Chapter 602 Realistic Dreams
The scene of the whole Feixian Pavilion is very spectacular. The ground in the courtyard is full of Jindan and Nascent Soul monks, and the sky is full of monks who transform spirits and distracted spirits. In front of each person is a plum blossom water mirror, which is slowly rotating for The monk checks.

The water mirror, which is simple and seemingly opened at will, is crossed.

That is, what all the monks see is not the test environment of the disciples they recruited, but the ones recruited by other disciples. This also puts an end to everyone's selfishness, and will even be stricter when examining them.

Five thousand people entered the dream at the same time, and each dream was different, which also allowed the monks to see the strength of Lord Jian Slaughter. After all, the weaving of dreams also required the consumption of spiritual consciousness.

Everyone looked at the water mirror in front of them seriously, waving their hands and turning the screen from time to time, every student had to look at their dreams.

The whole inn was quiet, and some of the rooms where non-Heavenly Sword Sect monks lived also felt the shroud of a powerful spiritual consciousness, and regretted not leaving early.

The children who fell into the dreamland experienced the cultivation of the immortal gate in the dream, encountered setbacks and difficulties, some practiced smoothly, and some practiced slowly, stumbling forward all the way.

Two hundred years later, the Zerg invasion ushered in, which is the highlight of simply weaving dreams.

Even the leading monks of the Heavenly Sword Sect frowned. The overwhelming Zerg broke through the spatial nodes of the Lingyun Continent, and the flames of war ignited inside the sect.

Black beetles devouring monks, flying centipedes, mantises, and the most destructive giant black beetles can be seen everywhere. The monks of Tianjianzong fought to kill the insects while protecting the low-level disciples to leave.

Because of the sudden invasion of the Zerg, the Zongmen was unprepared, and once fell into a bitter battle. Tens of thousands of Zongmen monks were swallowed by the Zerg in a face-to-face meeting, turning them into nourishment for their own growth, and some monks were directly controlled. Instead, he started attacking the same door.

The former companions turned into sharp blades in the claws of the Zerg, and stabbed at the same sect without hesitation, causing a sudden turmoil, and the low-level disciples who had been in the door for a hundred years could only passively watch all this.

They don't even have the ability to kill insects, so they can only leave the sect under the escort of their seniors. This is when the test begins.

The next hundred years was also the century of melee in the Lingyun Continent. All the monks above the Nascent Soul on the mainland joined this protracted war.

The death or injury of every intelligent Zerg has cost the monks in the mainland a huge price. Some small sects and cultivation families have disappeared into the historical torrent of Lingyun Continent without even leaving their inheritance.

This group of Heavenly Sword Sect disciples, who have not yet reached the Nascent Soul stage, guarded the inheritance of the sect, while cultivating desperately, while gathering all their strength, they began to fight against the Zerg.

During this period, some fell behind, some died with the Zerg, and some lost confidence and hid back to the mundane world. Everyone has their own choice.

But in the end, when the Zerg broke through the enchantment between the cultivation world and the ordinary world, some people still chose to stand up and make the choice of a monk; but some people chose to live on and lost the dignity of a monk.

When the sky dawned, the water mirrors in front of all the monks turned dark and then slowly disappeared.

A simple and cool voice sounded:

"Everyone, are there any unqualified disciples to be eliminated?"

Only then did the monks realize that the night had passed, and all the monks felt heavy in their hearts. Even Jian Jing looked at Jian Jian with admiration.

Because the dream of the Zerg breaking through the Lingyun Continent is so real, it is so real that everyone feels that this is what the Lingyun Continent is about to face.

Simply doing this is also sending a signal to the middle-level disciples of the sect that the war is not far away, and some monks with sensitive antennae have already fallen into deep thought.

Simple had to ask a second time:
"Is there any disciple who wants to be sent back to the common people?"

Jianwu was the first to say:
"My lord, the ten people I investigated do not need to be returned monks."

The rest of the monks reported the results of their visits one after another. Among them, 31 young disciples behaved improperly, and they were so frightened that they lost their pride as a monk.

"Jianwu, erase the memory of these 31 children about the cultivation world and send them back to the ordinary world. My Heavenly Sword Sect will not accept any cowards!"

"Yes, Your Honor!"

Then, simply and slowly said:

"Your cultivation may not be the highest, and your swordsmanship may not be the best, but you can't even have the courage to show your sword to the enemy! Destroy the enemies you can, do what a monk should do, It is not in vain for the sect to train you, do you understand?"

"Understood, I would like to follow the teachings of my lord!"

The sound of promises this time was uniform and loud.

"Okay, let's go! It's time to set off and return to the sect."


Jian Jing waved back her enchantment, and everyone left Feixian Pavilion in an orderly manner.

"Junior Sister, do these little disciples remember everything that happened in the dream?"

"Only one day, and then the experience in the dream will be forgotten."

Simply replied with a smile, and then arranged for Jian Po:
"After tomorrow's gathering, ask them if they are still willing to join the Heavenly Sword Sect. If anyone is unwilling, send them back together."

"Yes, Your Honor!"

Jianpo put away the soft smile on her face for a rare time, and replied seriously.

Jian Jian felt that the atmosphere was a bit dull, so he smiled and said:
"What we are doing now is to plan ahead, avoid the worst outcome, and end the war with the Zerg in the shortest possible time, so as to save the Lingyun Continent. You are the main force, let's encourage each other!"

"Yes, Your Honor!"

After sending out Jian Po, Liu Li, Wu Siyuan and Jin Ai, Jian Jing asked:
"Junior Sister, is this what happened to the trial space that you told Senior Brother Jianmao last time that you left after being forced to advance?"


"The dreams you compiled, but all of them?"

Jian Jing continued to ask.


"No wonder senior brother said that your murderous intent alone can affect the opponent's mind! I'm afraid I'm not as good as you!"

What Jian Jing said was sincere.

"Okay, Senior Sister, don't compliment me, why do I listen, are you digging a hole for me?"

"As long as you're smart, I'm urging you to quickly refine that trial magic weapon, and let me have a chance to experience it!"

"Yes, Senior Sister orders!"

As they spoke, both of them laughed.

Today, all the monks who have seen the dream have begun to redouble their efforts in cultivation. In the Tianjianzong, the news of the battle with the Zerg two hundred years later is also slowly spreading.

When Sishi set off, the little guys who were recruited back experienced a night of dreams, and they were all a little sluggish. The eye circles were red when they were young, and they had obviously cried.

When Jian Wu asked, is there anyone who wants to quit, although these little guys are in tears, none of them want to quit.

Jian Wu pointed to a six-year-old boy with red eyes and red nose and asked:
"The dream you had yesterday is what you will have to face in the future. Why do you want to stay? If you don't enter the cultivation world, you can spend a hundred years in peace, and have descendants to die for you."

The little boy is already half-grown and already aware of these things, but he still said firmly:

"Zi Liang needs to learn fairy art to kill insects, and prevent them from entering the mortal world and hurting Zi Liang's relatives and fellow villagers!"

"Okay, I hope you don't regret today's choice in the future, board the ship!"

Boarding the flying boat again, these little guys who have experienced the test of dreams before getting started have already taken the first step to become monks.

(End of this chapter)

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