Chapter 591 Reaching a Consensus
Regarding Jin Ai's answer, he simply expressed his satisfaction. It was not in vain for me and my senior sister to perform a play in the Jin family. The purpose of this trip was half achieved. As for whether Jin Ai can research a result, it will take time .

Simple things have always been swift and resolute, and he took out a jade slip from the storage bracelet, entered all the information he had so far, and handed it to Jin Ai.

"Jin Ai, this is all the news about the new type of 'Bloodworm' so far. We haven't fought this new type of Zerg yet, so the information we can provide is very limited. Please read the information first."

Then Jian Jian turned his head and said to Jin Liuli:

"This time, we will go back to the sect directly. Before that, you can contact Jianhou to get rid of his relationship and see if you can get some insect eggs from the Tianmo Palace for your aunt to study."

"Yes, Your Majesty, Liuli has recorded it."

"In the past few days, you will stay with your aunt in the clan for a few days, and take care of all the matters that need to be dealt with, and then you will leave directly."

After simply giving Liuli instructions, he turned to Jin Ai again, and said with a smile:
"Jin Xiaoyou, is there any problem?"

"It's all up to the lord. I'm free now, and I'm going to the clan to leave a portion of the inheritance in my hand to the clan. There's nothing else to say."

Jin Ai spoke open-mindedly, and his expression at this time was also extremely relaxed, with a smile reaching his eyes.

Since Jin De became the head of the family, he started to target her everywhere. The old ancestor didn't retreat, so he restrained himself a little.

Jin Ai thought about leaving the family and becoming a casual cultivator, but their branch has no successors. This is the reason why she has endured so far. She doesn't want their branch to disappear from the family.

She was also waiting, waiting for the ancestor to leave the customs, but Jin De was so shameless that he used her thoroughly, used her to make a deal, and said that it was all a sacrifice for the family.

At first she was angry, but seeing Jin De's proud face, at that moment she also fully understood that this person didn't care about the blood relationship at all, but only thought about how to drive himself into the dust and wipe them out of the family.

Jin Ai gave up the idea of ​​leaving an inheritance. She agreed with Patriarch Jin's proposal and decided to use this opportunity to completely leave the family. She didn't even tell her beloved Liuli.

She also prepared for the worst, but she calculated everything, but ignored Liuli's persistence, intervened forcefully, and changed the direction of the whole thing.

"That's good. The Heavenly Sword Sect has been passed down for hundreds of thousands of years. There are still some poisonous plants that you can take out. I checked in the Law Enforcement Hall before, and there are poisonous plants suitable for your promotion."

After hearing the simple words, Jin Ai's eyes lit up, he got up and saluted:
"Thank you, Your Majesty, for caring so much about Jin Ai. I will definitely not disappoint Your Majesty's expectations."

"it is good."

Liuli was also very happy at the side, aunt finally had something to look forward to, it seemed that her persistence was right.

After Liuli and Jin Ai left Feixian Pavilion, Jian Jing joked:

"Junior Sister, you are not the head of the Law Enforcement Hall anymore, you are still planning for the sect."

"I can't help it. This is the last thing I finalized before I left the Law Enforcement Hall. No matter how you say it, there must be a beginning and an end. Brother Jianli also supports my idea. After all, the most important thing is to reduce sacrifices."

"Indeed, your ideas are always fresh."

The two were talking about the next itinerary, and Jian Po had already received from the city guards the story of Kong Xingkun and his party's attempt to leave Tianquan City this morning.

Jianpo rewarded the sender with some spiritual stones, took the jade slip, entered the Feixian Pavilion, handed the jade slip to Lord Jian Jing, and then said simply to the side:
"This kid is very smart. When he found out that the blue clothes were destroyed, he hurried out of the city, but he was stopped back. Then he turned the corner and found us."

"If you don't kill him, it's already giving the Kong family a lot of face."

Jian Jing said casually, and passed the jade slip she had seen, and handed it to Jian Jian.

"It's cheap for him. If he hadn't met him in Tianquan City, he would have died long ago with his dirty mind."

To put it simply and directly, the Kong family may not be clean after raising such a younger generation, but she has no time to dig deep for the time being, and because of the extermination of the Fu family, she knows that these families are very vigilant to her.

However, the fists that should be bright still have to be bright, and the sticks that should be hit must be hit, otherwise they really think that she has left the Law Enforcement Hall with a sword, and they have nothing to do with them.

On the third day, Liuli and her aunt waited outside the Feixian Pavilion early on, and when Jianjian and the three came out, they immediately greeted them.

"Your Majesty, Liuli sent my ancestor's post to the Yao family yesterday. The Yao family didn't react too violently. They only said that they would wait for you today."

Liu Li fell behind the two lords and Jian Po, explaining in a soft voice.

"Senior Sister, since we have already said hello, let's go directly! I am really curious."

Simply raised his eyebrows and said to Jian Jing who was beside him.

"Okay, let's go then!"

Jian Jing flicked his sleeves lightly, and the group of five people disappeared, and they reappeared in front of Yao's mansion.

The sudden appearance of five people startled the guards of the Yao family, and Liuli stepped forward first.

"The Jin family came to visit."

Only then did the two guards regain their composure, because they did receive a notice yesterday that people from the Jin family were visiting today.

The two bowed and saluted, and then led a group of five people to the reception hall in the mansion.

The Yao family is good at planting spiritual plants. From entering the mansion to going to the living room, there are all kinds of spiritual plants, spiritual grasses, and spiritual flowers along the way, and the whole mansion is decorated with flowers.

Jian Jian just glanced at these spiritual plants lightly, and Liu Chuan had already sent a voice transmission to Jian Jian in secret:
"These spiritual plants are all planted according to certain rules, and have formed a formation. There are also a few more aggressive spiritual plants at the eye of the formation."

"okay, I get it."

The Patriarch of the Yao family wore a robe of green mountains and forests today, and his thin face was even more dignified, because Ling Zhi in the courtyard had already told him the whereabouts of a group of people. Patriarch's people.

back to yesterday
The head of the Yao family received a greeting card from the ancestor of the Jin family, saying that it was about the marriage between the Jin and Yao families that had been reached with the Yao family before, so he let it go.

To express their apologies, the Jin family specially invited an expert to detoxify Young Master Yao, and promised to refine a batch of elixir for the Yao family for free.

After Yao Lin received the post, he went to find the ancestors of the Yao family. After all, this matter was not up to him.

After reading the post, the ancestor of the Yao family said to Patriarch Yao beside him:
"Lin'er, what happened to the Jin family recently? Otherwise, the ancestor of the Jin family would not be disturbed. I know that he has been refining the ninth-level elixir in closed doors."

Patriarch Yao pondered for a moment before saying:

"Old Ancestor, I have never received any news about the Jin family, so I was a little surprised when I received the greeting post today! But the person who sent the post was Jin Liuli, who is said to be a more prosperous son, nephew and descendant of the Jin family."

The ancestor of the Yao family handed the post back to Yao Lin, and then said:

"Liuli has come back, the problem must be her, you go and check first, and make plans when you see them tomorrow.

In any case, if they can cure Bin'er's poison, everything is easy to talk about. If they can't get rid of it, the Jin family will definitely give us an explanation. "

"Yes, Patriarch, Yao Lin understands that it's not easy for us to tear ourselves apart with the Jin family at this time."

"Okay, you go! I'll go to Ice Cave to see Bin'er again."

Yao's living room

Jin Liuli stood up first, and after a salute, she opened her mouth and said:

"Patriarch Yao, please forgive me. This time, Jin Liuli and Jin Ai, on behalf of the ancestors, came to the Yao family to fulfill their promise with the seniors."

(End of this chapter)

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