Chapter 594
The ancestor of the Yao family took the jade slip handed over by Yao Lin, his spiritual consciousness sank into it, and after reading the news of the jade slip, he spoke with difficulty after a long while:

"Fellow daoists, have you already confirmed?"

"Eighty percent!"

Keep it simple and don't hold back, just tell the truth.

The patriarch of the Yao family and the head of the Yao family at the side were silent for an instant. To put it simply, Yao Bin was undoubtedly sentenced to death.

It is not easy for the family to cultivate a monk, and Yao Bin is a descendant of the direct line, with good talent and good character, why is it him.

"Because Yao Bin is good enough, they chose Yao Bin as a parasitic target, because they know that the family will not give up this kind of junior easily, and judging from the current situation, they underestimated Yao Bin."

"Fellow Daoist Sword Killer, what do you mean by these words?"

Patriarch Yao turned his gaze to Jian Jian and asked directly.

"Because Yao Bin rejects the parasitism of the 'Bloodworm', and the 'Bloodworm' is currently breaking away from the temporary host after failing to achieve its parasitic goal, that's why Young Master Yao's condition deteriorated so quickly."

Simple speculation is basically fact.

Because Yao Bin went to the Red Eyebrow Mountains to look for "Years", but Lingzhi couldn't find it. He and his family members were also attacked by a bloodthirsty Lingzhi, and he was also cut open by a bloodthirsty Lingzhi.

But then, these bloodthirsty spirit plants retreated quickly as if they had made a deal, as if they were attacking the wrong target, and disappeared without a trace after a few breaths, allowing Yao Bin and his family members to escape.

As the leader of the team, Yao Bin felt that the situation was wrong, and immediately led the tribe back to Tianquan City. He suspected that the people who used "years" to lure him to the past must have more than pure intentions, so when he returned to the tribe, he began to arrange people to find the source of the news.

Unfortunately, before Yao Bin found out, the "blood worm" lurking in his body was exposed.

The exposure process was also very dramatic. The family town house, Lingzhi Furong Gardenia, came out to breathe one day, met Yao Bin, and immediately discovered that he had an aura that did not belong to him. This aura was extremely unpleasant to Lingzhi. Just like poison.

After receiving hints from the family's spiritual plant, Yao Bin did not say anything. He felt that with his cultivation at the early stage of transforming into a god, he could force out the poison, so he first followed the family's instructions to go to seclusion, and started to force the poison by himself.

However, the reality is cruel, because it is not a poison in the ordinary sense. When "Bloodworm" found that the host was going to force him out of the body, he immediately expanded his veins, quickly occupied the meridians of Yao Bin's body, and directed towards the heart meridian. advance.

Yao Bin is also a ruthless person, he closed his meridians immediately, restrained the "blood worm" from rushing into his heart, and mobilized his whole body's spiritual power to fight against it.

Because after the pulse is closed, the body can't run the exercises, and it can't last for a long time only relying on the scattered spiritual power absorbed, so Yao Bin asked his ancestor for help.

After all, the patriarch of the Yao family had advanced cultivation and knowledge, and found the so-called toxin that was rapidly spreading in Yao Bin's body, so he immediately used his advanced cultivation to force it into one arm, and then put Yao Bin into the ice cave .

The icy environment slowed down the reaction of the "Bloodworm", so the spreading trend was curbed, but Yao Bin's body was used as a battlefield, and the consumption was extremely high.

So "Bloodworm" chose to give up, no longer trying to attack the heart, but to leave the body, which also led to Yao Bin's current physical condition.

Back to the present, the ancestor of the Yao family listened to the simple words and said bluntly:
"However, according to Yu Jian, the separation of the blood worm means that Bin'er will also die."

"That's right."

"My lord, can you find a way to keep Bin'er?"

The ancestor of the Yao family knew very well that so far, only a few people from the Heavenly Sword Sect have found the crux of the matter, so can he expect that they will have a way to solve the current predicament.

"Fellow Daoist Yao, give us a day, let's go back and study to see if we can find a way to get both."

This time it was Jianjing who suggested it aloud, and simply nodded in agreement.

"That's it, everyone!"

The ancestor of the Yao family bowed his hands to Jian Jian and the three, and then said:

"I asked Yao Lin to arrange a few people to live in the Yao Mansion temporarily. I wonder if they are willing?"

She could understand Patriarch Yao's meaning just by listening to it, and she also had her own considerations.

If Yao Bin fell and the "Bloodworm" left the body before they found a solution, they would definitely capture each other immediately, so the proximity has the advantage of being close.

But Jian Jing and Jian Po's thoughts were exactly the same as Jian Jian's, there was almost no discussion, and the three of them agreed to stay in Yao's Mansion temporarily.

"So, it's annoying."

Jian Jian responded on behalf of the three of them, and then said to Liu Li and Jin Ai who had been silent on the side:
"You two stay too."

"Yes, Your Honor."

Yao Lin arranged for his clansmen to build a new courtyard, and respectfully asked Jian Jian and his party to rest for a while.

The waiter at the door, after presenting a prohibition card respectfully, left the yard, leaving room for a few people.

Jianjing stepped into the courtyard, a standard courtyard with four squares, and a hibiscus tree was planted in the courtyard, and the milky white hibiscus flowers were blooming at this time, and the fragrance of the flowers was overflowing.

Except for the gravel road leading to the main hall and each room, all kinds of spiritual plants and flowers are planted in the whole courtyard. The spiritual energy here is also very strong, and it is obvious that a gathering array is arranged.

"Hibiscus, cypress, purple leaf lily, ebony, tracer grass"

The names of each spiritual plant came from Jian Po, and after reporting the names, Jian Po added:
"Planting all these spiritual plants in one place, the Yao family is quite capable."

Even without Jianpo's words, it is easy to see that several kinds of spiritual plants are not suitable for growing in the same environment, but here they are surprisingly harmonious.

Jian Jing is not very interested in Lingzhi. In her words, it is enough to know what Lingzhi is, how much it is worth, and how to pick it. Don't miss the genius Dibao yourself.

"Come in and talk!"

After several people were seated, Jian Jing directly opened the barrier, and cast a glance at Jian Jian,
"Junior Sister, what are your plans?"

"Senior Sister, I want a living 'Bloodworm'."

"Tsk tsk! You mean, take it back and study how to poison these bedbugs?"

"Well! Isn't there a ready-made candidate for this!"

Jian Po, Liu Li and Jin Ai at the side listened to the conversation between the two lords, their eyes lit up.

"My lord, Jin Ai is willing to give it a try. As long as there are research subjects, there is a chance to develop a suitable poison."

Jin Ai is already a little eager to try.

"The question is how to separate the worm from Yao Bin's body. Of course, it is not impossible for the 'blood worm' to be separated after Yao Bin is wiped out."

Jian Jing spread her hands and said.

"Ahem! That's the next best thing to do. The Yao family definitely doesn't want it."

He simply pursed his lips and said.

Jin Ai on the side lowered his eyes and thought for a while before saying:

"My lord, if it doesn't work, use the method we agreed at the beginning to lure the 'blood worm' to me. The Yao family has nothing to say. As a poison cultivator, maybe the 'blood worm' cannot parasitize in my body!"

"Nonsense! Don't lose your wife and lose your army!"

A simple glance at Jin Ai, why can't he cherish himself a little bit.

Liu Li listened, and pulled her aunt, telling her to be calm, she felt that the Supreme Master must have thought in his mind.

Simply said:

"I want to lure the opponent out of the body, and make sure that he can't absorb Yao Bin's body essence. At the same time, we want to trap this 'blood worm'."

Several people looked at each other and turned their eyes to simplicity.

(End of this chapter)

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