Chapter 600
"What do you think, junior sister?"

Jian Jing asked Jian Jian directly, Jian Jian didn't reply to the senior sister's question, but said to Kong Xingkun who was following behind the two with his head downcast:
"You go to the Xianlai Inn and wait first, don't run around in the city, if you get lost, it will be bad if you can't find it!"

Kong Xingkun could only listen to this blatant threat, his bushy eyebrows had already been tied into a knot, he arched his hands, and replied feebly, he could only walk towards the inn alone.

Jian Jian made a soundproof cover casually, and then answered Jian Jing's question:
"The disciples selected this time will bear the burden of inheriting the sect in the future. I think it is prudent to let them rest for a day, and I want to take the opportunity to test them first."

Jian Jing nodded after hearing this. It is related to the inheritance of the sect, so we really need to be more cautious.

"But, they just came from the ordinary world, they are all children, how can we confirm?"

"In my dream, I will let them grow up, face the same situation, and see what choices they will make. Although they can't be screened out [-]% of the time, there is still a [-]% to [-]% certainty. It is worth a try. .”

"Okay, you let go and do it, and I will assist you."

He responded with a simple smile, and sent a message directly to Senior Brother Jianli with his "Zhan" hall's order, explaining the whole story, and Jianli's reply was also very quick, with only one word "yes".

After finishing the business, Jian Jing asked:
"That idiot of the Kong family, what are you going to do with it?"

"Hmph! He wanted us to be his concubine. I didn't kill him. It was already for the sake of the sect. This time I will go to the Kong family in a fair manner, let him come to my peak, and give me Be a servant!"

When Jian Jing heard the simple words, she laughed out loud:

"Junior Sister, I really have you, I think the Kong family might agree."

"It's better to agree, so that I can train him."

She didn't care about simplicity at all, she wanted to see if the Kong family would give up Kong Xingkun this time just like they gave up Kong Qiankun.

"Hehe! Then I'll wait and see!"

The flying boat team of Tianjianzong received a message from Jianpo when they were hundreds of miles away from Tianquan City.

Wu Siyuan looked at his sword and knew that Master Jian Slaughter was in Tianquan City, so he knew that Master must have made other arrangements, so he just dodged and came to the leading flying boat.

"Meet Lord Wu!"

The monks of Tianjianzong bowed neatly and saluted.

"Hmm! I just received a summons from the Law Enforcement Hall, asking us to take the disciples we received and take a rest in Tianquan City for a day."


The leading flying boat adjusted its direction slightly and headed straight for Tianquan City.

Kong Xingkun, who was dejected and returned to Xianlai Inn, finally waited for his savior.

Kong Hui took his attendants and rushed all the way to Tianquan City in a leisurely manner. In the Xianlai Inn, he only saw a female maidservant who left behind to deliver the news.

Knowing that Kong Xingkun went to Yao's house to hide, Kong Hui felt a burst of contempt in his heart, and was going to Yao's house to look for the young master, but Kong Xingkun came back by himself, but his expression was extremely ugly.

"Second uncle!"

When Kong Xingkun saw Kong Hui, he couldn't hold back anymore. He pulled his second uncle and told the cause and effect like beans in a bamboo tube. At the end, he asked incomparably miserable:
"Second Uncle, what should I do?"

After listening to Kong Xingkun's narration, Kong Hui had the desire to beat the other party to death, and he thought a little deeper, whether Lord Jian Slaughter would take this opportunity to trouble the Kong family.

He still knows a thing or two about Jian Luzun's feud with the Kong family.

There are examples of the Hua family and the Fu family before. Although the Hua family was destroyed by the Law Enforcement Hall and the Fu family was involved in an affair with evil cultivators, there are shadows of sword killing in both cases. What he fears most is that the other party will use this As an excuse, the Kong family became the third cultivation family to be destroyed.

It can only be said that Kong Hui's tentacles are still very sharp. If he knew that the distracted patriarch of the Hua family was killed simply by using the identity of Moyue, and then pointed the clues to the Hua family monks hiding in Huanle City, he might be shocked. Be more sure of your own guesses.

The more he thought about it, the more he felt that something was wrong. Kong Hui waved his hand, fanned Kong Xingkun to the ground, and pointed at him angrily:

"You bastard with a brain, if you implicate the family this time, you won't be enough to die many times!"

"Second uncle!"

"Shut up, it's useless for you to call Patriarch, you just stay here, I tell you clearly, since Lord Jian Slaughter wants to send you back to the family personally, I can't take you away, I will go back to the family now, Tell the ancestor what happened, and see if I can save you!"

After finishing speaking, Kong Hui left the Xianlai Inn with a flick of his sleeves, and went straight to the teleportation hall. This time he didn't dare to delay, and wanted to return to the family as quickly as possible.

When Kong Xingkun saw the news of Kong Hui, Jian Jian and Jian Jing received it on the way back to the inn.

"Junior Sister, stop this Kong family! Let him inform the ancestor of the Kong family, it will be no fun!"

Jian Jing smiled treacherously, and also had a look of watching the show.

"Okay, listen to Senior Sister."

Simply sent a message to Jian Po directly.

Jian Po was taking Liu Li and Jin Ai to the gate of the city, and when she received a message from her lord to let the two go first, she turned a corner and went to the teleportation hall.

If it was her, she would definitely choose the fastest way to leave Tianquan City, and the teleportation array is undoubtedly the best choice.

Showing her ink pendant from the Law Enforcement Hall, Jian Po briefly explained a few words, then turned and left.

Kong Hui stepped into the teleportation hall with the effort of front and rear feet. Coincidentally, all the teleportation arrays were full and were in the process of teleportation, and only one teleportation array was free.

"I want to teleport back to Tianshu City."

"Yes, but you have to wait until you have gathered ten people before you can activate the teleportation array."

The cultivator on guard said.

Kong Hui frowned when he heard this, he didn't want to delay for a moment, so he could only say in a discussing tone:
"It's really urgent at home. I'm rushing back. Can you start the teleportation array now?"

The defending monk still said unhurriedly:
"It's not impossible, but the cost will be higher. You also know that if ten people teleport, everyone can share the spirit stone. If you teleport alone, you have to bear all the teleportation costs."

Kong Hui heard the words of the cultivator defending the formation, and knew that the other party did not mean to embarrass him, and he was telling the truth. It is already very good that he is willing to activate the teleportation formation for him alone.

"Okay, how many spirit stones do I need?"

Kong Hui asked.

"Ten high-grade spirit stones."

Kong Hui was heartbroken when he heard this, but he knew that this was not the time to bargain. Anyway, when he returned to the clan, the clan would make up for him, so he readily took out ten high-grade spirit stones.

The cultivator defending the formation received ten high-grade spirit stones, put away one spirit stone in front of Kong Hui, and then waved his hand to insert the remaining nine spirit stones into the slots of the teleportation array.

The teleportation array flickered for a moment, the golden pattern was activated, the other party made a gesture of invitation, and Kong Hui stepped into the formation with his attendants.

After the two stood still, the monk defending the formation outside the formation smiled and said to the two:
"I wish you two a pleasant journey! Come to Tianquan City next time!"

Then with a wave of his hand, the formation was activated.

Kong Hui looked at the other party's smile, listened to the other party's words, and suddenly realized that something was wrong, but it was too late, the teleportation array was activated, and the two of them stood on the conveyor belt, and disappeared into light and shadow in a moment.

The monk defending the formation lowered his head, uploaded a message on his sword, and then opened the formation to continue sending the next wave of monks.

(End of this chapter)

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