Chapter 603
On the way back to the Zongmen, Jian Jian and his group took Kong Xingkun on the last flying boat, and they were on the same flying boat with Wu Siyuan and Jianwu.

A few people gathered together, still whispering about yesterday's test dream, but simply called Liuli and Jin'an into the cabin.

"Your Majesty, do you have an order?"

The two saluted Jian Jing and Jian Jian respectfully.

"Liu Li, Jin Ai, is there any medicine that can restrain monks from advancing?"

Simply asked with a smile.

As soon as Jianjing on the side heard this, she knew that her good junior sister was going to do something again.

Liuli was also taken aback for a moment, and glanced at her aunt beside her. Jin Ai thought for a while before saying:

"Master Hui, there is a kind of spiritual plant called 'Yin Grass', which can restrain the cultivation of monks, that is, let monks stay in a certain stage for a longer time."

"It's really quite partial. There is no such kind of spiritual plant in the Lingzhi Daquan."

Jian Jing said.

"Your Majesty, strictly speaking, this plant is not a spiritual plant, but a poison. It is a companion poison called a beast, so few people know about it."

He listened briefly, closed his eyes with a smile, and asked Jin Ai directly:

"You have this kind of poison?"

"Yes, this is the poison I used when I advanced to become a god."

"That's good."

Jian Jian was very satisfied with this poisonous plant, and continued:

"Is it colorless and odorless? How to get the monks recruited?"

Now Jin Ai also understands that this is what His Majesty wants to use to shady people, so he can only say:

"I am a poisonous plant myself. As long as I stay with Your Majesty, it only takes a quarter of an hour for this poison to pass through the skin and enter the body."

"Not bad, but is there a defect?"

"Yes, because of the limitations of my cultivation, when I disperse this kind of poison, everyone around me will be affected. My spiritual sense is not enough to accurately control the spread of the poison."

"Well! It's okay, you can't control it, I can control it!"

He said simply and generously, and then raised his hand, and the round fan of butterfly love marigold appeared in his hand, and Jin Liuli, who was on the side, immediately frowned when he saw this magic weapon.

This magic weapon is the round fan that was used to return the Yin Sword to the senior brother's team in the last stage when I attended the selection of the Law Enforcement Hall together with my lord.

After that, Jian Jian directly put an insulating cover on Jin Ai, letting the other party emit this colorless and odorless gas called "Yin Yin Grass", until the other party nodded, Jian Jian pulled Jin Ai out of it.

Then, with a light tap on the fan, the two butterflies flew away from the fan and entered the isolation cover. After a while, they flew out again, dragging their heavy wings, and landed on the marigold.

And Jian Jian also put away the insulating cover, together with the gas inside that was not completely absorbed by the butterfly's wings, and then said to the two with a smile:
"Liuli, I checked it in the Law Enforcement Hall. There is a poisonous plant called 'Zhan Ji' in the Zongmen's collection. It should distract Jin Ai Chong. Remember to remind Hall Master Jianli when you go back."

"Yes, please trouble Your Majesty to remember, Liuli has recorded it!"

Jin Ai on the side also saluted excitedly, and then the two left the cabin of the two lords.

"Junior Sister, will Jianli agree to your promise?"

"Yes! You can only gain if you give up!"

"You're the only one who makes a lot of sense."

Jian Jing smiled, and then asked:

"Are you planning to pit your family?"

"Of course, it's the father's fault if the son doesn't teach it! They are very arrogant after teaching such a thing, and they can do it if they don't kill it! If it wasn't for the great war in a hundred years, I would use Kong Xingkun as a breakthrough point. Consume them all!"

"Haha! I just like my junior sister's narrow-mindedness!"

Jian Jing couldn't help teasing.

"Senior sister, are you praising me or hurting me?"

"Naturally, to praise you!"

Jian Jian laughed constantly, while the atmosphere on Kong Xingkun's side fell to the bottom, and the whole room was gloomy.

Lu Qiao didn't have the energy to be jealous at this time, when she learned from the young master who the three nuns who offended this time were, she knew that the fate of their maidservants would not be good.

Kong Xingkun is a direct descendant, and the family will come forward to save him, so they will bear the family's anger. At this time, she felt that maybe Lanyi's fate is the best.

Two days later, Jian Jing, Jian Jian and Jian Po led Kong Xingkun and his party to leave the flying boat in a low-key manner and came to Tianxuan City, where the Kong family's headquarters is located.

Wu Siyuan and Jianwu looked at the group of people who disappeared on the flying boat in an instant, Jianwu sighed softly, and said in a low voice:

"It's not good to offend anyone, but Master Jian Luzun, this time the Kong family will ask for good luck!"

Wu Siyuan at the side looked back at Jianwu, coughed lightly, and said:

"The Kong family has indeed been a bit cocky in the past few years, and it happened to be under the sword of Jian Slaughter, and they were also unlucky."

Although the two were talking on their lips, the gloating on their faces still showed a little bit.

This time, Jian Jing waved his hand and led the crowd directly, appearing at the entrance of the Kong Family Land.

Seeing that it was his young master, the guard at the entrance was about to go forward to salute, but was stopped by Jianpo raising his hand, and then directly handed over a simple name card.

"Report to your Patriarch, Tianjianzong Jianlu came to ask for an explanation."

Hearing this, the guard was startled, and immediately took the greeting card from the enchanting female cultivator in black robe, and hurried to spread the news.

And Jian Jian said to Kong Xingkun who was hanging his head beside him:

"Kong Xiaoyou, lead the way ahead, let me also see the scenery of your clan!"

Kong Xingkun was not at all excited about returning to the clan. He knew from the reaction of the guards that his second uncle hadn't brought the news back to the clan at all, otherwise it wouldn't be the reaction.

He still doesn't know that Kong Hui is currently riding a flying boat in the mortal world, rushing to the junction.

As soon as he crossed the barrier, before he could show his identity jade slip to the guardian, he raised his hand to condense a flying sword letter and sent it to the clan. Unfortunately, it was a step too late.

Holding a round fan in his hand, Jian Jian followed Kong Xingkun in a leisurely manner, and the group stepped into the Kong family's clan.

The Kong family land is built on the mountain, and the lowest level is some low-level disciples and mortals of the family, who are responsible for planting spiritual rice and spiritual plants for the clan. A large area of ​​spiritual fields spreads from the foot of the mountain to the middle of the mountain. kind of spirit.

Halfway up the mountain is row upon row of courtyards, all of which are protected by formations. They should be the cultivation place for the children of the clan. A middle-grade spirit vein.

Simply curling her lips into a smile, if the Kong family is sensible, she will punish them slightly, but if they dare to jump in front of her, she will draw their spiritual veins.

A group of people who walked halfway up the mountain and continued to walk towards the top of the mountain finally met the Patriarch of the Kong family who came down the mountain to greet them.

"Greetings to Lord Jian Slaughter! If you are far away, welcome, if you are far away, welcome! This is Kong Yu."

The patriarch of the Kong family came out to welcome him. Kong Wei (Kong) was a male cultivator in the mid-stage of distraction. He was wearing a peacock blue robe, with a general belly, a round face, and he spoke very respectfully and politely. Kong Xingkun behind the simple three was not mentioned.

Simplicity is still walking slowly, just like visiting a garden, and I still don’t forget to remind Patriarch Kong:

"This is my senior sister Jian Jing, and that is my subordinate Jian Po, who came with me!"

The more friendly the simple words, the more the Kong Patriarch's heart beats. This is completely contrary to what the guards brought when they came to hand over the post. It doesn't look like they are here to ask for an explanation, but just to see an old friend.

Kong Wei was still polite, saluted Jian Jing and Jian Po, led the three of them through the square in front of the hall, and entered the reception hall of the clan.

Jian Jian still asked Jian Jing to sit at the head, then lightly fanned the round fan, and said to Kong Wei:
"Please come out to see us who can make decisions in the Kong family."

(End of this chapter)

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