Chapter 610 Heaven's Path Warning
"But Jiajia feels that there is still something lacking..."

Jiajia frowned, thought for a while before continuing:
"It's just that you can't let the listener have the feeling of being there like His Majesty!"

After speaking, he nodded affirmatively.

The shadow guards from the Yu family all had the urge to cover their faces. You said that you are a small qi practitioner who has just started, can the artistic conception you play be comparable to other top monks!
Jian Jian also laughed, but patiently explained to Jia Jia:

"Jiajia is able to realize her own shortcomings, which is very good, Your Majesty will help you analyze and analyze:
First of all, your cultivation base is limited, and you cannot use your spiritual power to activate the pattern of the Guqin, so you cannot use your weapon-Baoqin to substitute the listener into it;
But there is another remedy, which is to enter with emotion. When you play this piece, integrate your own understanding and emotion into the piece, so as to arouse the resonance of the listeners. "

Yu Jiajia listened carefully, nodded from time to time, and then scratched his head and asked:

"I heard my lord played it well, so I wanted to learn it. I don't quite understand the situation of this song yet!"

"Strictly speaking, this song is a war song. As the name suggests, it is played on the battlefield. While improving morale, use the piano to defend against the enemy, and use the piano sound to increase the attack of the companions."

"Wow! That's awesome!"

Yu Jiajia was envious after hearing this.

And Simplicity goes on to say:
"Jiajia has never experienced a battle, she has no personal experience, what she plays is just the music score, but no emotion?"

After hearing the simple words, Yu Jiajia couldn't help nodding, and then concluded by herself:
"Jiajia understands, it means that I currently have insufficient spiritual power and too little experience, so what I play on the piano is only the form, without the artistic conception."

"Yeah! Jiajia is right."

Simply like this kind of child who knows everything, can clearly understand himself, and is willing to improve.This is the embodiment of the advantages of the old orthodox comprehension family in comprehensively cultivating the younger generation.

Next, one big and one small started chatting with the piano music again.

At this moment, there are five rays of light in the sky, coming straight to Tianyue Peak's simple cave.

Ting Feng, who was summoned to be on duty, saw the light falling, and immediately went up to meet it.

Dunguang falling in front of Jianjian Cave Mansion revealed the figures of Jian Chong, Jian Li and a group of five people.

"Junior sister Jianlu is here?"

"Your Majesty is in the cave at this time."

It is clear from the wind that one is the suzerain, the other is the head of the Law Enforcement Hall, and the remaining three are all on duty in the Law Enforcement Hall, and they have all come to look for His Majesty.

Several people came at the same time, naturally they had something important to ask their lord, and Tingfeng led everyone to go straight to the banyan tree.

The simple spiritual sense also caught the spiritual power fluctuations of the few people, stopped talking, and looked in the direction where the few people came.

Uncle Yu also noticed the arrival of several people, stepped forward and said to Jiajia who was happy:

"Jiajia, it's getting late, Your Majesty still has something to attend to, we'll visit again next time."

Jiajia nodded obediently, a little embarrassed, today I have bothered my lord for half a day, and I know a lot of little skills about sound repair, it is also a worthwhile trip.

After being reminded by the shadow guard, Yu Jiajia immediately got off the rocking chair and respectfully saluted Simple:
"To disturb Your Majesty's purity today, thank you for clarifying Jiajia's confusion, Jiajia will leave first, and I am waiting for you to come to the Boys' Hall to teach."

"Okay, let's go!"

The shadow guard led Yu Jiajia's usual group of people to salute, and Jiajia also saluted, and the two quickly left the simple cave.

"Brother, Jian Chong, why are you all here? But something happened?"

Simply asked in surprise.

I just parted with a few people earlier today, and now I have caught up with myself, and I simply feel that there must be nothing good.

"Junior Sister, have you conducted a dream test on all 89 disciples?"

"Yes, all the leading monks participated, but what's the problem?"

While simply answering Jian Li's question, he waved his hand to set up the jade stool, and ordered Ting Feng to wait at the entrance.

"Jian Chong, tell me about the situation!"

Jian Li was not polite, after sitting down, he said to Jian Chong beside him.

"My lord Jian Slaughter, the Zongmen's 'Heart-Catching Gate' is specially used to test the disciples' xinxing, because they have not stepped into the practice, they are still mortals, so they can glimpse their future, the 'Heart-catching Gate' shows The future is pretty accurate."

"so what?"

I was confused by simply listening, what does this have to do with my own test.

"The disciples who entered the 'Heart-Catching Gate' today showed the same future. They all participated in the Great War in the Lingyun Continent, and fought against the Zerg to the end. Almost all of them perished with the enemy."

Jian Chong's voice was a little low, and he continued:

"After the 'Heart Catching Gate' ejected all the disciples, it merged the future of all the disciples together, showing how these disciples participated in the war."

Hearing this, Jian Jian already understood why these people came to find him in a hurry.

"The results displayed by the 'Heart Catching Gate' indicate that Lingyun Continent will be defeated."

Jian Chong's unfinished words were answered in a simple and cold voice.


This time it was Jianli who answered.

"This kind of situation, has the 'heart-catching gate' appeared before?"

"No, this is the first time."

Jian Chong replied directly.

Jian Jian didn't ask any more questions, but lowered his eyes in thought, and waved the round fan in his hand to slowly clear his thoughts.

"You think it's my dream test, so that they are shown as the future in the "Heart Catching Gate", and because of the large number of people, and everyone has experienced a common dream, so the "Heart Catching Gate" will reflect All the futures of the future come together to form a prophecy, am I right?"

Jian Li nodded after listening, the younger sister's reaction was very quick, what she said was exactly what they had guessed.

"You are here to verify whether my dream test will cause such a result?"


Jian Chong replied with a serious face.

"I said during the test that these are just dreams I constructed. They will only stay in these children's minds for a day, and then they will dissipate. If the time is too long, it will cause damage to the sea of ​​​​consciousness of these untrained children."

"Besides, what is my dream based on? Brother Jianli, you know best, that's why it's so real."

A simple reminder to the sword on the side.

Jian Li understood after a little thought. Simply put, she entered the Heavenly Demon Palace as the Demon Moon, and as the Lord of the Demon Shadow Peak, she participated in the battle of "Underworld" and fought the Zerg head-on. There are such realistic dreams.

Jian Jian suddenly seemed to think of something, and said directly to Jian Li:

"Senior Brother Jianli, during your retreat to stabilize your cultivation, I once went to the Heavenly Demon Palace for Jianhou's affairs, and was found out by the True Lord Demon Flame. He said that when the Heavenly Demon Palace needs the magic moon, I must return. "

Jian Li's eyebrows jumped when he heard the sound transmission, and then the second simple sentence came:

"Senior brother, I have never dared to tell True Venerable Tian Yun about this matter, I am afraid that the old man will let me accompany him in the cave!"

Facing the simple and innocent smiling face, Jian Li glared at her directly:
"I know about this, let's talk about it slowly."

She didn't mention such an important matter. It turned out that she was waiting for her to leave the customs and let herself deal with the aftermath.

"So what Junior Sister means is that your dream doesn't affect the 'Heart Catcher' test, maybe this is their future?"

"Yes, it can also be said to be a warning from heaven!"

"Kacha" a purple thunder in the sky flashed over Tianyue Peak, illuminating the faces of Jian Jian and the others.

(End of this chapter)

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