Chapter 620 Brothers and Sisters
"What does the patriarch mean?"

Wei Chengze spread his arms and asked his father.

"Let's put this aside for now. When they came to ask my Wei family, they thought that the wind energy technique was so easy to find? If Wei Xueru had worshiped the wind spirit root monk of the Tianjianzong as his teacher, we might not be able to do it yet, but she The sword that I worship is a five-spirit root, although I can advance quickly in cultivation, but I am not a monk with a wind-spirit root after all, so the difference is huge."

Patriarch Wei spoke with complacency.

"Then the ancestor, do you still need to pass over the post of Jian Lu?"

"Leave it for now, wait until the ancestor asks."

After all, the incident happened suddenly, and they didn't expect that a family member who had been confirmed as incapable of cultivation could practice again, and decisively left the family to join the Heavenly Sword Sect.

When I first started, I found a powerful master for myself, which caught them off guard. At this stage, I can only delay until the ancestor asks.

In short, the Wei family was somewhat passive in this matter. Of course, Wei Wei's family was hated by the patriarch's lineage.

Heavenly Sword Sect

The next day, brothers Mao Dou and Yu Zongfan came to see their master and accepted the second round of actual combat trials. They met their little sister as no surprise.

He briefly introduced his three disciples to each other, and then said:
"The two of you are senior brothers, so you have to act like a senior brother. You usually take care of your junior sister. Because Xueru is young, she will be by my side before the foundation establishment, so that I can recuperate his body and wait for her to establish the foundation. , will move to the East Side Peak and practice with you.”

"Yes, Master, this disciple has made a note, and will take good care of my junior sister."

Maodou and Yu Zongfan looked at the little junior sister who was obediently standing beside the master, and felt very happy in their hearts. They were also senior brothers, and they immediately felt much taller when they had junior junior sisters who needed to be taken care of.

"Xueru has met the two senior brothers. Starting today, Xueru will practice together with the two senior brothers. I hope the senior brothers can mention Xueru more."

Xueru knew the rules very well, saluted Maodou and Yu Zongfan, and sweetly called senior brother twice, which made the two of them very happy, and immediately began to rummage through the storage bags, wanting to give her junior sister a meeting gift.

Jian Jian smiled and watched from the side without interrupting, the unity of the brothers and sisters was also a lesson she wanted to teach the three of them.

So Jian Jian specially gave the three of them a day, and asked the two senior brothers to take them to the East Side Peak to see the future training ground.

Maodou and Yu Zongfan took their little junior sister around the East Side Peak, and specially selected a place of geomantic omen for her, as the future training and residence of the junior sister.

Xueru was very happy, very satisfied with the place the two senior brothers chose for her, so she simply pulled the two senior brothers to start planning her own cave.

Yu Zongfan Youzu's uncle was in the affairs hall, and he knew a lot more, and made a lot of suggestions. Maodou belongs to the hard-working school, so he directly used his sword to circle the place that Xueru was optimistic about, and cleaned up some weeds and stones on the ground up.

"Xueru, you need to recuperate your body now, so you won't come here for the time being. We can exchange all the materials you need to build the cave for you. When you are free, come to the East Side Peak. Brothers will help you a little bit. The cave has been tidied up and arranged, and when Master is busy, you can come and practice with us."

Yu Zongfan talked about his plan shyly. Although Maodou didn't chew, he obviously agreed with his junior brother.

Wei Xueru listened, her eyes were sparkling, the corners of her mouth raised, she nodded, and said obediently:
"Xueru will tell Master that when the time comes, I will build the cave with my two senior brothers and arrange it myself. Then I can invite my elder brother to come and see my cave."

"it is good!"

The three of them decided so happily, and then Xueru went to see the cave of the two senior brothers, and saw Bai Bai who came out to find his master.

Yu Zongfan held Baibai in his hands, stroked Baibai's little head, and then introduced to his junior sister:
"Xueru, this is my spiritual pet, his name is Baibai."

"Baibai, this is Your Majesty's third disciple, and also my junior junior sister. We will practice together in the future, so let's get to know each other."

It was the first time for Xueru to see a spiritual pet, her big eyes were full of novelty, she wanted to touch her, but she was a little embarrassed about you.

The white little black bean glanced at Xueru's body, then jumped onto the opponent's arm, and then jumped along the arm to Xueru's shoulder.

"Junior Sister, you don't have to be afraid, Baibai has no malicious intentions, he just likes you, that's why he got close to you."

Yu Zongfan immediately explained.

Xueru was obviously bolder than her senior brother thought. She stretched out her hand, gently held Bai Bai in the palm of her hand, and then carefully placed it in the palm of the other hand. One person and one mouse looked at each other for a long time.

Xueru also solemnly introduced herself to Baibai, and then Baibai followed Xueru back to the main peak where the master was located without looking back, making Yu Zongfan want to cry without tears.

Jianjian saw that Xueru brought Baibai back, and asked with a smile:

"Why is your Senior Brother Zongfan willing to hand it over to you for nothing?"

"Master, Bai Bai and I hit it off right away, can you let Bai Bai stay with me for a few days?"

Xueru touched Baibai, then scratched her head, staring at Jianjian with bright eyes, hoping to get permission from the master.

"Yes, but Baibai is your senior brother's spiritual pet. It's okay to stay here with you for a few days, but it must be returned to your senior brother. If you like it, how about finding a spiritual pet for you?"

"Xueru thanked Master, I was just curious, and spent a few days with me in vain, and then I sent him back. When I have the ability, I will catch a pet I like by myself."

What Xueru said was very ambitious.

"Okay, then it depends on Xueru's luck and strength."

She simply smiled and said that she knew that Xueru needed a process of adaptation. The last time she dredged her meridians, she would leave after the treatment, but this time it was different, and she had to stay here for a long time until she could become a sect.

So appearing in vain can alleviate Xueru's loneliness. After all, having a little partner will reduce the desertedness.

He simply raised his hand and laid out a spiritual meal on the jade table, so that Xueru could eat on time. After all, she hadn't bigu yet, and she couldn't stand the hunger, so she was smeared in vain. She ate several pieces of pastries made of spiritual rice, and her belly was round. .

Bai Bai sighed, it's better to follow the master's master, the cultivation environment is first-class, the food is so exquisite, and it also contains spiritual energy, after eating, the whole stomach is warm.

Simply put, there is no rule of not talking when you eat something. After eating a piece of spiritual rice cake, Xueru reported to the master what she had gained from visiting the side peak today.

Listening simply and patiently, nodding from time to time, expressing support for Xueru's plan to arrange the cave in advance.

"I'm afraid you don't have time this month. I'll make the body refining decoction first, and then I'll ask Yun Shu to take you to exchange some materials. When you have time, you can arrange it yourself."

"Yes, Master, cultivation comes first, and I will not delay my cultivation."

Xueru promised earnestly. She knows how difficult it is for her to cultivate, so she cherishes it very much.


Simply wave the round fan, take out a plate of crystal fruit, let Xueru and Baibai share it together, let her rest early, and practice will officially start tomorrow.

Xueru went back to the cave to rest with a blissful whiteness.

Simple is that Yun Shu was recruited, and he ordered:

"Xueru has not established a foundation, and she has to eat three times a day. You prepare the spiritual meal and urge her to eat it on time. Don't miss the meal because of cultivation."

"Yes, Yun Shu understands."

(End of this chapter)

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