Chapter 613 Start Research

Yu Zongfan and Maodou were practiced by their master together, and they returned to their stone house in the evening. Along the way, the two brothers and sisters were still talking in low voices.

"Zong Fan, I was careless this time. I didn't pay attention to the other head of the double-headed python, so I let you out early."

"Senior brother, it's no wonder you. Both of us were impatient. The first thing we went to check was to make up the knife. Let's take it as a lesson for us this time."

"Junior Brother is right, the difficulty will definitely increase next time."

"Well! Brother, didn't you notice? This time we dealt with monsters, and we didn't meet any of the monks who were intercepted halfway, so we were kicked out of the trial environment."

"Huh! Next time I'd rather get hurt than experience the feeling of being turned into blood!"

Maodou patted his chest lightly, still feeling a little lingering.

Yu Zongfan nodded frequently after hearing this:
"Me too, the feeling of being bitten off by the waist is really uncomfortable, thinking about it now makes me sweat!"

"Fortunately, the master dragged us out of the trial environment in time. The moment I came out, I felt that I was alive. I feel that my body is complete and I am very lucky!"

"Me too!"

"Looks like we have to work harder!"

The two of them still had weak feet, so they walked slowly back to the East Side Peak without even using the lightness technique.

Jian Jian was also worried that the two of them were hit hard in their first trial, so their spiritual consciousness kept paying attention to the two of them, and found that their minds were still firm, and some feared that this was normal.

Although with the life-saving talisman given by me, there is a high probability that the two of them will not be fatally injured, but simply letting the two of them enter the dreamland for a trial, just does not want them to be lucky, and when they encounter real disasters, they can still calm down Be self-reliant and gain a chance for yourself.

The next day, Wei Zhengrong came to Tianyue Peak to meet Jian Jian and brought news of Du Yanran.

"Your Majesty, I just received the news from the disciples of the Law Enforcing Hall that Du Yanran from the Yin-Yang Sect has escaped. When I entered the Yin-Yang Mountains to get rid of my fellow sect, I met the disciples of the Law Enforcing Hall who went to confirm the news."

"Du Yanran fought against the disciples of Law Enforcement Hall?"

"I didn't have time. After the two met, the monks of the Hua family also rushed over. They manipulated Du Yanran and then left. They didn't embarrass the disciples of the Law Enforcement Hall, nor did they kill Du Yanran."

After a brief thought, he knew that the Hua family should have left a tracking mark on Du Yanran, which should be a "flower seal". This mark can only be tracked by the monks of the Hua family, and it is also something that Du Yanran, who is currently cultivated, cannot find and get rid of.

"The disciples of Law Enforcement Hall went directly to the city of Yin Yang Sect, revealed Du Yanran's whereabouts, and also reported the news that she was pretending to be someone else. Yin Yang Sect is hunting Du Yanran."

After listening briefly, he nodded and said to Wei Zhengrong:
"I see, you should still contact the Hua family and disclose her whereabouts to the other party when Yin Yang Sect lost sight of Du Yanran.


"With the Yin Yang Gate watching her all the time, we save time and effort, why not do it, you just need to inform me of Du Yanran's whereabouts regularly in the future."

"Yes, my subordinates understand."

The Du Yanran who was mentioned has been fleeing in embarrassment. After she escaped from the city under the Yin Yang Gate, she sat in the teleportation array and came to the territory of the Beast Controlling Sect.

As soon as he entered the Beast Familiar Mountain Range, he was about to capture a few monsters for himself to help him in the battle, but the monks from the Yin Yang Gate who arrived later found his whereabouts, slowly opened up the encirclement, and Du Yanran had no choice but to hide in the space again.

Undeterred, Du Yanran checked herself from head to toe again in the space, cursing continuously, and the black air on her forehead was rolling more and more fiercely, but she herself didn't know anything about it.

After Wei Zhengrong finished talking about his business, he changed his tone again, smiling flatteringly:
"My lord, Xueru will come to the sect to take the entrance test in two days."

"Oh? How is Xueru's cultivation now?"

"Xueru has reached the fourth level of Qi Refining now, and she only broke through two days ago."

"Hmm! That's right, did the body refining decoction I prepared for her continue to soak?"

"Naturally, Xueru has followed what your lord has ordered, and now she has started to practice wind spells."

"Okay, I know you miss your sister, and I will go there on the day of your apprenticeship."

"Thank you sir!"

Wei Zhengrong got a simple answer, and went back to the Law Enforcement Hall happily. He wanted to tell Xueru the good news.

And Jin Liuli, another member of the Law Enforcement Hall, had already helped Jin Ai set up a temporary cave, and accompanied her aunt to the General Hall to report early in the morning. After entrusting her aunt to Hall Master Meng, she returned to the simple place to report.

"Thank you, Your Majesty, for your words. My aunt has already reported to Zongtang, but I need a part of the body of 'Bloodworm' to start researching 'Bloodworm'."

Simply understanding what she meant, she said:
"The one we caught was the only one alive. I asked you to look for the sword to see if you could get some eggs from the Demon Palace. Have you gone?"

When Jin Liuli heard this, he immediately hammered his head, and said with some annoyance:
"Look at me, I was so busy with my aunt's affairs that I forgot what my lord ordered. It's my subordinate's fault."

"If you care about it, you will be confused. Go to Jianhou and ask, and then make a plan. If you can't find this kind of worm eggs, then start with this blood worm. At worst, I will split half of it in half."


Jin Liuli got up and was about to leave when Tingfeng came to report:

"Your Majesty, Venerable Jianhou, please see me!"

Jin Liuli was delighted when he heard it, and now he even saved the time to go to Tianming Peak, so he immediately stopped and looked at Jian Jian.

"Let him in."

Jianhou, as usual, bowed respectfully to Jian Jian, and then said the purpose of this trip:

"My lord, I received a message from Mosu. He has some ideas about the capture of bloodworms, and he hopes I can pass them on."

As he spoke, he presented his ink-colored communication jade slip to Jian Jian again.

With a simple scan of their consciousness, they knew the meaning of Mozu's message. It turned out that they had already set their minds on Bi Shu, hoping to find a new hidden blood worm through her.

Jian Jian felt that Mo Su's idea was very good, and said directly to the two:

"Both of you, follow me to see Brother Jianli, this matter still needs to be decided by him."

"Yes, Your Honor."

Law Enforcement Hall

Seeing that Junior Sister Jianlu rarely took the initiative to come to the Law Enforcement Hall, Jian Li's serious face softened a lot, and he said with a smile:
"Junior Sister, are you looking for me?"

"Brother is busy, I didn't want to disturb, but it's not the blood worm, it's not a message from the Heavenly Demon Palace, wanting to join hands with us."

Simply speaking, he handed the black communication jade slip to Jianli and asked him to have a look.

After Jian Li looked at it, he also felt that there was room for maneuver in this matter, and then he said:

"Junior Sister, we have captured one of the 'blood worms' alive. I think it's better to let that Bi Shu come over. As the same kind, they can communicate, so we can get more information."

"Yes, brother's idea is the same as mine. If that's the case, then let Jianhou be in charge of contacting. We'll see the actual situation when this Bi Shu comes."

"it is good."

Jian Li responded with a simple proposal, and it was considered a final decision.

(End of this chapter)

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