Chapter 621
On the second day, Wei Xueru soaked in the simply prepared body training decoction. He didn't feel anything at first, but as the medicine of the body training decoction penetrated, his body began to become hot. The medicine seemed to be under the skin, burning Burning flesh and blood.

This is where the spiritual plant with scorching sun grass is exerting its medicinal effect. This kind of spiritual plant can be found in the cultivation world from a hundred years to ten thousand years old, but the longer the year, the higher the value.

Because Xueru was training her body for the first time, she simply used a 100-year-old spiritual plant, and did not use a older one, for fear that her body would not be able to bear it.

Xueru also felt the burning power of the medicine, and she still sat cross-legged in the bathtub, gritting her teeth and persevering.

"Xueru, start the first layer of the body training method."

Simply see that the medicine has been absorbed almost, and make a sound to remind Xueru.

Xueru heard Master's gentle voice in her ears, and immediately followed the exercises taught by Master to her, and began to use her spiritual consciousness to promote spiritual power, so that the spiritual energy in the meridians would follow the route of the exercises, and began to grind with the power of the medicine skin.

Two hours later, the green decoction became clear, and the medicinal power had been completely absorbed.

Nodding simply and satisfied, Xueru has performed well, and she has already started body training.

Simply wave your hand and do a cleansing formula to clean up all the impurities from Xueru's body, and then tell Xueru:
"You have already absorbed the power of the medicine, now to make it more thoroughly absorbed, you first do a set of body training boxing, and then practice swinging the sword a hundred times."

"Yes, Master!"

After Xueru had changed into her training clothes, the little man carried his iron-wood sword on his back, and went out of the cave, and did a set of body-training boxing first, but the first round was not very good.

Jian Jian watched from the side, lightly squeezed his fingers, twisted them into small water droplets, bounced to the place where Xueru's movements were not in place, and then corrected him.

Xueru was also very attentive. After being taught by her master once, she practiced the body training boxing method again, and this time basically corrected all the mistakes.

After simply correcting it again, there is no mistake in Xueru's body training boxing technique for the third time.

"That's right, Xueru has made rapid progress, and there is no problem with her boxing skills. Now it's the strength of her punches, which needs you to improve slowly."

"Yes, Master, Xueru has made a note, now go and swing the sword."

Xueru brought her own iron-wood sword and began to practice sword swinging.

At this time, Maodou and Yu Zongfan also arrived at the master's cave. The three of them met each other and went to practice separately.

Maodou and Yu Zongfan just greeted their master, and the moment they looked up, they were dragged into the desert trial environment. This time, they were dealing with sand scorpions.

Maodou and Yu Zongfan respectively landed in the hinterland of the desert. Before they could meet, they were surrounded by densely packed first-order sand scorpions.

Holding spirit swords in their hands, facing the scorching sun, the two began to attack the sand scorpions that were crawling fast on the sand. If they were stung by sand scorpions, it would be no joke.

Maodou covered his spirit sword with gold spells, and then began to run wildly in the desert using the lightness technique. While swinging the sword, he slashed at the sand scorpions rushing towards him. The main attack points were on the sand scorpion's tail stab and a on the pliers.

Yu Zongfan also held the spirit sword in his hand, and quickly escaped from the encirclement of the sand scorpions. First, he used a submergence technique to bury a piece of sand scorpion in the ground, and then quickly broke out. Jumped out, and continued to run towards Yu Zongfan.

In the dream of the trial, the two were chased and jumped up and down, but in reality, the two were still standing in front of Jian Jian, but their faces were a bit indescribable.

Xueru, who was swinging a sword at the side, found that the two senior brothers stood in front of the master as if they were being punished, and there was no more words.

"Xueru, focus on swinging the sword."

He simply took a sip of tea and opened his mouth to remind.

Xueru immediately turned her attention back to the iron-wood sword in her hand, swung it vigorously, and continued her unfinished task of swinging the sword.

The two senior brothers persisted longer than last time, and were finally wiped out by a second-order sand scorpion. The two senior brothers jointly removed a pincer of the second-order sand scorpion, but were killed by the sand scorpion's tail stab. A string of candied haws came, and I was dragged back to reality from the trial dream.

Simple still smiling, asked:
"How is the harvest this time?"

"Tu'er is still lacking in strength, and failed to escape the attack of the second-order sand scorpion."

Maodou was the first to answer, and Yu Zongfan beside him also nodded.

"Not bad! You can recognize your own strength. After two trials, the two of you are already on the verge of breaking through. Go back and close a small test to break through the tenth level of Qi Refining."


The two bid farewell to their masters, quickly returned to their own hilltops, entered their own practice room in unison, and began to exercise their exercises to break through the tenth level of Qi refining.

Bai Bai saw that his master was ordered by his superior to break through, he was a little anxious, and wanted to go back, so he jumped onto the jade table next to Jian Jian and yelled twice.

"Now you know that you miss your master? Don't worry, he didn't break through so quickly. I will ask Xueru to send you back in a few days."

As he spoke, he raised his hand and threw a red fruit to Baibai. The red fruit was the size of a baby's fist, and Bai Bai hugged him in his arms.

And Lu Se, who returned to Tianyue Peak in a low-key manner, did not go forward to salute until Jian Jian had finished teaching several apprentices.

"Your Majesty, Lu Se has completed the punishment and is back on duty today."

"Is there any gain?"

"Lu Se barely fulfilled His Majesty's instructions. The winning rate is [-]%, and the sword energy has been completed. After these ten days of polishing, he has become more diligent and has reached the Great Consummation."

Lu Se described in detail the ten strong opponents he met during the ten days of the battle. Through the battle, he also discovered his own shortcomings.

"It's good to have something to gain. From now on, I will go to watch the ring for five days every month when I have time. Don't let your own cultivation fall behind."

Simple still whispered.

Lu Se understood that His Excellency intended to enhance his actual combat experience, so he didn't complain at all. What happened last time was also his own fault, and he readily accepted His Excellency's punishment.

"I'll meet my little apprentice Wei Xueru in a while, she will practice by my side before she builds her foundation."

"Yes, my lord, Luther understands."

"I arranged for Yun Shu to take care of Xueru's daily life, so you should pay more attention on weekdays."


Simply seeing that things were basically settled, he drove directly to the Law Enforcement Peak in Dunguang. This time, Jian Jian did not go to the main hall of the Law Enforcement Hall, but abducted to the main hall of the Battle Hall.

The light disappeared for a moment, and the guards of the battle hall immediately stepped forward to salute:

"Greetings to Hall Master Jian Slaughter."

"Well! Who is on duty today?"

Simply ask casually.

"My lord, it's Tianjian squad leader on duty."

"okay, I get it."

Jian Jian wore a blue robe of ordinary clothes today, and the robe was radiant, low-key and luxurious, and he had already stepped into the main hall of the battle hall.

The main hall of the battle hall is only [-] square meters, and the top is a huge night pearl. Four pillars support the whole hall. The pillars are engraved with sword moves. The sword moves on the four pillars are combined together, which is the "Heavenly Sword" Nine styles".

The main seat is a large black meteorite chair, and behind the chair is a painted wall with two staggered swords, one black and one white.

A few iron and wood chairs were randomly placed under the main seat, and sitting in one of the chairs, Tianjian squad leader, who was using spiritual power to nourish his own natal spirit sword, immediately waved his sword back and went up See you before.

"Greetings to Hall Master Jian Slaughter!"

(End of this chapter)

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