Chapter 616 Closed Disciple
Simply waving the restriction of the cave, Tingfeng stood respectfully outside the door, and when he saw his venerable, he immediately reported:

"My lord, the disciples recruited by the cultivation world and the cultivation family have passed the entry test. Among them, [-] young disciples with excellent spiritual roots and cultivation are waiting in the main hall of Tianjian Peak to be selected by monks from various peaks."

"Okay, I see, now follow me to have a look."

He simply changed into a sky-blue magic robe, took Tingfeng alone, and headed towards the main hall of Tianjian Peak.

Before leaving, he specially instructed Yunjuan and Yunshu to open a new cave next to his own cave.

Simply ask Tingfeng around you on Tunguang:
"How is Luther's arena guarded?"

After listening to the wind, he immediately replied:

"Guan Lu has been defending the competition for nine days, and the current winning percentage is [-]%."

"Well! It's not bad, it's better than I expected. You guys will go to the ring when you have time."

"Yes, Your Majesty. Recently, there have been a sudden increase in the number of people fighting in the ring, especially the monks above Gold Core. Many of them go to the ring to practice their hands. The rings at all peaks are overcrowded."

Tingfeng conveyed the news that Lu Se had brought back to Jian Jian in a timely manner.

"It's a good sign."

Jian Jian knew in his heart that this might be the group of monks who led the team back to the mortal world, and had already spread the news they had received.

In addition to this entry test, there was a little situation in the "Heart Catching Gate". The well-informed monks probably had guesses in their hearts, so it was reflected in their daily practice.

On the other side, Wei Zhengrong in the Law Enforcement Hall was a little absent-minded on duty today.

Jin Liuli on the side smiled and said:
"Didn't you go to see your sister yesterday? Why are you so worried?"

"Xueru is fine, but today is the day to accept apprentices, I don't know if Jian Luzun has gone up?"

Qi Wei, who was tidying up the jade slips at the side, also interrupted after hearing this:

"Zhengrong, have you made up your mind to let Xueru enter the sect of your lord?"

"Xueru made her own idea. As the eldest brother, I naturally have to find a way to satisfy her wish."

Jin Liuli and Qi Wei looked at each other and smiled, knowing that it was Wei Zhengrong, an old brother who cared about him but was confused.

"Didn't you say that Your Majesty has already agreed? It is estimated that this time has passed."

At this time, Jian Jian's escape light happened to fall on the main peak, and the guards in front of the temple saluted Jian Jian and let him go.

Today's main hall is more lively than usual. Sect Master Jian Chong sat at the head, and the senior monks from Nei Jiufeng sat beside him, and they all came to join in the fun.

His Highness stood with twenty children of different sizes, among them were thirteen boys and seven girls, Wei Xueru was in the row of girls.

Xueru was wearing a small purple-pink robe, combing her hair with a bun, her face was ruddy and full of vigor.

Xueru's bright eyes had already looked at all the monks in the hall, and she was a little disappointed, she didn't see any familiar figure.

The monks in the main hall had already scanned all twenty children, and began to pull the disciples they liked to their peaks.

These young disciples are not newcomers from the ordinary world, and they all have their own plans in their hearts. Even if they don't, the elders in the family have explained something.

When Jian Jian entered the main hall, several cultivators who practiced emptiness and fit had already chosen their favorite disciples.

And a fit male cultivator from Tianhua Peak was asking Wei Xueru if he would like to be his disciple, and this happened to be Feng Linggen.

There was a hint of anxiety on Xueru's face. When she was hesitating, she saw Jian Jian and immediately showed a smile, and respectfully replied to the fit statue who asked about herself:
"Xueru, thank you for your love, senior, but Xueru wants to join Sword Slaughter Zun to practice under his sect, I hope you can understand."

"Oh! As far as I know, Jianlu is not a wind root, but my spiritual root is the same as yours. It will be more beneficial for you to practice with me, and my cultivation level is higher than Jianlu's!"

"Xueru thank you for your kindness, senior. I just want to worship Master Jian Lu as my teacher."

Master Jianhua heard Xueru's words, although he was a little regretful, but he didn't force it, and he also saw the simplicity of coming in.

"It's the junior sister who came a step late, please brother cut love."

"Junior Sister is really good at talking, this little girl is here for you, I am late this time."

There was a smile on Jianhua's elegant face, but he was not angry.

"Thank you, brother!"

After hearing the simple words, Wei Xueru felt a big stone in her heart, and immediately bowed upwards with crooked eyebrows and eyes:
"Wei Xueru pays homage to Lord Jian Lun, and asks him to come and practice under his door."

Jian Jian raised his hand slightly, supported Xueru, looked at Xueru who was more energetic, also showed a smile, and nodded as he recognized this apprentice:
"There are two senior brothers above you. As soon as you stepped into my sect, you are my third disciple and also my closed disciple."

With simple words, he raised his hand and shot out a purple jade life-saving talisman, which escaped into Wei Xueru's body.

"Wei Xueru pays homage to Master!"

Xueru was also clever, when the purple jade talisman entered her body, she immediately knelt down and worshiped.

"Hey, get up!"

Simply chose Xueru and did not intend to accept others, so she stood up and bowed to everyone present:
"Junior Sister has already selected a disciple, so let's go ahead."

Seeing that Jian Lu was not greedy, everyone in the hall left after accepting only one disciple. They all bowed their hands, congratulating her on receiving a satisfied disciple.

He thanked everyone simply and politely, and took Xueru first, and drove back to Tianyue Peak in Dunguang.

Coming to a familiar place again, Xueru's smiling face widened a bit.

Yunjuan and Yunshu have already opened a new cave next to your lord's cave according to your lord's instructions.And it was newly decorated, ready to welcome His Majesty's third disciple.

"Xueru, let Yunjuan Yunshu take you to the new residence first, you can see if there is anything inappropriate, and then come to the master."

"Yes, Master!"

Xueru is also familiar with Yunjuan and Yunshu. The last time she dredged her meridians at Master's place, they were the two who took care of her on weekdays.

Xueru was a little happier when she found out that her residence was next door to Master.

Walking around in the cave, the layout of the cave is very warm. The cave is divided into three parts: the bedroom, the training room and the reception room.

Beds, tables and chairs, tea sets and utensils are all available, and several pots of purple epiphyllum and dahlias are placed in the cave to make the cave more alive.

Wei Xueru happily took out her usual bedding, washing utensils, and a few dolls from her storage bag. After putting them in order, she hurried to see her master. She didn't want the master to wait for her. too long.

"Master, Xueru has made arrangements."

Looking at the little person standing in front of me in a regular manner, I am very satisfied with the simplicity. It is said that children in the cultivation world are early-witted. sensible.

He simply waved his hand and asked Xueru to sit on the jade stool beside him, and then he began to talk about his plan for her:

"Your two senior brothers, you will see them tomorrow. They are all practicing on the east side of Tianyue Peak. I will give them the small hill. Because you are young, you will follow the teacher and wait for you." After you build the foundation, go to a mountain to practice with your brothers, okay?"

Xueru's big eyes reflected a simple face, she listened carefully to Master's words, and when she was asked, she nodded her head immediately:

"Xueru obeys Master's arrangement."

With a simple flick of her sleeves, a silver storage bracelet and a high-end storage bag appeared in front of Xueru.

 Today is the first day of the Lunar New Year, and Fengling wishes everyone a happy new year!
  Dear readers:
  The year of the tiger is auspicious, with good luck, good health, wealth, and family well-being. All good things will happen this year!
(End of this chapter)

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