Chapter 592 Entering Yao's House
Yao Lin was very polite, and gave Jian Jian a group of five people to their seats before asking:
"Liuli, about the marriage of the two families, why is it suddenly not counted? Can you explain to me a little bit, I think my Yao family has the right to know the reason at least!"

The aunt and nephew of the Jin family were very aware of the Yao family's question, and this was expected. After all, no one would be very happy if the family was unilaterally told that the marriage was cancelled.

It was because the ancestor personally sent a greeting post and offered a way to make up for it that the Yao family didn't attack immediately, but it is reasonable for them to ask you for an explanation.

Jin Ai stood up at this moment, stepped forward and gave a salute, facing Patriarch Yao, lightly parted his vermilion lips, and a hoarse voice sounded:

"Jin Ai came here today because he wanted to explain clearly to Patriarch Yao in person, hoping not to ruin the friendship between our two families."

In fact, Yao Lin had recognized Jin Ai since the few people stepped into the living room, after all, he was the object of marriage for the young master of the Yao family.

"You said."

"Being married to the young master of the Yao family was not my intention, but the former head of the Jin family, Jin Technetium, insisted on going his own way. He used his family to force me, and even imprisoned me in his courtyard in a disguised form."

When Patriarch Yao heard this, his eyes drooped, and he knew that [-]% of what Jin Ai said was true:
"Since you don't want to, you can tell your ancestors, or contact my Yao family in private, and we will not do things that are difficult for others."

Patriarch Yao spoke out, obviously not satisfied with Jin Ai's explanation.

Jin Ai raised his head at this time, looked directly at Patriarch Yao, and lowered his hoarse voice by two points:
"Why would Jin-technetium let me detain the patriarch? How does Patriarch Yao know that I haven't contacted the Yao family in private? It's just that, as the last life-saving straw for the young master of the Yao family, you probably won't allow it. Give up if you haven't even tried!"

Jian Jian on the side listened to the conversation between the two, and smiled. It could be seen that what Jin Ai said hit the nail on the head, pointing directly at the crux of the problem.

Because if she was the Yao family, she would not let go of the only person who could help her children. Even if they knew that this was a deal, or that the people who made the deal had no intentions, they would still pretend to be confused.

Following Jin Ai's words, the hall suddenly became quiet, and a dark light flashed in Yao Lin's eyes.

Jianjing and the three of them acted like guests, neither participating in the conversation nor expressing their opinions, as long as they were their own masters.

"My nephew said just now that Jin Technetium was the previous head of the family. What does that mean?"

Patriarch Yao suddenly changed the subject and asked about another piece of information revealed in Jin Ai's speech just now.

"Jin Technetium was too selfish and violated the precepts of the ancestors when handling this matter, and was discovered by the ancestors, and he was directly removed from the position of Patriarch. Now he is punished to think about his mistakes. So I can't come in person today, I hope Patriarch Yao will forgive me."

After listening to Jin Ai's words, Yao Lin knew that the matter of the marriage between the two families was completely messed up, and there was no room for change, so he coughed lightly and said:

"Since it's a family matter of the Jin family, it's inconvenient for me to ask more questions. It's just the matter of detoxification that the ancestor of the Jin family said."

While speaking, he turned his gaze to the simple three people who had been serving as the background board.

Liuli stood up at this time, bowed to Patriarch Yao, and said:
"Liuli is reckless, please move my Lord Jianjing, Lord Jianlu and Lord Jianpo of my Heavenly Sword Sect to come here to detoxify Young Master Yao."

Patriarch Yao's eyes twitched when he heard this, and he stood up immediately, bowing his hands and saluting:
"I don't know if it's the seniors of the Heavenly Sword Sect, Yao is rude!"

Yao Lin was also heartbroken. The patriarch of the Jin family's post only said that he had found an expert to detoxify him, but he didn't mention that he was a high-ranking monk of the Heavenly Sword Sect. This also surprised him a little.

"Patriarch Yao is too polite. We are here only on behalf of individuals, and we are here to do little Liuli a favor."

With a reserved smile, he opened his mouth to explain.

"To be honest, we came here to ask little friend Jin Ai to wait for me. Of course, the purpose of the marriage between the Yao family and the Jin family is also to detoxify Young Master Yao. I am somewhat sure about this and I am willing to give it a try."

To put it simply, she is polite and confident, but in fact, she doesn't know much about medical training.

In the previous life, there was a medical practitioner beside Du Yanran, but this person's purpose was very clear, that is, to go to the high-level spiritual plant in her space.

Now because they needed Jin Ai to join the Heavenly Sword Sect, they decided to try their best to satisfy the Yao family's request.

Of course, it's easy to think about it, within her ability, she will definitely not refuse, if it is beyond her ability, then use the power to bully others, anyway, she will definitely take Jin Ai away, at worst, she will return to the sect to seek the true lord Once, Danyang Zhenzun of Danzong came forward.

In short, everything is planned, and now we will act according to the script.

"So, I will go to tell my ancestors, please wait a few minutes."

"Patriarch Yao, please go ahead."

After Patriarch Yao left in a hurry, Jin Liuli and Jin Ai obviously breathed a sigh of relief, while Jian Jian and the other three transmitted voices in secret.

"Junior Sister, I didn't realize that you actually have research into medicine?"

Jianjing's smiling voice transmission asked a simple question.

"Let the senior sister laugh, I really don't know how to do it."

Plain and simple.

"Then you still boast about it?"

Jian Jing rolled her eyes and continued to ask.

"Let's take a look first, with a senior sister here, you can always see a clue!"

"As long as you have a big heart, I don't know anything about poison."

Jianpo sat on the lower heads of the two lords. At this time, the ink pendant around her waist shook, and with a sweep of her consciousness, the corners of her mouth curled up. Then, she said to the two lords:

"Kong Xingkun asked his family for help. The Kong family is arranging people to come to Tianquan City."

"What a pity! What a pity!"

He simply listened and said indifferently.

"What a pity?"

"It's a pity that I can't directly kill him!"

Jin Liuli and Jin Ai on the side listened to the conversation between the few people, blinking their eyes, not knowing that it was that reckless person who offended several seniors.

Yao Lin left the living room and hurried to the place with the strongest aura in the entire Yao family.

This is the courtyard of the ancestor, and it has been in a closed state before. Only because of Yao Bin's accident, the ancestor came out of the retreat, and personally stabilized Yao Bin's condition.

After the restriction was lifted, Patriarch Yao told the patriarch what happened when he met the Jin family in the living room.

"Old Ancestor, Jin Liuli should have stepped in on this matter, and that's why Jin Technetium fell from the position of Patriarch."

"These are not important, the important thing is that they can cure Bin'er."

"I'm very confident in what the Lord Sword Slaughter said."

Yao Lin glanced at the ancestor sitting on the futon, and said.

"Jianlu has only become famous in the past hundred years. What everyone is familiar with is her fierce combat power, but no one knows that she can be medical."

The patriarch of the Yao family opened his clear eyes, seeming to be asking himself, but also asking Patriarch Yao.


Patriarch Yao was also questioned, so he could only reply:
"They came suddenly. I haven't collected all the detailed information here. The old ancestor means, let them see Bin'er?"

"Since they're here, let them have a try. Most importantly, we don't have the capital to refuse!"

In the end, the ancestor of the Yao family sighed softly and told the truth.

At this moment, Patriarch Yao was also silent. Ever since the five of them stepped into Yao's mansion, the spiritual plants in the mansion had changed. They seemed to be very scared, and the message sent back to him was also dangerous.

The town house in the family planted ten thousand-year-old hibiscus and gardenia, and only sent back the four words "Invincible! Retreat!".

(End of this chapter)

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