every city. The business has a good reputation and safety is guaranteed. As long as there are monks with some spirit stones, they will generally choose to stay here for their own safety.

When the simple three wandered into the Xianlai Inn, it was already sunset, and the luminous pearl hanging high in the lobby illuminated the hall as brightly as day, and the appearance of the three immediately made Jindan Nanxiu, the shopkeeper, welcome them.

"Three friends, do you want to stay or use some spiritual meals?"

"My sister has an appointment with a friend and plans to stay here for a few days. First, she wants a courtyard."

It was Jianpo who spoke.

"The courtyard should be quieter, full of aura."

Jian Po continued.

"Okay, Feixian Pavilion is prepared for the three of you, but do you need some special spiritual meals from the small shop?"

Jian Po listened to the shopkeeper's recommendation, and instead of making decisions without authorization, she turned to Jian Jian and Jian Jing.

Simply understand, and discuss with Jian Jing:
"Senior Sister, let me send Liuli a message to ask her to come here to find us, how about we have some refreshments?"

"Okay, you decide!"

Jianjing waved his hand, making it easy to figure it out.

Jian Jian nodded to Jian Po.

"So, find a quiet place and serve us some special spiritual meals from your store."

"Yes, three fellow Taoists, this way please!"

Shopkeeper Wan graciously led the three of them to the private room on the second floor.

Shopkeeper Wan is the old shopkeeper of Xianlai Inn, and he has seen countless people. Since the three female cultivators stepped into the gate of the hall, he immediately discovered that the three of them are good.

Although the cultivation bases of the three of them are only at the Golden Core stage, but their demeanor, it can be seen that they all come from big sects or big families.

Moreover, the robes worn by the three of them alone were not affordable for ordinary Golden Core cultivators. The three of them asked for the best courtyard as soon as they came, and obviously the other party was not short of spirit stones.

To sum up, Shopkeeper Wan personally received the whole process. This is a big customer, and there must be no mistakes.

In a short while, a table of special spiritual meals was placed in front of the three of them. Shopkeeper Wan got a storage bag of spiritual stones, and returned to the front hall happily.

Here, after Jin Liuli separated from the three of them, she went directly back to the family mansion on the north side of Tianquan City, and entered the mansion gate unimpeded, but was stopped by the guards outside the aunt's courtyard.

"What do you mean?"

Jin Liuli's face sank, and she felt more and more that her aunt was under house arrest.

"Miss Liuli, Your Majesty Jin Ai (ai) is in seclusion, the Patriarch ordered not to disturb you, and I didn't open the restriction of the courtyard, please don't embarrass us."

"Hmph! I don't believe it."

Jin Liuli didn't bother to chat with the two guards, so she directly raised her hand and ejected a burst of spiritual power, hitting the restraint. Since it was the restraint placed by her aunt, she would break it.

The prohibition was touched, and within a moment, the voice of Lord Jin Ai came from inside:

"Who is it? Didn't I tell you not to disturb me?"

"Auntie, it's Liuli."

Hearing her aunt's voice, Jin Liuli was at least sure that the other party was fine, so she answered immediately.

There was silence for a long while before the restriction was opened, and Jin Liuli flashed into the courtyard.

Lord Jin Ai sat in the octagonal pavilion in the courtyard and waved to Jin Liuli.

"Aren't you on duty at the Law Enforcement Hall of the Heavenly Sword Sect? Why come back when you have time?"

Jin Wujun's face is five points similar to that of Jin Liuli. He is wearing a dark blue robe and a flying cloud bun. Only a blood jade hairpin is on the bun. His face is fair and his lips are vermilion. The voice is slightly hoarse.

"Auntie, when I come back this time, the sect has something to do, and I need your help."

Jin Liuli spoke quickly, and without waiting for her aunt to ask questions, she continued to ask:
"Aunt, why didn't the family inform me that the Jin family is going to marry the Yao family? You are my aunt, and I must come back to attend the marriage ceremony."

Having said this, Jin Liuli continued to stare at Jin Ai's eyes, and said word by word:

"It's fine if others don't tell me, but why does my aunt want to hide it from me?"

Jin Ai was pressed by Liuli, his eyes were blank for a moment, and then he pushed the teacup in front of Liuli:

"Drink a cup of spiritual tea first to moisten your throat. You ask so many questions at once, how can I answer them?"

Liuli looked down at the teacup pushed by a jade hand, glanced at the pink nails on her aunt's fingertips, and sighed in her heart. Others didn't know, but she knew that it was because of the accumulation of toxins in the body that caused aunt His fingers are as if painted with kou (kou) Dan.

"Then I'll just listen to what my aunt said."

Jin Liuli sat firmly, vowing to ask for clarification, and she even moved her lord here, so she can't make trouble.

Jin Ai looked at Liuli's tough attitude, but was not angry. There was a trace of warmth in his heart, and he sighed softly, before saying:

"This time I became a Taoist partner with the youngest son of the Yao family. The head of the family personally sought me out for the future spiritual supply of the Yao family."

"Auntie, are you voluntary?"

"Yes, the family supports me, and it's time for me to repay the family."

"Have you met the young master of the Yao family? Does the other party also like aunt?"



Jin Liuli was a little anxious, this was a deal, and without any emotional basis, her aunt was destined not to be happy.

"Liuli, you don't have to worry. The Patriarch promised me this matter, and it is the last thing I will do for the family. The family will not interfere with whatever I want to do in the future."

After hearing what her aunt said, Jin Liuli calmed down, her brain spun rapidly, and immediately grasped the point:
"Auntie, I'm afraid you're not just a couple with Mr. Yao, what else do you want to do? You entered the Tao with poison, and according to common sense, you are not the best candidate for a Taoist couple."

Jin Liuli knew that although what she said was a bit heart-wrenching, it was true. It was impossible for the Yao family to pay such a high price to confess their aunt.

"Hehe! I knew I couldn't hide it from you, so I didn't let the family inform you."


"The young master of the Yao family planted a very rare poison. There is no medicine to cure it, and there is no cure. The ancestor of his family can only temporarily seal the poison in one place, but he can't force the poison out, so..."

"So, they want the two of you to go through dual cultivation and introduce the poison into your body!!"

(End of this chapter)

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