Chapter 611 Life-saving Talisman
This is great, there is no need to say anything else, everyone is cleared up.

Simple is also helpless, she didn't say anything, just gave Zi Lei a warning, and she would bully honest people.

He rolled his eyes at the sky, and simply spread his hands at Senior Brother Jianli and Suzerain Jianchong, expressing that his guess should be right, and then told Tingfeng in the distance:
"Let Yunjuan Yunshu serve some refreshments!"

Ting Feng immediately nodded in response, turned around and left to make arrangements. The purple thunder just now made him tremble with fear, and he still hasn't recovered yet.

It was also the first time for Sect Master Jian Chong to experience Zi Lei's warning, and he was in a daze for a while, and after thinking about it for a while, he realized that what Master Jian Slaughter said should be the truth.

Wei Zhengrong and Qi Wei once again cast admiring glances at Jian Luzun, which could make him guess right.

The next thing is much simpler, and everyone already knows it in their hearts, so what to do is particularly important.

"Senior brother, if the matter hasn't happened, then there is still a chance to recover. At least we have already obtained the opportunity."

"I understand what Junior Sister means. After you took over the law enforcement hall, you have been doing this all the time. I am very clear."

The sect master Jian Chong also reacted at this time, and after careful consideration, since he was elected as the suzerain, all the deployments and proposals made by Jian Luzun are all improving the overall combat power of the sect.

Moreover, any news about Zerg and evil cultivators obtained by Tianjianzong is shared with all sects in Lingyun Continent without hesitation, and it is also guiding all sects and monks to prepare for battle in a disguised form.

"The time limit has already been set, and the rest is up to us. It is pale to say anything, and only a strong cultivation base is the last word."

"Jian Chong understands, thank you sir for clarifying the confusion."

Jian Chong cupped his hands to salute, bid farewell to everyone, and went back to the main hall of the Tianjian Peak Sect first. Next, he also had many things to arrange.

Jian Li was more direct, and waved to the three people behind him, telling them to go back to the Law Enforcement Hall first, and then he had something to say to Jian Lu.

After the three of them left, Yunjuan and Yunshu also arranged the refreshments, leaving room for Jian Jian and Jian Li.

"Junior Sister, do you already have a plan?"

Jian Li asked without any foreshadowing, but Jian Jian heard it clearly, waved his round fan lightly, and said with a smile:

"For two hundred years, I am preparing to attack the Mahayana period. When the war starts, I want to follow the true masters to go outside the space barrier of the Lingyun Continent to hunt and kill the intelligent insect race."

Jian Li was not surprised at all when he heard that, his junior sister was very righteous, and her strength was not bad, her cultivation speed was about to catch up with her.

"I know that having one more Mahayana True Venerable will also be a bonus to the battle situation, but don't force it too much."

"Senior Brother, please rest assured, Junior Sister will not do things that are not sure, and everyone will need to work together. I alone cannot reverse the predicted result."

"Okay, let's encourage each other!"

Here Yu Jiajia and her shadow guard returned to Tianshou Peak, and Jiajia ran all the way to meet her ancestor.

"Old Ancestor, Jiajia saw Lord Jian Lun today."

Fantuanzi Jiajia was elated, and rushed into the arms of a gentle and elegant Mahayana.

"Well! So happy, what good things did you get?"

Yu Zhenzun still loves his great-great-granddaughter very much. The little girl has good qualifications, is smart and sweet-mouthed, and works hard in cultivation. No wonder he prefers her a bit more.

After hearing the old ancestor's question, Yu Jiajia lowered her head and took out the purple jade talisman Jian Jian had given her from her neck, and handed it to her old ancestor to have a look.

"This is the life-saving talisman that Your Majesty bestowed upon me, and His Majesty has just refined it not long ago."

Yu Zhenzun took the divine sense and scanned it, his eyes lit up, and he found the clue.

The spiritual consciousness fluctuation on this life-saving jade talisman is clearly Mahayana Dzogchen, which is on par with his spiritual consciousness, and there is also a sword move sealed inside.

This is equivalent to double insurance. When the spiritual sense cannot protect the person holding the life-saving talisman, you can release the sword style. If you can't kill it, it can also seriously injure the enemy. This is indeed the style of sword killing.

"Old Ancestor, is there a problem with the life-saving talisman?"

Jiajia was a little anxious, she wanted to keep this life-saving talisman.

"What are you in a hurry for? The old ancestor will give it to you after he has tested it, and he can still get your things."

Old Ancestor Yu smiled brightly, teasing his younger generation.

Yu Jiajia curled her lips and muttered softly:

"If you want to stay, just tell me. I'll let Uncle Yu inspect it on the way here. There's no problem."

The ancestor of the Yu family slapped Jiajia directly on the forehead:
"Understood! You are very lucky this time. This jade talisman contains a sense of coercion and a sword attack. You carry it with you, and it can save your life at critical moments."

Jia Jia rubbed her forehead, took the purple jade talisman, hung it back around her neck as it was, then patted her chest, and then began to tell her ancestor how she met Master Jian Slaughter.

During this period, Patriarch Yu also sensed the warning purple thunder in the sky above Tianyue Peak, and then he smiled meaningfully. It seems that Jian Lu does have some skills.

On the second day, Yu Zongfan and Maodou took care of themselves early in the morning, and then came to meet with Master.

"Modou (Yu Zongfan) pays respects to Master!"

Looking at the two young boys, he nodded in simple satisfaction, and then said:
"It was originally scheduled to come back in five days, but something happened on the way, so it was delayed for three days. Is your cultivation going well?"

"Master, please remember, since you took the initiative to recuperate, my junior brother and I have already shown signs of breaking through the tenth level of Qi refining."

Maodou stood up as a big disciple to answer. Although his simple and honest face was a little nervous, he still answered His Majesty's question very seriously.

After edamame had been washed and cut off the marrow, the red birthmark on the left half of his face had almost faded to the point where he could hardly see it. The eighteen-year-old boy had begun to show his charm, following the route of a simple, honest and warm man.

Yu Zongfan was raised by his family, he is shrewd and has the demeanor of a master, two people with different personalities, but it does not hinder the relationship between the two of them, and he has no objection to the fact that Maodou is his senior brother.

Maodou once talked to Yu Zongfan in embarrassment. He thought that Zongfan should be the elder brother, not the outer monk who appeared halfway and obviously took advantage of him.

"Brother Douzi, you are overthinking. You are older than me and have a higher level of cultivation than me. Moreover, you practiced alone in the outer sect, but you are more progressive than the disciples cultivated by my family, so you don't need to belittle yourself. Besides, my lord accepts it." Disciple, how can you and I doubt it?"

A few words dispelled Maodou's worries, and the two of them became more and more in harmony.

Back to the present moment, Maodou returned to the teacher's question, bowed his hands again, and said:
"Master, my junior brother and I discovered a jade talisman in the dantian during the cultivation process. I wonder if it was given by the master?"

"When did you find out?"

"I discovered it the day you left. My junior brother and I are not sure if there is a problem, and we dare not touch it with our spiritual sense. These days we only practice body training and sword training, and we haven't used any kung fu for the time being."

"Not bad, it's still cautious."

Simply affirming the actions of the two, and then said:

"This is a life-saving talisman I specially made for the two of you. It has been bound to your breath. When you encounter a sudden and fatal attack, the life-saving talisman will automatically defend; and you can also activate the life-saving talisman through your spiritual sense. It has sealed the coercion of the master's spiritual sense, and the strongest sword style."

After hearing the simple words, Yu Zongfan and Maodou's eyes lit up immediately.

"However, there is also a requirement for being a teacher!"

(End of this chapter)

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