Chapter 599
To put it simply is still straightforward, and people can't fault it.

The few of them were just entrusted by others to do loyal things, and they did everything they should do, and they even got a soul-nourishing pearl.

And Yao Bin disappeared in the end, not because of one of their investigations, but because of your Yao family's own town house spirit plant, and they will not take the blame for this.

The most important thing is that although someone from your backstage Kong family has come, they are not in a position to protect themselves at the moment. They are not qualified to negotiate terms with them. The rest depends on what your Yao family does. They only represent individuals and will not interfere in family affairs .

Kong Xingkun stood obediently in the hall. He has not yet figured out what exactly happened. He stood on the side as quietly as a chicken, not even daring to sit down.

Yao Yingying's eyes swept over Kong Xingkun several times, and she really hated that iron could not be made into steel.

At such a time, it should be Kong Xingkun who stood up and acted as a peacemaker on behalf of the family to bring this matter to light, but this one was fine and pretended to be dumb.

Kong Xingkun was also suffering. It's not that he didn't notice the look in the eyes of the female elder of the Yao family, but the problem was that he didn't know anything, so how could he ask?
And he still hasn't figured out which god he offended, even the ancestor of the Yao family was with him. From the expressions of everyone just now, he is very sure that he will be in bad luck this time, so he can only confess .

The atmosphere in the hall was very subtle, and the facial expressions of several people were simple and clear. They raised their eyes to look at Yao Yingying, and smiled without saying a word.

And Yao Yingying, who was at the bottom, also noticed the gaze of Lord Jian Slaughter, and immediately withdrew his gaze, looking at his nose, nose, and heart.

Jian Jian nodded secretly in his heart, at least there is a smart person in the Yao family who knows to solve the current predicament by starting from Kong Xingkun, but Kong Xingkun is a little muddy and can't support the wall.

Jian Po, who had been watching the play leisurely, felt the ink pendant on his waist vibrate again.

Jian Po flicked the sword pendant with both hands, her eyes lit up with the news from inside, then she got up and came to the two lords, and said softly:
"My lord, the team that went to the mortal world to perform missions has returned."

"Oh! The speed is quite fast, where have you been?"

"It has already entered the range of Tianjianzong, and the journey is more than halfway, and it is only a hundred miles away from Tianquan City."

Jianpo replied with a smile.

After simply listening to what Jianpo said, she immediately understood her little Jiujiu, raised her eyebrows and asked:

"But Jianwu also came back?"

"Yes, nothing can be hidden from Your Majesty."

Jian Po smiled flatteringly, her face was charming, and she was not annoying.

"Are you going to cut off the beard halfway?"

"I listen to Your Majesty!"

Jian Jian smiled and said to the senior sister beside him:

"Senior Sister, the business here has been finished, let them rest in Tianquan for a day, how about we go back to the sect together?"

Jian Jing glanced at Jian Jian and Jian Po, pursed her lips slightly, and said softly:

"Okay, it's not difficult. Anyway, you are rich and powerful, so you can stay for one day."

After listening briefly, he smiled and nodded to Jian Po, and Jian Po immediately passed the news from Mo Pei.

Kong Xingkun, who had been listening with his ears up all the time, was very convinced this time that he offended a powerful monk from the Heavenly Sword Sect, and his face became even more broken, as if mourning (bi).

"Fellow Daoist Yao, the sect has something to do, so let's go ahead."

Jian Jing stood up and said to the ancestor of the Yao family who was pretending to be serious, and then added:
"Borrow my junior sister's soul-cultivating pearl and return it as soon as possible!"

These words really slapped the face, but the ancestor of the Yao family could only admit it.

Jian Jing pointed at Yao Yingying, and continued:
"When the time comes, let her go to Tianyue Peak to find my junior sister."

Yao Yingying was called and immediately stepped forward to respond. The crowd surrounded Jianjian and left Yao's mansion. Kong Xingkun walked at the end all the time, took the opportunity to get close to Yao Yingying, and asked in a low voice:

"Elder Yao's family, who are these seniors from the Heavenly Sword Sect?"

Yao Yingying really rolled her eyes in disgust, which idiot of the Kong family is this, and she still hasn't figured out who she offended.

"The one wearing the azure robe is Lord Jian Lu, the one wearing the white robe is Lord Jian Jing, and the one serving as the two attendants is Jian Po wearing black robes."

Yao Yingying still kindly told the other party, and then saw Kong Xingkun's expression of seeing a ghost.

At this time, Kong Xingkun's heart really wanted to die. If he was killed by the other party now, at least the family could still save face. Now it is all face.

"Little friend Kong, what are you doing in a daze? Come back to Xianlai Inn with us!"

A simple and clear voice came, but to Kong Xingkun, it was like a curse. He just wanted to turn into dust and disappear here.

It's a pity that Jianpo didn't give him this chance, and dragged him away with a wave of his hand, leaving the gate of Yao Mansion.

Yao Yingying and Yao Lin returned to the living room, the ancestor of the Yao family was still there, as if waiting for them.

"Old Ancestor, is it really as they said this time? What did Furong Zhizi do?"

Yao Yingying couldn't wait to ask questions. She needed to know the whole story before she could make a judgment. After all, the other party asked her to go to Tianjianzong by name.

Only then did the patriarch of the Yao family sigh softly, and roughly explained what he had concealed about Furong and Gardenia.

"Only Patriarch and Furong know what happened. Patriarch, you definitely won't tell. Then Furong leaked the news, but we can't ask Furong to verify it now."

The ancestor of the Yao family nodded, sighed, and said to the two:

"At least Bin'er's soul is preserved, find a suitable body as soon as possible, and let him take it away!"

"Yes, Patriarch, I will handle this matter."

Yao Lin accepted the task and left first. He knew that next, the Second Elder had something to say to the Patriarch.

"Old Ancestor, I think the Kong family is unreliable, it's better to make a decision early."

Yao Yingying pointed straight to the point when she opened her mouth, without beating around the bush at all.

"I know that since we came to the Kong family, you disagreed. You would rather train children in the family than go to the Kong family to practice and advance. At that time, I already knew what you thought."

"Old Ancestor, relying on others is worse than relying on yourself! I, Yao Yingying, did not go to the Kong family to practice, but I still practiced to the stage of refinement. Don't be superstitious about the so-called blessed land of cultivation of the big family. The best place, they naturally leave it to their own descendants .”

"I know that we were in a transactional relationship with the Kong family before, but their Kong family thinks that my Yao family is their vassal. Moreover, the Kong family is not as good as the previous generation, and things are becoming more and more disproportionate."

"This time the Sword Sect of the Heavenly Sword Sect pierced Kong Xingkun's face in front of everyone. It's not that we didn't mean to warn us."

The ancestor of the Yao family finally said to Yao Yingying:
"Since they called you to go to Tianjianzong, then you should go there. The excuses are ready-made, so you should be more cautious when you go, and see what Master Jianluzun means. Is it her own meaning, or is it representing the sky?" Jianzong, you'd better figure it out."

"Old Ancestor, I will try my best! This Master Jian Slaughter is impeccable in what he says and does. He looks kind and kind, but he is the most difficult of the three."

"I know! It's embarrassing for you."

"Don't be embarrassed, for the sake of the family, Yingying should do her best."

Jian Jian and the others took Kong Xingkun out of the Yao Mansion, Jian Jian ordered Jianpo:
"Jian Po, go to Xianlai Inn, book the inn, take Liuli and Jin Ai to the gate of the city to welcome Wu Siyuan and the others!"

"Yes, Your Honor!"

Jianpo took the two of them, turned around and went straight to Xianlai Inn.

Jian Jing and Jian Jian walked slowly while talking:
"Junior sister, you let them rest halfway, but what plan do you have?"

"You can't hide anything from Senior Sister."

(End of this chapter)

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