Chapter 612 Actual Combat Trial
"There will always be a day when the two of you will go out to practice. If you are fatally attacked and the jade talisman is activated, then you have to find a way to save this person's life. If the other party's cultivation base is higher than that of being a teacher, you will also If you want to use the life-saving talisman in your hand to severely injure the opponent, my disciple of Jianlu must not be weak."

"Yes, I will follow Master's orders!"

Both of them straightened their faces and answered the simple request seriously.

"Being a teacher is not to embarrass you. When you encounter a strong enemy, you will naturally focus on saving your life. But if you dare to injure the enemy severely, then the next time someone tries to attack you, you will naturally weigh the gains and losses. This will increase your chances of survival." Chance."

"Yes, the disciple understands, and will work hard to cultivate, so as not to lose the prestige of the master."

"Okay, the first actual combat trial begins now."

A simple dream beast eye was activated, and the blue light flashed, Maodou and Yu Zongfan fell into a towering dense forest, and the roar of monsters could be heard beside their ears.

The two landed in different positions. After contacting each other through the jade slips of communication, the two began to grope and get closer. Along the way, there were not only the obstruction of the first-order monsters, but also the interference of Lingzhi, and even the same Qi refining monk. interception.

Yu Zongfan is a single-earth spiritual root, and he is very skilled in using earth-type spells. Earth thorns are mainly used for attack, and earth walls are used for defense. He occasionally uses the technique of ground cracking to make the first-order snow rabbit fall into a trap, directly piercing the eyes, keeping the fur, and it is smooth Killed a few golden pheasants.

Maodou is the root of the three spirits of gold, water and wood. He has practiced spells of the three departments hard, and can be cast instantly. He is no problem against low-level monsters blocking the way. He put away those that had medicinal value, and uprooted those that didn't.

After Zongfan and Maodou joined together, a second-order monster appeared. The second-order is equivalent to the foundation-building stage of human beings, which made the trial of the two of them more difficult.

"Brother, we have to cooperate well, otherwise we will be defeated one by one by this second-order one-horned bull."

Zong Fan held the spirit sword in his hand. While saying this, he stared at the opposite side, and the gray two-meter-tall one-horned bull also stared at the two of them, ready to go.

"Well, Junior Brother, let's find a way to trap it first, and then kill it. If we let him go on a rampage, the two of us will not be able to work together, and we will be easily scattered by it."

"it is good."

After Zongfan Maodou reached an agreement, Yu Zongfan directly performed a "ground splitting technique" to break open the ground under the one-horned ox's feet, and Maodou cooperated with a "golden archery technique" to hit the opponent's limbs, hoping to break the opponent's leg. Good to reduce impact.

But the two obviously underestimated the defensive power of the second-tier unicorn. The gray coat was the opponent's natural armor. sexual harm.

And the one-horned ox also jumped, jumped out of the crack in the ground, turned to the two of them, and started its attack.


After Maodou greeted him, he immediately used the lightness technique, and traveled through the dense forest with Yu Zongfan.

"Junior Brother, there is a two-headed python on the front site. Let's lure the one-horned ox over there and let them fight, and then we will reap the benefits."

"Okay, listen to brother."

The two fled towards the territory of the two-headed python with the rampaging one-horned bull.

A smile flashed in Jian Jian's eyes, these two boys were quite intelligent, knowing that they were invincible, they used a trick to lure the unicorn to the territory of another second-level monster.

And this two-headed python was incubating offspring, and when it sensed the one-horned ox intruding into its territory, it immediately raised its head and issued a "hissing" warning sound, telling the other party not to cross the boundary.

But the one-horned ox couldn't manage these things, so it rushed to the back of the two of them and pushed forward.

Zong Fan and Mao Dou immediately separated, one left and one right jumped onto the towering giant tree next to them, and then put the invisibility charm on themselves in a tacit understanding.

Maodou has wood spiritual roots, and while affixing the invisibility talisman, he put his hand on the tree trunk and used his spiritual power to make himself a part of the giant tree.

Zong Fan was also very clever. After activating the invisibility talisman, he slowly sank to the bottom and hid himself.

The second-order unicorn that lost its target wandered around angrily, and directly pushed against the giant tree beside it. The sound of "bang bang bang" made Maodou, who was covering the giant tree, hold his breath and did not dare to move at all.

After a loud "bang", the towering tree finally fell down, and the edamame was still covered on the tree, without moving a bit, because he had already smelled a stench and was swimming towards this side.

The next moment, the two-headed python wrapped itself around the belly of the one-horned ox. Both heads opened their mouths wide open, and began to bite towards the softest lower abdomen of the one-horned ox from left to right.

The one-horned ox was attacked, and turned around and slammed into the low rock beside it, hoping that in this way, the two-headed python could get off its body.

All of a sudden, earth, rocks and tree debris flew randomly, the lowing of the one-horned ox and the huffing and puffing of the python's core rang in the ears of Zong Fan and Maodou. They did not dare to release their spiritual sense, and watched the two second-level monsters with their naked eyes. While fighting, silently waiting for the best time.

In the end, the cunning two-headed python was a little better, and broke open the lower belly of the one-horned ox, and the one-horned ox also became ruthless, and turned its head and used the one-headed python to directly pierce one side of the two-headed python's head, tightly entangled with the one-headed python. The horned bull's python body also slowly loosened, became soft, and finally fell to the ground.

The internal organs of the one-horned ox also fell to the ground, and finally fell to the ground, its eyes gradually became dull, and finally died, and the smell of blood wafted around for a while.

After waiting for half a stick of incense, Zong Fan and Mao Dou came out of the hiding place when they were sure that both of them were dead.

The two met each other's eyes, they were more cautious, and slowly moved towards the two who fell to the ground.

Zong Fan poked the one-horned ox with his sword, making sure that the other was dead, and immediately began to disassemble the most important one-horn and outer skin on its body.

"Zong Fan, the meat of the one-horned ox can also be kept, and it can be made into jerky to fight hunger."

When Maodou reminded Zongfan, he also took out a small dagger, which was in the storage bag given to him by his master. It was a knife specially used to dismantle monsters. It was very sharp, and it was the most suitable for Maodou.

"Zong Fan, get out of the way!"

Maodou yelled, and threw the dagger in his hand, but it was a step too late, the other head of the two-headed python jumped out from the belly of the one-horned ox, and bit Zong Fan in half.

Maodou's dagger also pierced into the opponent's vertical pupils, and the python's head twisted in an extremely twisted posture, spraying out a colorless and transparent liquid, which fell on Maodou's body, causing Maodou to instantly turn into blood, and the python's head also fell down , completely dead.

"Zong Fan!"


The two woke up in shock as they called each other's names, panting heavily, sweat streaming down their foreheads, and when they were sure that there was nothing wrong with each other, they looked around and found that the two were still in front of Master's cave, and in front of them was Master Shizun smiling face.


"Hmm! Good boy, how is the experience of death?"

Both of them were a little frustrated, lowered their heads, and said weakly:

"not good!"

"That's all for today. You don't have to be depressed. After all, you are a monster in the foundation period. If you want the two sides to fight each other, you can be a oriole.

"Yes, Master taught me the right thing."

"Go back and summarize the reasons for this failure, and see if there is a better way. I will give you ten days to practice in actual combat."

"Yes, Master!"

(End of this chapter)

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