Chapter 590
Jianpo swept over with her spiritual sense, and had already discovered who was outside the restriction, and turned around with a charming smile to report to Jian Jian and Jian Jing:

"My lord, it's Kong Xingkun, I guess he has already found out."

"Let him in."


Jian Po waved her hand to open the restriction, and after Kong Xingkun led his men in, he looked up, only to find that the cultivation base of the enchanting female cultivator in black was actually at the transformation stage, so the three of them must have hidden their cultivation base yesterday.

As for the two people who were sitting, he couldn't even sense his cultivation now, and now Kong Xingkun's heart really sank to the bottom of the valley.

It turned out that Kong Xingkun had finished a week of practice this morning, so he summoned Lan Yi to come in to serve and change clothes, but the one who came in was Lu Qiao.

"Young master, Lan Yi didn't know where to go early in the morning!"

"Is there a messenger?"

"Not yet."

Lu Qiao replied very reluctantly, with a delicate little face full of resentment, she said softly:
"Young master, you can't be partial to Lan Yi, and you can't be partial to Lu Qiao."

While talking, he wiped his storage bracelet, took out a set of brand new men's grooming utensils, and wrapped Kong Xingkun like a vine, and began to help him tidy up.

"After serving the young master, I will send a message to let Lanyi come back."

Kong Xingkun did not refuse at this time, he enjoyed the scene of the female cultivator being jealous for him, proving that his charm is boundless.

But when Lu Qiao got bored with him, she left the young master's room with a happy face, but she still didn't see Lan Yi back.

The message talisman sent by Lu Qiao floated around, and Yuan returned to their courtyard.

Kong Xingkun frowned, and went to Lan Yi's room to check it himself. The room was furnished as usual, and Lan Yi's storage bracelet and storage ring were on the bed, but no one was there.

However, yesterday he was watching, and Lan Yi went back to his room step by step.

At this moment, the jade talisman on Kong Xingkun's waist vibrated, and a message was sent from the clan, saying that the soul lamp of the blue clothes had gone out today, asking if they encountered any problems.

The alarm bell in Kong Xingkun's mind rang immediately, connecting all the clues together, it was obvious that Lan Yi had never left the courtyard at all, and was killed in his own room under his nose.

Kong Xingkun figured out the key point in the blink of an eye, and immediately summoned people to prepare to leave Tianquan City. He might be targeted.

"Young master, we won't be attending the marriage ceremony between the Yao family and the Jin family?"

Lu Qiao asked cautiously.

After all, the reason why the young master brought them out this time was to participate in the marriage ceremony of the Yao and Jin families.

"Leave first, the blue clothes have already fallen."

Kong Xingkun said in a deep voice.

When they first heard the news, the remaining few people were a little surprised, and then a gleam of joy flashed in their eyes. After all, there was one less person to compete with them, and Lu Qiao said:
"Young master, did Lanyi offend someone? This is her personal grievance, why did it involve us?"

Lu Qiao spared no effort to slander the other party, Kong Xingkun's heart skipped a beat when he heard Lu Qiao's words.

Lanyi has been with them since entering the city, and the only time she goes out is to check the background of the three female cultivators, doesn't it?
"Leave first."

Kong Xingkun's face darkened, and the rest of them didn't dare to say anything, they immediately surrounded their young master and left the courtyard, and rushed directly to the teleportation hall of Tianquan City.

But when they entered the main hall and wanted to sit in the teleportation array, the guards told them very politely:

"I'm afraid it will take a few days for you to sit in the teleportation array. The teleportation array needs to be maintained, so you won't be able to teleport for a few days."

Lu Qiao raised her eyebrows when she heard that, right in front of them, the person who had just sent away a wave of teleportation, now told them that the teleportation array was useless.

"Then let's take the teleportation array going elsewhere."

Kong Xingkun and his party did not delay, and turned to the teleportation array next door.

The defenders here directly sent a messenger talisman to their companions, and then opened the teleportation array, allowing the monks who needed to ride to teleport directly after handing over the spirit stones.

Now the monks who were waiting to sit in the teleportation array understood that the quality of the teleportation array was entirely aimed at the group of people just now.

Of course, Kong Xingkun and his group also encountered gray noses in the teleportation formation on the other side, and Lu Qiao wanted to play the prestige of high-ranking monks, but as a result, the alchemy cultivators sitting in the teleportation hall, just swept away their spiritual consciousness, and they were completely sluggish up.

There was something Kong Xingkun didn't understand now, Lu Qiao gritted her teeth lightly, and they went to the place where they took the large flying boat without giving up, only to receive the same treatment.

"Several people, there is something wrong with the flying boat, and it will be parked for a few days, so we can't leave immediately."

"Then why are they still on board?"

Lu Qiao's face was really green this time, and she asked.

A late-stage distracted cultivator guarding the flying boat stood at the entrance, glanced at a few people, and then said:

"Since you know, why do you ask? You don't know who you have offended, so why are you arguing here?"


Kong Xingkun's brows directly became pimples.

"Young master, let's go through the city gate."

Lu Qiao spoke directly, and the cultivator who spoke just now, smiled this time, boarded the large flying boat that was already full, and set off.

"Okay, don't be ashamed, let's go back first."

Seeing their expressions, Kong Xingkun already understood that they couldn't leave Tianquan City now, and if they left by force, they didn't know what would happen.

He decided to go back first, think about countermeasures, and send a message to the family by the way. Although it is embarrassing, the most important thing is to protect himself.

When the group returned to Xianlai Inn, Kong Xingkun thought about it, but he still took people to Feixian Pavilion, pulled the restraint, and there was the opening scene.

"Little friend Kong, Senior Sister and I have something to do, so don't run around in the past few days, and wait in Tianquan City safely. There is something wrong here, and I will send you back to Kong's house."

There is no deep meaning in the simple words, which made Kong Xingkun startled, and spoke with some difficulty:
"Senior, I don't know where this junior offended you, please give me a chance to make amends."

"Oh? Didn't you ask your men to check our details? Didn't you find out who we are?"

Simply drinking the spiritual tea, deliberately asked the other party.

If Kong Xingkun didn't know what caused him to be trapped at this time, then his cultivation during this distraction period would be in vain.

"Senior's redemption is due to the younger generation's overreaching."

Before Kong Xingkun finished speaking, the restriction of Feixian Pavilion was touched again. This time, Jianpo directly opened the formation, and Jin Liuli and Jin Ai came in.

When the people who simply wanted to meet came, they didn't bother to deal with Kong Xingkun and waved to them.

Before Kong Xingkun could react, Jian Po had already raised his hand to ask them to go out.

Kong Xingkun knew that he had kicked the iron board, but he still didn't know who the iron board was.

And Liuli, who passed by the group of them, brought her aunt and came to meet the two lords with a smile on her face.

"Jin Wu pays homage to the two lords, thank you for your help this time."

Jin Ai's voice was still a little hoarse, but not unpleasant.

Today, in order to meet the two seniors, Jin Ai specially changed into a refreshing ice-blue robe, still wearing the flying cloud bun, with the blood jade hairpin still on the bun, with a fair face, delicate eyebrows and eyes, which are three points like Liuli. Similar to Liuli, softer than Liuli.

Simply raised his hand to let the two sit down, and then said:
"Presumably Liuli has already told you everything, are you willing to go to the Heavenly Sword Sect?"

"Jin Ai is willing. This matter can give full play to my strengths, and it will also help the Lingyun Continent. It is my honor to be a member of the Lingyun Continent."

(End of this chapter)

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