Chapter 622
"Long time no see! How are you doing recently?"

Jian Jian walked slowly towards the main seat, and after taking his seat, he asked Tianjian squad leader with a smile.

"Thanks to the hall master, the Tianjian team is very good, but it has been a long time since there is any action, and the sword feels a little rusty."

All members of the Tianjian team have passed the simple "first-order first-level" test, and their cultivation bases have generally improved slightly.

Tianjian's team leader is currently at the late stage of refining the void, and the eight team members are basically above the distraction stage.

Tianjian squad leader, who had tasted the sweetness, naturally wanted to enter the trial of killing the hall master again.

"You have few tasks to prove that the sect is stable and everything is fine."

"Yes, the hall master is right!
I don't know that the hall master came to the battle hall today and didn't inform the other brothers. What orders does the hall master have? "

"I've asked Meng Congjian to set up the biggest arena on Law Enforcement Peak. Today, you'll get all the captains of the nine teams. Let's go to the arena to warm up, how about that?"

Said simply and unhurriedly.

"Yes, hall master, this subordinate will inform the juniors now!"

Captain Tianjian's eyes were amazingly bright all of a sudden, and the corners of his mouth were almost grinning to the back of his ears. He waved his hands and released eight flying swords to pass the letter. Then he bowed and made a simple gesture of please.

Jian Jian smiled faintly, left the unoccupied seat, and walked to the place where the Law Enforcement Peak ring was located with Captain Tianjian.

"You guys are so impatient, have your hands itched recently?"

"Haha! To tell you the truth, all members of the Tianjian and Tianyue teams have entered the trial stage, and their cultivation has improved, but the other teams are so envious, so they are all eagerly waiting for you!"

Captain Tianjian is good at communication, and he speaks very frankly. He explained everyone's recent movements clearly without saying a few words.

Jian Jian listened, nodded from time to time, and occasionally asked a few words, so he probably understood the situation of the Zhantang, which was not much different from what he learned from the jade slips before, and the rules of the Zhantang.

The nine squads in the battle hall correspond to the inner nine peaks, and basically gather the high-level combat power of their respective peaks, and they are all screened through layers of screening to enter the battle hall.

Although there are many opportunities for actual combat in the battle hall, the risks are also high. Even so, for sword cultivators, this is a good choice to improve their cultivation and combat power.

It can not only complete the mission of the sect, but also improve the combat power, and the sect points can be obtained, which can be said to kill three birds with one stone. Therefore, in the Tianjian sect, all pure sword cultivators who are above the transformation of gods will be considered for duty in the battle hall of the Law Enforcement Hall .

Jian Jian knew very well in her heart that she was able to become the hall master of the battle hall because she fought every game. At least now her cultivation base is higher than them, otherwise she would not be able to restrain these fighting madmen.

When the two arrived in front of the biggest arena, the eight captains had been waiting for a while, and they were chatting with each other with smiles on their faces. When they saw the two, they enthusiastically surrounded them.

"Meet the hall master!"

"It's been a long time, everyone. I called you here temporarily today. Did I bother you?"

"Hee hee! Hall Master invites us, so naturally we have to come quickly, why bother, I can't wait to ask for it, come late, the benefits will belong to others!"

Captain Tianyue said bluntly.

"I see that your hands are itchy."

He said with a simple smile.

Immediately, he ordered the monk guarding the ring:

"I have reserved this arena with Hall Master Meng, and now I want to use it, open the arena!"

The cultivators guarding the ring knew that the arena might be opened today after seeing the captains of the battle hall, and they asked to open the arena as expected.

Jian Jian directly showed his battle hall master token, and the opponent immediately opened the arena, then looked at Jian Jian and bowed to ask for instructions:

"Master, how many levels of defense do we need?"

After a brief glance at the excited hall masters, he directly signaled the other party to open the high-level defensive cover, and then took the lead in climbing the steps and stepping into the ring.

After Jian Jian stood still, he waved to the nine people outside the ring:
"Come up!"

The nine people looked at each other, their eyes flashed with excitement, they tiptoed, and they came to the ring in an instant.

The cultivator who guarded the ring shook his head, put down the high-level defensive cover, and then took out the communication jade slip from the comprehensive hall, and sent a message to his hall master.

"You are all lords of refinement, and your strength is not weak. Let go of your hands and feet today and fight with me for a round to see if you have the ability to force me to use the natal sword."

With simple words, he pressed his fists together, activated his obsidian bracelet, which he hadn't used for a long time, and then punched out, hitting the nine people on the opposite side.

The nine of them have also experienced battles. At the moment of simple punching, the natal sword was in hand, and began to face the punching shadow. For a while, the sword light and the fist shadow collided with each other, making a huge impact sound, and then the force wave spread to the surroundings. The defensive shield withstood the dissipated power of the first wave of attacks.

The cultivators guarding the ring were also stunned. The cultivators in this battle hall are tough, and they fight as soon as they go up, without delaying a breath.

But looking back at the spirit stones that had been consumed after the defensive cover was activated, he felt very distressed.

After waiting for the nine people to break all their first punches, they continued:

"I asked everyone to warm up just now. From now on, everyone should be careful."

After the words fell, this time it was a pair of fists attacking, the purple fist shadows filled the entire ring, and the nine people also gathered the spirit of 120,000 points and began to break through simple attacks.

Sword lights of various colors and simple fist shadows chased each other, collided with each other, and even devoured each other; The sword light attacked, and finally the shadow of the fist dissipated.

The fighting in the arena here is in full swing, and there are more and more monks onlookers from the outside world. Even several true venerables such as Tianyun, Tianhong, Tianyu, etc., directly watched this one-on-nine arena match with water mirrors.

Meng Congjian, who came over after hearing the news, stared at the consumed spirit stone for a while, and sighed helplessly. He felt that the comprehensive hall might be at a loss this time. The spirit stone was consumed so fast that his heart was bleeding, so he simply Out of sight, out of sight, turned his attention to everyone on the stage.

After the first round of attacks, the nine captains also became smarter, knowing that they would lose if they fought alone, so they directly formed the Jiugong attack formation and began to fight against Simple.

Simply nodding in satisfaction at this time.

The nine of them knew that with their current strength, it would be difficult for them to receive the hall master's attack alone, so they formed an attack formation and began to fight against Simple.

The attacking swordsmanship of each department continuously condenses huge sword shadows, forming in the arena, the red fire sword shadow, the brown earth sword light, the green wood sword momentum, the blue water sword field, and the golden golden sword shadow. A sharp giant sword fell from the sky.

"Good come!"

Simplicity has also aroused interest. This is a joint attack technique commonly used by high-level monks in the battle hall. It is specially used by the battle hall team to deal with monks who are higher than themselves when performing tasks.

Today, it can be regarded as an experience of a nine-person battle formation. The attack power of the combined attack has even reached the late stage of fusion. This is because the strength of the nine people is not equal. Reached the early stage of Mahayana.

Therefore, the sword cultivator's step-up challenge is very terrifying. When the combined attack technique started, the entire defense cover began to flicker. Hall Master Meng saw it and waved his hand to increase the defense of the ring to the top.

With a "bang", the defensive cover shook.

(End of this chapter)

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