Chapter 615 Forging Materials

The ignorant mortal disciple, without knowing it himself, went through a cleansing.

The little disciples soaked in the wooden barrel felt the burning of the body training decoction and the widening of the meridians. It was a sour feeling, and the howling sounded one after another. They all looked like piglets waiting to be slaughtered.

The Foundation Establishment disciples and Jindan masters who had received the guarding task all laughed in their hearts, but their faces were still serious.

"You can endure it if you can, and come out if you can't. This is the first time the sect has spent so much money. After soaking this soup, your road to immortality will be easier."

Although the young disciples were ignorant, it did not prevent them from understanding the last sentence.

After soaking this decoction, you will be able to cultivate immortality and become like a fairy head, so everyone clenched their teeth and insisted. Without the consent of the fairy head, no one stepped out of the barrel.

After washing the tendons and cutting the marrow, these disciples entered the hall together, began to systematically learn the knowledge of cultivation, and gradually began to integrate into the daily life of the Heavenly Sword Sect.

And three months later, ninety percent of this group of disciples had already drawn qi into their bodies, and some disciples with excellent spiritual roots had even reached the second level of qi refining.

When these young disciples really understood the realm of self-cultivation, they realized how precious the body-building decoction they brewed before their practice was, which laid the foundation for their future practice, so they were able to step onto the path of self-cultivation so smoothly.

The remaining [-]% of the disciples who didn't lead the Qi into the body on time were transferred to the Handyman Peak, but before leaving, the foundation-building cultivator who taught them also encouraged them:
"You go to Handyman Peak, it doesn't mean you can't practice, on the contrary, you have to work harder, so that you can catch up with your companions, you just need to spend more time to draw the energy into the body, in the sect, the disciples of handyman become It’s not that there are no direct disciples, it all depends on how you do it yourself.”


After being appeased, the little disciples went to Handyman Peak and started another round of struggle.

After Jian Jian returned to the cave from the Law Enforcing Hall, he ordered Ting Feng:
"I want to shut down a little. After the sect recruits the disciples of the Xiuzhen family, it will be closed to remind me on the day of the acceptance."

"Yes, Your Honor."

After simply dropping the restriction, she took out the blueprint that Jian Li had shown just now, and she decided to refine the central axis of the Rubik's Cube first.

After checking the training room where the moon is, the other party is still sleeping and advancing, so she simply added an isolation cover, then returned to her lounge, and directly entered the space.

As soon as she showed her figure, Jian was surrounded by a cloud.

"Master, Marshmallow has been promoted!"

Cotton Candy's little milk voice is also a little higher, directly wrapped in simplicity, scurrying around in the space.

"Well! The speed is getting faster and faster, do you have any new skills?"

Simple and no resistance, let the marshmallow lead her wandering in the space, passing through the jungle for a while, escaping into the sea for a while, and raising sand grains for a while to cross the desert.

There was a wave of flying sand and rocks as it passed, and the waves were turbulent. Cotton Candy took it easy, and finally stopped in front of the bamboo house.

"Marshmallows can now turn into wind and rain in addition to being faster!"

The shrinking cloud turned red, and while talking, it automatically stuck to the simple bun.

"Oh! Such a skill."

Simply and generously praised the cotton candy.

"Also, the master's sword move Marshmallow can be directly sealed in the body. When I encounter a strong enemy, I can cooperate with the master to release attack moves, or I can put the enemy into Marshmallow's body, and then release the attack. Back and forth."

After listening to it simply, he smiled and narrowed his eyes. It seemed that Marshmallow was born for fighting.

Simply remembering that the first time she used Marshmallow, it was against Hua Chunli in the golden elixir stage.

Marshmallow first helped the four of them resist the coercion, and then helped them hide their bodies. While dispelling the opponent's attack spells, it strengthened the attacks of several people, and finally destroyed the opponent's golden core attack. Marshmallow teleported her to carry it out.

Marshmallow's escaping speed was comparable to that of Jia's monks in the fusion stage. At that time, her cultivation base was only in the emptiness stage. This time she was promoted, and she has improved skills. Jian Jian looks forward to the future that Marshmallow will bring Surprise yourself more.

"Marshmallow, my attack is not weak, can you bear it?"

"It's ok, master, don't use the most powerful attacking sword move as soon as you make a move, let's gradually increase the difficulty."

"That's no problem, just listen to Marshmallow!"

Simply knowing that Marshmallow has only been upgraded, and the skills have not been fully mastered, means to let her take it easy.

Simply smiled and touched the cotton candy on the bun:
"Don't worry, you should settle for a few days and find out the feeling. I entered the space to refine the weapon."

"Yes, Master, Marshmallow will continue to work hard!"

If there is a fist, Marshmallow must be swearing and holding a small fist to promise simplicity.

After comforting Marshmallow, he simply entered the bamboo house, the specially set up refining room.

Simply put the basic materials for refining on the ground one by one, one piece of meteorite iron ore, one piece of black beetle carapace, two pieces of black mountain stone, one piece of space stone, and one piece each of the five series of gold, wood, water, fire, and earth crystals.

Among them, the five-series spar and the Black Mountain Stone are more precious. The five-series spar is a collection in space, and one piece is less. The Black Mountain Stone is privately hidden from the purple-level secret realm. It may belong to the previous class, and it is also rare. of.

After preparing the materials, simply start to refine them one by one. The first step is to remove the impurities in the ore.

The smelting of materials was relatively smooth, Jian Jian had a medium fire, and with the growth of Jian Jian's cultivation base, the abnormal fire became stronger and stronger, and the refining of ores and the precipitation of impurities were completed very well.

It took nine days for Jian Jian to melt all the materials.

The next step is to integrate various materials in a reasonable proportion, which requires repeated attempts.

Simple took a little of each material, and began to tirelessly mix the ratio. Sometimes the fusion was not good, and the materials were directly discarded. Bad luck.

Simply retreat here to refine weapons, but the sect is extremely busy. After more than [-] disciples entered the body, the first round of distribution began. Individuals with relatively good talents were spotted by some powerful monks and directly entered the inner peak. , the rest of the disciples dispersed into the Outer Nine Peaks and began their training in the Heavenly Sword Sect.

The master Jian Chong has gained experience, and set up a special lecture hall in the Outer Nine Peaks, and let Jindan Daoist take turns to give lectures. There are courses for everything involved in the realm of comprehension.

The first year is free to listen to. From the second year of entry, if you want to listen to more advanced courses, you will have to spend Zongmen points. This is an eternal cycle.

If you want to attend lectures and improve your cultivation level, you must have Zongmen points. Zongmen points are only available after completing Zongmen tasks. In order to complete Zongmen tasks faster and better, the higher your cultivation level, the more you receive and complete. The higher the task points, and to improve one's cultivation, in addition to daily practice and sect experience, one must also constantly learn new knowledge and skills.

In this way, the new disciples were busy running around, and at the same time, their cultivation was gradually increasing, reaching the expected goal.

On this day, just as Jian Jian had mixed the materials for refining the main shaft to a very stable ratio, the restriction of the cave was triggered.

Simply put down the materials in your hand, record the latest ratio data into the jade slip, and then dodge out of the space.

 On the first day of the Lunar New Year, Fengling wishes you a happy new year!The auspicious star shines brightly, the wealth is rolling, the body is healthy, and all diseases are cured!From the beginning of the year to the end of the year~
  Dear readers, please give a recommendation ticket and a monthly ticket, thank you!Fengling worked hard to get in the code words, and strived for fifteen or so explosive updates!
(End of this chapter)

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