Chapter 595 Discussion Failed
"Junior Sister, from what you said, there is already a solution?"

Jian Jing looked at it and asked simply.

"Not really, so I want everyone to think of a way!"

Spreading his hands simply and directly, he said in a very bachelor way.

Jianpo pursed her lips and smiled, then turned her peachy eyes, and said to several people:
"Since the other party has been parasitized, even if we find a way to force the 'blood worm' out, there is no guarantee that his body will be safe. If you want me to say, let the Yao family find a suitable person and let Yao Bin seize the house! "

"It's also a way!"

Jian Jing nodded and agreed, the monks in the comprehension world have one and only one chance to win.

This can also be regarded as the second life given to monks by the way of heaven after embarking on the road of cultivation and not entering reincarnation. No one wants to take this step unless it is absolutely necessary.

Therefore, the suggestion put forward by Jian Po is very feasible.

Jian Jian felt that the Yao family should have thought of this method, but it was still a fluke.

After all, they were really reluctant to let them give up a well-trained outstanding disciple, and seizing the house might not be able to find a better-qualified body, so they turned their ideas on Jin Ai.

Jian Jian and a few people are here thinking about whether there is a way to have both. The Kong family over there received Kong Xingkun's distress message and arranged for people to rush to Tianquan City.

It was Kong Xingkun's second uncle, Kong Hui, who came here to put out the fire.

Kong Hui has always been well-rounded, mostly responsible for the external affairs of the Kong family, this time he was arranged to pick up a junior, he was reluctant at first.

However, Kong Xingkun is now the only promising child in the direct line of the family.

In order to make up for his decision to abandon Kong Qiankun to protect his family, the ancestor also had a lot of preference for Kong Xingkun.

Kong Hui felt that this time he could go over and see the embarrassment of the most arrogant junior in the family. He thought it was bearable, and it was all for him to relax.

Moreover, Kong Hui didn't realize how serious this matter was at all, at most it was a matter of spending more spirit stones to solve it.

So Kong Hui simply didn't understand the situation in detail, and took an attendant, set off calmly, and headed for Tianquan City unhurriedly.

Mortal world

The ten squads of Tianjianzong not only inspected the territory under the jurisdiction of the common people, but also killed some evil cultivators hidden in the common customs during the period of their stay. The task was completed smoothly.

The main reason is that Haiyan was destroyed, the evil cultivator's hidden plan in the common world, and because the "blood sac" of Tianqing Kingdom's imperial capital was destroyed, it was completely aborted, so their mission went much smoother.

This time it is rare for an immortal master to accept apprentices in the common world, and the whole common world is boiling. As long as the age reaches the standard, both men and women will be sent to test their immortal fate.

The ten squads of Heavenly Sword Sect monks are surrounded by crowds wherever they go, and there are fawning people everywhere, but the Heavenly Sword Sect monks strictly abide by the clan rules, and they are quite immortal.

In fact, they are more willing to complete the task as soon as possible and return to the realm of comprehension. After all, the aura here is really unflattering.

Since Wu Siyuan eliminated the "blood sac", he has been in a state of invisibility all the time. He only needs to ensure that the disciples of the Heavenly Sword Sect are safe and the evil cultivators are completely suppressed. This mission is considered to be more than half completed.

On this day, the ten squads of Tianjianzong had all assembled, and they took the children who passed the initial verification of their spiritual roots to the junction of the ordinary world and the cultivation world.

"Brother, this mission is finally coming to an end, and I can finally return to the cultivation world!"

"It's cheap for you, boy. The time limit for the mission released by the sect this time is not long, but it is difficult. As a result, our team was the farthest away, and we only swept the tail when we rushed over."

"We want to make more moves, but unfortunately we don't have the chance, and the aura in the mortal world is too thin, we still have to protect the little disciple we received this time!"

"These mortals are also like crazy, even the babies in the swaddle want to test the fairy fate!"

A female monk at the Jindan stage interrupted when she overheard the conversation between the two senior brothers.

"Junior Sister, the one who went to you was the youngest one, and the one who came here was the oldest one, and I couldn't even walk. They said they wanted to ask for the medicine to rejuvenate their youth..."

This Nascent Soul male cultivator is also helpless, usually he recruits disciples from the cultivation world or from the cultivation family, but this time he recruits disciples from the ordinary world, which is also the first time in a thousand years.

Originally, the task of recruiting disciples this time could be completed by the disciples of the Foundation Establishment Stage, but this time it involved evil cultivators, so the Law Enforcement Hall specially released a sect task with cultivation base requirements.

This also gave the monks who had cultivated to Jindan and Yuanying a new understanding, and gained a new understanding of mortals' yearning for the world of cultivation.

Wu Siyuan had a panoramic view of everything. As a cultivator of refining the virtual world, he had traveled with Lord Jian Lun, how could he not know the real purpose of accepting disciples in the cultivation world this time.

The time when this group of disciples entered the realm of comprehension was ingenious.

The world of self-cultivation is facing an unprecedented test, but the concentration of aura in the world of self-cultivation is constantly rising, and some secret realms that have been banned for a long time have also begun to be opened one after another.

For new monks, this is an unprecedented good time, as long as they have a firm mind, they don't have to worry about advancing their cultivation.

But when the war started, whether they would become cannon fodder or persevere and become powerful monks all depended on themselves. The Heavenly Sword Sect only provided a platform.

At the same time, they will also shoulder the responsibility of sect inheritance.

"I hope you will not regret your choice today!"

Wu Siyuan just sighed with emotion, and followed Tianjianzong's flying boat, waiting to cross the border between the mundane world and the realm of self-cultivation.

The monk of Tianjianzong showed his identity sword, passed through the barrier smoothly, and entered the realm of comprehension.

The disciples of the Heavenly Sword Sect who have entered the world of self-cultivation feel comfortable all over, and they don't need to deliberately perform exercises, the spiritual energy has already rushed into the meridians of the body.

"Ah! Finally alive!"

And the more than [-] newly recruited children who have not yet cultivated on the flying boat also stared at the scenery in front of them with wide eyes.

They knew from the immortal master who led the team that this is the world of comprehension!

Children, big and small, all lay on the side of the boat, shrugged their noses, and inhaled the fresh air into their lungs, feeling that their minds were much clearer.

Then he pointed to the lofty mountains in the distance, those unnamed tall trees, beautiful flowers, and even clear streams, all of which were the objects of their whispering.

Jianwu was on the last flying boat, accompanied by ten mortals, all young disciples he had recruited for the Law Enforcement Hall alone this time.

Since the last time he tasted the sweetness, Jianwu specially went to those remote mountains and dense forests that few people care about, and he really missed these disciples.

Jian Wu is full of confidence this time, and he will definitely be able to explain to Lord Jian Slaughter when he goes back.

He still doesn't know that his master, Jianli, has already left the customs.

The flying boats of Tianjianzong lined up, and after passing the verification, they headed in the direction of Tianjianzong.

Tianquan City Yao Mansion

The simple discussion with several people has no results, and no one can come up with a more effective way.

At this time, Yanagawa sent a simple voice transmission:
"That blood sac still belongs to a plant in essence, and I'm sure I can draw it out, but I can't stop the black beetle's ability to leave the body after absorbing the monk's essence."

With simple glances, he didn't want Liu Chuan to show his face in front of the Yao family, after all, there was the Kong family behind him, and she was going to find their discomfort!

At this time, the restraint was pulled, and Jian Jing waved open the restraint, and the Patriarch of the Yao family came in.

"Seniors, please move to the Ice Cave, Bin'er's situation has changed!"

After listening briefly, he squinted his eyes, gestured to Jian Jing and Jian Po, waved and took Liu Li and Jin Ai to the Ice Cave.

(End of this chapter)

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