Chapter 584 Encountering Tianquan
In a private room along the street on the second floor of Xianlai Inn, Jian Jian was talking to Senior Sister Jian Jing about her experience in the purple-level secret realm, the origin of that black stone, and the "obsidian bracelet" she made.

Both Jian Jing and Jian Po listened carefully. After all, neither of them had entered the purple-level secret realm at that time, and they only heard about what happened afterwards.

"According to my junior sister, the purple-level secret realm should be attacked by Zerg."

"Yes, I wasn't sure at the time, but after the appearance of the black beetle, I was sure."

"It must have been dangerous."

Jian Po's cherry lips opened and closed, and said.

"Indeed, fortunately, it was the most advanced purple-level secret realm that was attacked at that time. The secret realm protected itself and ejected us all, and forcibly closed the space, so that the Zerg did not take the opportunity to invade."

There was a trace of silence in the atmosphere, and the three of them knew that the two hundred year period was a high-raised sword that was slowly falling, and the moment it fell, it was also the beginning of a great battle.

"Okay, let's not talk about that."

Jian Jing waved her hand, ending this heavy topic.

"Cultivation as a monk is to go against the sky. Since Lingyun Continent has such a catastrophe, we will follow it."

Jian Jing said grandly, then turned to the two of them, and said with a firm gaze:

"Jian Lu, you are the fastest female cultivator I have ever seen. You will have to fight hard for two hundred years. If you can enter the Mahayana stage, we will have another battle force."

"As for Jianpo, you will be the head of the punishment hall in the future, so you have to rush to the refining period, otherwise your master will not pass the position to you."

"Yes, follow the order of senior sister!"

Simply smiled and agreed, this was also the goal she had set for herself.

"Yes, Your Majesty, Jianpo will definitely live up to your and Master's expectations."

"Senior Brother Jianmao and I have discussed it. All the 'Heaven's Punishment' team will try to hit the Mahayana period. Every point that can be increased in combat power is a point."

Jian Jing didn't hide anything, and told Jian Jian directly. After all, Jian Jian is still the head of the battle hall, and they will all be dispatched together with the sect at that time.

"Okay! Then I wish us all the best of luck!"

Simply raised the teacup on the table and said loudly.

Jian Jing and Jian Po also both raised their teacups, and then the three of them drank the spirit tea in the teacups with a smile, and continued to talk about some interesting things in their cultivation.

But the noise from below interrupted the chat of the three of them.

The three of them were in the private room by the window, so they cast their gazes down, and saw a group of ten people surrounding a young male cultivator, to prevent the other party from escaping, as if they were asking for something.

The cultivation bases of these ten people are not low, the highest is the late stage of distraction, the lowest cultivation base is also in the late Yuanying stage, and the male cultivators who are trapped only have the cultivation base of the early stage of transformation, and they will not be able to break through the encirclement of these people for a while. .

"Why is there no city guard to take care of it?"

Jianpo was a little surprised, after all, the city under the jurisdiction of Tianjianzong did not have such bullying.

Simple but has already seen the signs, said to the two:
"They really don't understand the rules here."

A group of city guards in the distance seems to have been notified and is rushing here.

Simply got up, stood by the window, and greeted the leader of the ten people below:
"Hao Meng!"

When Hao Meng heard someone calling him, he immediately raised his head, and saw the female cultivator standing by the window on the second floor of Xianlai Inn, and then took a closer look, the corner of his mouth twitched, knowing that he had encountered a hard stubble today.

Hao Meng immediately put on a smiling face, and was about to bow to salute, but simply waved his hand and said to him:

"Bring your men up."

Hao Meng also saw the city guards who had rushed over, waved behind him, and led the crowd into the Xianlai Inn.

Shopkeeper Wan had heard the order from the female cultivator upstairs. Seeing the ten people who came in, he didn't dare to delay for a moment, and led them to the second floor.

The kidnapped male cultivator seemed to be in a hurry, and struggled even harder, but his cultivation base was inferior, his dantian was sealed by Hao Meng, and now he is like an ordinary mortal, with no power to resist.

Hao Meng was also very cautious, leaving four of them guarding the door, and then took the male cultivator who was caught by him, and the rest of his subordinates, into the box where Jian Jian and the three were.

"Hao Meng from the Hall of Nine Evils pays homage to Lord Jian Slaughter!"


Simple and indifferent, he glanced at the arrested male cultivator, and then said:

"Tell me, what's going on?"

After Hao Meng came in, he felt a little regretful. This Lord Jian Slaughter has no weak people around him, and three people can settle him and his subordinates.

But this time, I didn't do anything out of the ordinary, and it was a small gain, and I finally caught the culprit who framed me.

Therefore, Hao Meng didn't panic, and was about to talk about what had happened when the guards at the door clashed with the guards in words, and they could hear the voices outside the door through the restraint.

"Jianpo, you send the guards away first."

"Yes, Your Honor."

After Jian Jing spoke, Jian Po immediately waved off the restraint and went outside to deal with the dispute.

Kong Xingkun, who had been following the three of them, also entered the inn lobby with his men.

Jianpo just showed her sword to the city guard, and then whispered:

"Your Majesty will take care of the matter, go do your own work and don't leak the news."

"Yes, my subordinate understands."

The guards knew that it was the high-level power of the Heavenly Sword Sect who was here, so they immediately turned around and went downstairs, just in time to meet Kong Xingkun and his group who went upstairs.

Kong Xingkun looked at the guards who were leaving, and became even more curious about the identities of the three female cultivators. His probing eyes turned to the box where Jian Jian and the others were.

He just saw the back of Jian Po who had turned into the private room again, while the four guards left at the door turned their eyes to Kong Xingkun, their eyes seemed to warn him, and if they looked again, they would poach his eyeballs.

Kong Xingkun was very shrewd, even the guards of the other party were at the Nascent Soul and Transformation Stage, so it was conceivable that the other party's cultivation level was no worse than his own.

As for the relationship between the latter group of people and the three female cultivators, he is temporarily unsure. He can only wait for his subordinates to find out clearly before deciding what to do.

Then he said to the shopkeeper Wan at the side:

"Shopkeeper, I want a box facing the street, and some exquisite dim sum."

"Yes, senior, please, it is a coincidence that you came today, and there is only the last box facing the street left."

Kong Xingkun led his subordinates into the box on the other side, and the people from the Hall of Nine Evils turned their eyes away.

Hao Meng, who was in the private room, was explaining to the simple three people why he entered the Taoist territory, and even entered the Tianquan City.

"Your Majesty Mingjian, I took the disciples of the Hall of Nine Shatters and followed the trail all the way to this place. It was very difficult to block him. In order to ask for more information, we did not kill him, so we let him go smoothly. Live till now."

As Hao Meng said, he glared at the restrained male cultivator with itchy teeth.If it weren't for keeping alive, this guy would have been wiped out long ago, and he could be allowed to jump up to now.

Simply listened and smiled, but believed what Hao Meng said. After all, in the Chimei Mountain Range, he was attacking his own space boundary.

Hao Meng showed up there with the disciples of the Nine Evil Palace, at that point in time, it was already a coincidence.

It is also a relatively remote place in the Red Eyebrow Mountain Range, and there are no spiritual creatures. High-level spirit beasts don't bother to make it their own territory, so they can escape the investigation of the Tianmo Palace.

"If what you said is true, then this male cultivator must know something!"

Said simply and calmly.

"Yes, otherwise he wouldn't have escaped."

Hao Meng answered simply.

"Since that's the case, let the interrogation be done by professionals!"

(End of this chapter)

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