Space Cultivation: Rebirth Against the Little Orphan Girl

Chapter 593 Determining the Cause of Disease

Chapter 593 Determining the Cause of Disease
Yao's living room

Yanagawa was also secretly transmitting the sound to Simple:
"I didn't expect the Yao family to have some wealth. There is actually a ten thousand-year-old hibiscus gardenia here."

"Why do I listen, are you so excited?"

He simply teased, then narrowed his eyes, and said faintly:
"Didn't you fall in love with his little Furong? Tell me what you want to do?"

"Cut! I would be so tasteless, this spiritual plant is timid, if it feels my breath, it has already disappeared without a trace!"

"Hehe! There are times when you are despised by others!"

Jian Jian finally seized an opportunity to laugh at Liu Chuan, how could he let it go.

When Jian Jian was arguing with Liu Chuan, Patriarch Yao returned to the living room and said to Jian Jing and his party:

"The ancestor asked a few seniors to move forward to the Ice Cave, where Yao Bin is currently recuperating."

Patriarch Yao led the way ahead, leading a group of people through most of the Yao mansion, through the lush Lingzhi Garden, and arrived at the place where the Yao family patriarch Qingxiu was.

"Seniors, please come inside!"

Entering the main hall, there is a thin middle-aged man standing in the middle, who has obviously been waiting for a long time.

"Yao has met several fellow Taoists of the Heavenly Sword Sect. It is Yao's fault that I trouble you all to come here in person."

What the ancestor of the Yao family said was beautiful and sincere.

Jian Jing and the three of them cupped their hands, without any fuss, and went straight to the point:

"You Daoist Yao are being polite. It's all for the sake of my nephew and younger generation. Let's not waste time chatting. Let's go and see this nephew first."

"Okay, this way please."

The patriarch of the Yao family saw that he was so straightforward. Although he still had no idea, at least these people were not fooling them, so he personally led Jian Jian and his group to the Ice Cave, and explained Yao Bin's situation in detail on the way.

"Bin'er is a wood spirit root, and he is the younger generation that my Yao family focuses on training. He is very talented in cultivating spiritual plants. Because he is a wood spirit root, Ling Zhi is also very friendly to him."

"About half a year ago, he heard people say that there was a rare spiritual plant 'years' in the Red Eyebrow Mountains under the jurisdiction of the Demon Sect. He took the family monks to pick it in the mountains, but there was nothing there. The group of them They were all seriously injured, only Bin'er was intact."

When the ancestor of the Yao family mentioned the Chimei Mountain Range, he already had a bad premonition in his heart, frowned his pretty brows, and winked at Jian Po behind him.

Jianpo is also very keen. There is a new type of "blood worm" jade slip in Chimei Mountain, but he received it before leaving the sect, and the law enforcement hall is not unaware of it.

This news was brought back by Master Jian Slaughter, but then the Tianmo Palace also sent the same news.

It's just that the time is too short, and some families haven't received specific news. Patriarch Yao estimated that during this period of time, he was worrying about Yao Bin's condition and didn't pay attention to it.

The ancestor of the Yao family who led the way continued:

"At first, Bin'er was fine, but he was not in good spirits. We all felt that it was because of this trip that the disciples in the family were injured and did not gain anything, which made him physically and mentally exhausted, so we suggested that he take a small retreat and adjust himself. status."

Speaking of this, the ancestor of the Yao family was also a little annoyed, and then continued:
"As a result, I received Bin'er's distress message during the retreat.

I sensed that he was still in the family, so I directly broke open his retreat room, but Bin'er had fallen to the ground, and his cultivation was also falling, so I sealed his dantian to prevent his cultivation from falling;
At the same time, I inspected his body and found that his meridians and blood vessels were covered with a special toxin, which was constantly eroding his body. I tried my best to force the toxin into one of his arms, but I couldn't force the toxin into his arm. out;

Every time I force a poison, these toxins seem to be alive, absorbing Bin'er's blood essence from the meridians and consuming it with me, I can't watch Bin'er exhaust his essence and blood and die, so I have to give up! "

Jian Jian and Jian Po sounded more and more like a new type of "blood worm" looking for a host, but Yao Bin didn't seem to be a suitable host for them, so they were leaving the body.

During the process of leaving the body, he wanted to absorb Yao Lin as nourishment, but Patriarch Yao forcibly held him down, so the "blood worm" was consumed in his body.

Jian Po listened carefully, and nodded to Jian Jian and Jian Jing, saying that this was very similar to the characteristics of the "blood worm" that his group got the day before yesterday, and the rest had to wait for Yao Bin to verify it on the spot .

After the ancestor of the Yao family finished talking about the situation, from the corner of his eye he caught the glances of the three of them and the serious expressions on their faces. While he was relieved, his heart was tense.

The three of them obviously knew what their nephew's illness was, but I'm afraid it would not be easy to cure it.

Arriving in front of the Ice Cave, the ancestor of the Yao family waved his hand and opened the restriction. The gate of the cave opened with a bang, and inside was a world of ice and snow, with piled up ice cubes everywhere.

Scanning with simple spiritual sense, I found that the inside is filled with thousands of years of ice, the more you go in, the older the ice is, until at the center, on a bed of ten thousand years of ice, there is a pale-faced male cultivator lying.

"This is Bin'er. He is currently in a deep sleep. The bed of ten thousand years of ice can slow the spread of toxins, so I placed him here. In order to prevent his cultivation from falling, I sealed his dantian. So in order to resist the cold, I cast spells to maintain a constant temperature."

The ancestor of the Yao family came to the bed of ice and was about to cast a spell to keep out the cold, but was simply interrupted.

"Fellow Daoist Yao, don't rush to cast spells, we need to determine the cause."

After hearing this, the ancestor of the Yao family stopped his hands and moved away from the seat beside the bed.

Jianpo stepped to the front of the bed of ice, scanned the opponent from head to toe with divine sense, and cut the opponent's sleeve with a wave, revealing the poisonous arm.

I saw that Yao Bin's entire left arm, from the shoulder socket to the fingertips, was red in sauce, which was a sign of impending necrosis.

And Jianpo's spiritual sense scanned it, and found that the sauce red color was caused by the scarlet red veins as thin as hair filling all the meridians, which caused this phenomenon.

And now this situation has a tendency to spread, spreading to Yao Bin's chest.

After simply closing my eyes and feeling it, I asked the ancestor of the Yao family directly:

"Fellow Daoist Yao, how many days do you usually suppress toxins?"

The patriarch of the Yao family was not stupid, so he naturally knew what the simple question meant, frowned and said:

"It used to be once a month, but now it's once every [-] days, and the speed of spreading is getting faster and faster!"

Jian Po also returned to Jian Jian, nodded to Jian Jian, and Jian Jian said directly to the ancestor of the Yao family:

"We have roughly judged Yao Bin's illness. The next step is how to treat it. This needs to be discussed with you."

Seeing Jian Jian and the three of them being so cautious, the ancestor of the Yao family also knew that the most important thing was the treatment, so he nodded and prepared to leave first.

Jianjing suddenly said:
"Protect his heart first."

The ancestor of the Yao family was stunned for a moment, and then shot out a ball of green light, which sank into Yao Bin's heart. Yao Bin, who was in a coma, frowned, and then regained his composure. Seeing this, everyone left the ice cave.

"My fellow Taoists of the Heavenly Sword Sect, please tell me the truth. I just want to know if Bin'er can still be saved?"

After being seated, the ancestor of the Yao family spoke first, and looked at the expressions of Jian Jian and the other three while speaking.

Simply understanding his urgency to save his nephew, and not hiding it, he said to Jian Po beside him:

"Show the jade slip to Fellow Daoist Yao."

Jian Po nodded, took out a jade slip from her storage bracelet, and handed it to Yao Lin who had been silent all the time.

(End of this chapter)

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